Omg I'm in love with it. I went on to read the raws and it really surprised me, I like it even more. Can't wait for more.
I love the main character designs, the older one is a fresh breath of air for an omega, his looks and personality are your average male, not a walking cliche like the younger omega (TBH I'd love it better if the younger omega and alpha had their orientation switched like in Honey smt).
Same can be said about the older alpha, although I can't say more without it being spoiler.
This is just a personal opinion: I couldn't care less about the second couple, but every single hot scene up to chapter 11 is about them and I'm just? I don't care? I want to see the main couple please?
That's my opinion tho, not a judgement on the quality of the story.

After reading this chapter, I am more sure that Yanek loved Diesel as much as he thought of him as an asset. That's not to say he absolutely didn't care for Diesel, but I don't think that's love. I think that discussion is gonna come up at some point, if the bathtub scene is to be taken seriously.
And I honestly can't feel bad for a drugs lord/people trafficker. In the end, Ein is a policeman doing his job to take down a criminal, and all this time the plan was to arrest him. Diesel just complicated things for him.
Which brings me to the cheating issue - I don't think cheating is okay at all, but I am under the impression that they were not an exclusive couple, but lovers? Correct me if I'm wrong here. I also didn't see emotional attachment, and maybe that's double standards because I don't like Yanek, but I think that's the author's merit for devising a plot with so many moral questionings that what I think is absolutely wrong (cheating) doesn't bother me here.
Diesel's bigger issue, IMO, is his fickle loyalty. Up to this point, that's understandable, he's an abuse victim clinging to whoever can offer him support, and so far that's been Yanek. I think I'm yet to see how his relationship with Ein will develop and he will have a better sense of loyalty. Again this may be double standards because I don't like Yanek at all, but I think a mafia boss doesn't deserve a happy ending, if I didn't already know he was going to be killed, I'd wish him to be at least arrested.
Still, from the bits we've seen from the first season and the bits from the first chapters of this season, Diesel's relationship with Ein is very different. Now that's wait to see.

Wow. I can't stop being amazed at how the author manages to keep the mang interesting after so many chapters. And how real the characters are!
I feel Nemu on a spiritual level. It seems counterproductive for someone to need space when they feel their partner is getting distant - I mean, the obvious course of action would be to cling, no? But when we look at Nemu's personality and the way he says he feels, I think it makes more sense for him to pull away: he feels bad when he's with Maya because he feels inadequate (thanks for that, Ruka), and that's his poor self-esteem showing. But it shows a great character growth that he had the balls to do something about it rather than just sit around and go with the flow, even if this led to what may have been a bad decision, thanks again to his poor self-esteem, and their communication issues.
As for Ruka... it's true that the communication and self-esteem issues where already an issue in the relationship, but you can't acquitte someone who exploited that weakness for his own purposes. True, if it wasn't him, it would have been something else because those problems already existed, but it WAS him, and it was done maliciously.
I hope to see some more of Akira and Naoya in the future, I really like them. Weren't they going to move together?
Also, am I the only one curious about what became of Akira's psycho brother?

Oh damn, what a mess! And tbh? I believe whoever shared the links did it maliciously. I've followed a few scanlation groups in tumblr and I saw how much hate they got from people who thought what they do is wrong.
It's some entitled privileged people who think everyone should buy the manga, but they don't realize that most people CAN'T buy the manga (I, for one, live in a country where we don't have a translated version and getting an english copy would easily cost me over $100, not to mention lack of means to buy online releases bc international credit cards are only issued here if you have a minimum income requirement I don't meet).
I doubt these people even buy the manga themselves, they are just malicious and don't want to see other people have fun.

There's VPN and free coins (both of which are free). Who are you talking about in your post, the person who told the author or the people who kept posting the links to the unofficial chapters? It's not that the person who reported was being malicious or privileged, I don't see how reporting an illegal act is malicious. People, including me, warned those who kept sharing the unofficial chapter links here, but they didn't listen, so my guess is that THEY were the ones being malicious. The entitled ones aren't the ones who reported to the author, it's YOU and everyone in the comments who are upset that everything isn't being updated on time. Have some gratitude and respect.

Yet here you are proving my point with your discourse.
I did have a Lehzin account, coins are not free, and there haven't been a way to get them free for a long while.
I am not complaining about things not being uploaded on time, I am not demanding anything, go back to school and learn to interpret what other people are saying. I am complaining about the people sharing links to unofficial chapters, they create this kind of chaos. It's happened before, I don't get why they think it wouldn't happen again. It's malicious of them to share because they do so knowing what is going to happen. As I said, I've seen it happen in tumblr, people would share things the Hidoku Shinaide and Remnant scan group asked not to share just to get it reported.
But since we are on this subject: it's very hypocritical to complain something is illegal, and yet have an account on mangago. And I shut up about it being illegal, but it is malicious to report something just for the sake of blocking access for other people who, otherwise, wouldn't have access to that just because you paid for it and they didn't.
"Well, but I paid for it and they didn't, so it's fair" - In this case, accept it's a damn privilege only accessible for those who can pay for it. And go on and tell me how privilege is fair.
I, for once, wouldn't be able to pay for it because of the reasons listed above, and for that I am very grateful to scanlators and to people who upload chapters of a media that I, otherwise, wouldn't have access to.
YOU have some respect, instead of attacking other people for a comment you didn't even understand and walking whatever shoe doesn't even fit you.

I was in no way complaining about the legality, I was complaining about the people who are entitled and think they're justified in reading illegally, I don't care if you read illegally, I DO care that people think it's somehow ok. I have a Lezhin account, a lot the coins I use are the free coins from the free coin zone on the app, check it before you say something. So we both agree that the people who were sharing the links are malicious. I have an account here so I can respond to comments, not everyone makes their comments available for anonymous replies, I literally come here to mark what I've read and to discuss. Privilege is a given advantage or birthright, like inheritance or being white, it's NOT being able to afford stuff like this, these are non-necessities. It's something that people pay for, that's it. Are you arguing that it SHOULD be free? In any case, how about you go first and tell me how privilege is always unfair? You lack respect and gratitude because instead of just shutting up and appreciating that someone first of all draws and uploads this shit and then another person pays money and then uploads the chapters for YOU to read for FREE, you're arguing that somehow you're in the right for reading illegally. Don't act as if you have a right to do anything just because you want to, that's not this works.

The more I read this, the less I like Yanek. I'm only happy bc I already know his demise. It's like he only cares about the secret, nm if Diesel dies or not.
I just wish Bexan and Minsuk comes back with some light romance soon, and that we get to see the repercussions in the present for Ein and Diesel. Oh, and I'm dying for more Pablo!
I feel like we have yet a lot of plot regarding Siberia as well. I believe it will all tie up there.

I don't like Yanek and I'm happy he's going to die, but damn the build up to it is twisting my guts.
I really like this story. But now I'm missing Bexan and Minsuk's sweet and light story.

I don't think so, specially that it was using in that context:
"I' m happy too that asshole Yanek will die soon"
Part of people like Yanek and are sad, that he will die soon, so when someone uses quote like this is just passive-aggressive.
If someone is using this on forum, then he probably also using it in his real life.
Also it's showing some level of sensitivity of authour this comment.
Answer is accurate.

This shows also some level of sensivity of author of this post. If you use words asshole and how you enjoy someone even fictional character death tells litlle about your character.
People should have litlle more sensivity, specially that they know, that other users are attached to this character. That passive-agressive towards other users for me.

Btw i never see that you react on words like asshole, bitches, teenagers with imbalance hormones or bunch of hypocrite, msybe cause they were writting towards people who like Yanek (?) . That was really low, but you never react on this (=・ω・=)
For me she doesn't do anything wrong, specially cause on this forum were topics that people want to other users suffer cause Yanek death. Now when someone writte how he enjoy, that Yanek-asshole will die soon looks like passive-agressive.

Oh wow, they called a fictional character, who is a criminal anyway which would warrent some people to call him that, an a-hole and wants his death that is going to happen anyway to...happen, so that makes it ok to offend them personally?
There are plenty of people who wish death on characters, but that does not mean they are unpleasant people in real life or that it is ok to insinuate such. That is getting personal.

It's passive agressive not cause they called fictional character asshole, but cause they know that people are attached to character and sad, that he die soon, but they still writting how much they enjoy that he die soon. It's without sensivity towards other users. You can dance on his grave, if you want.
Diesel is also crimina, so what's the point ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
You never react when people called assholes or bitches people, who like Yanek, maybe cause you just don't like him and that why you are not objective.
It's unpleasent, cause in context what happen on this forum latelly, it is passive-agressive.

I'm talking, that people on this forum writte how much they enjoy perspective, that other users will suffer after Yanek death. In this context writting how you enjoy this character will die soon is passive-agressive.
If someone use passive-agressive not towards character, but other users this forum, that we can assume, that he doing it also in real life. She doesn't write anything ofensive and you are blindly on hard insulting other people, with different opinion, than you.

I'm like 2 or 3 times in weak, soecially when korean and english upade arraive. I also don't read most of threads, cause they are too long and rather horing. With using this same arguments again and again.
For me what was writting here is passive-agressive towards other users and assuming thst someone who use this on forum, could also uses this in real life is nothing wrong. It's just case of some level of sensivity and carrying about others people feelings, even when they have differen to pinion, than you.
Yanek will die soon, so why makes this even harder for people who like him?

I don't think, that they are trolling, it's rather lack of sensivity.
We can agree, that we don't agree. For me it is passive-agressive and it's nothing wrong with what writting @strangenight said, specially i context what people writte on this forum. For you it is not.
We can end this discussion and stay with different opinions.

wow, things escalated quickly here.
People agree and people disagree here about Yanek. I for one don't like him and I like that a bad guy like him is going to die.
People who like him will be sad? Too bad. People who dislike him would be sad if he didn't meet his end - One side is always going to be sad, so what's your point? Is it butt hurt because your fav is going to die, so if you can't be happy, no one else can?
You want to enforce censorship? I, for one, make a point of not replying to threads of people who are going to be sad about him dying with nasty messages. Am I supposed to censor myself on my own thread now because of you can't see an opinion you disagree with and just keep scrolling?
If that's the case, why won't people censor themselves regarding the feelings of actual real people who are being bullied here because they don't like fictional character Yanek?
It's a moot point to want your feelings regarding a fictional character to be respected by censoring people and their opinions on an open space through nasty messages and assumptions about their personal life. You are being mean to a real person, possibly an young person who might take that to heart.
We can end this discussion and stay with different opinions... People who dislike Yanek on their thread, people who like Yanek on theirs. Y'know, keeping opinions about fictional characters on a fictional story as just opinions, and not turning that into a nasty personal persecution of actual real people because of something so stupid who no one's gonna remember five years from now.
See an opinion you don't like? Put your big boy pants and learn to live with the fact that we are not all one hive mind. Keep scrolling.

You start this discussion again, when we just end this. Ehhh.....
We all know, that Yanek will die soon. You will get your satisfaction and then you can dance on his grave. But you should also respect other people feelings and don't write how much you enjoy, that this asshole die.
On this forum were threads, where people write, that they can't wait for Yanek death, only cause other users will suffer cause this. In this context when you write how much you enjoy Yanek death, it is passive-agressive.
It's not censure, but some sensivity towards other users. You can not care about this, but then it say a lot about you and how you treat other people.
Really it's not about how you treat fictional character or what you think about this, but about how you treat other users of this forum with different opinion than you. If you don't care about their feelings, then we can assume, that you do this same in real life.
Why just making this harder for people, who like Yanek? You don't have to do this, but you do #-.-)

You start this discussion again, when we just end this. Ehhh.....
We all know, that Yanek will die soon. You will get your satisfaction and then you can dance on his grave. But you should also respect other people feelings and don't write how much you enjoy, that this asshole die.
On this forum were threads, where people write, that they can't wait for Yanek death, only cause other users will suffer cause this. In this context when you write how much you enjoy Yanek death, it is passive-agressive.
It's not censure, but some sensivity towards other users. You can not care about this, but then it say a lot about you and how you treat other people.
Really it's not about how you treat fictional character or what you think about this, but about how you treat other users of this forum with different opinion than you. If you don't care about their feelings, then we can assume, that you do this same in real life.
Why just making this harder for people, who like Yanek? You don't have to do this, but you do #-.-)

You start this discussion in my thread where I just stated my opinion. Ehhh.....
We all know,y Ya upset Yanek will die soon. You get to be sad and weep on his grave. But you should also respect other people feelings and don't attack them for having a different opinion.
On this forum were threads, where people try to stop others from voicing their different opinions, only cause other users will suffer cause this. In this context when you write how people can't voice their opinion because it offends your sensibilities, it is censorship and egocentrism, and sometimes bullying.
It is censure, and really insensive towards other users. You can not care about this, but then it say a lot about you and how you treat other people.
Really it's not about how you treat fictional character or what you think about this, but about how you treat other users of this forum with different opinion than you. If you don't care about their feelings, then we can assume, that you do this same in real life.
Why just making this harder for people, who don't like Yanek? You don't have to do this, but you do #-.-)

You know, that this discussion is not about Yanek, but about attitude some people towards other?
Nobody bullied other person, cause some fictional character.
I can only reaped it after @sexy_crab (good nick :p), cause she said everything what i think.
If people write on this forum, that they can't wait for Yanek death and enjoy, cause people who are attached to Yanek will sufffer, then others reaped again and again how they enjoy that Yanek will die soon, then it's pasive-agressive. It's not about your attitude towards character, but about sensivity towards other users feeling. You don't get nothing cause this, but only get others users down. What's the point?
You can enjoy Yanek death, but saying that you really enjoy, that this asshole die, when others write, that they can't wait when people will suffer after his death is unsensitive.
Nobody cares that you like Yanek or not, but this passive-agressive behaviors is something else. If someone use this on forum, then he probably use this in real life. It doesn't meter, that you discuss with people in internet or in real life, they are these same humans, only hidden under nicknames.

you actually the one who start it and judge me from the first place. not that I care what you say anyway but you said I"m bad cause I agree with a post of someone? wow ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
but my comment wasn't to any fans of Yanek, my comment was agreeing with the people that write this post. that by the way you answer now.
so no, I didn't offended anyone by agree with someone post.
and no I wasn't pasive agressive, you been pasive agressive to me.
but hi, if it make you feel better, go ahed XD
and yeas Yanek is an asshole criminal that kill people and bring drags.
lol it funny how you think you know people in real life base on me agreeing with someone else post.

I don't start this. You just reaped how you enjoy that Yanek will die soon, when other people saying on this forum, that they can't wait on his death, cause other users will suffer, cause this. It's unsensitive towards others and passive agressive. If you use this behaviours towards other users, then you probably use this towards people in real life. Human behaviors and sensivity don' t change this much.
Diesel is also criminal like Yanek, but that doesn't meter here. You know, that you can upest people, but still doing it, even when you don't get nothing cause this. Yanek die anyway, so why you must make this hardr for users, who like him?
It's about sensivity, not about that you like Yanek or not and what you think about him.
I don't say this right now directly towards you, but when people for example offensive others people, are agressive and lie to them in internet, then they probably doing this same towards other people in real life. People behaviors don't change this much.

no. I simply answer to the one who write this point that I agree and what I think about Yanek.
please don't bring other people that have nothing to do with my comment at all or to this. if you upset and want to attack me, at least don't use other people to attack me.
and no I wasn't been offensive to anyone by agreeing with someone post. again.
and no not really, you can't know people in real life until you meet them. but I doubt you listen so go ahaed and think what you want ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I try explain it in other way.
I had in last time exam, what i pass and my friend not. I was trully happy cause this, it was hard and even when i was happy and want to talk about this i don't go to my friend and escalate with my hapiness. It's not like she wish me bad, but i know that for her it is hard and she's upset. If I would this, then i probably only bring her down even more down in this way. We will celbrate it together, when she ameds this exam, but 8f she not, then i won't do this. It's all about sensivity towards other people feelings.
This same is for you. You know, that Yanek will die, you can enjoy this, but why escalte about something, what get people down? Specially, that others writing here, that they can't wait for Yanek death, cause other people will suffer. What you doing here is just being passive-agressive. You can respect other people feelings or not, but people will judge yours behaviors and assume basen on this, what kind of person you are.

I explain it better.
two people are talking in which each other in one conversation - this post. and agree with each other on a certain topic. people that don't agree with their opinions can move on from their conversation. but they decided to come to their conversation and attack one of them that agree with the other for no good reason and start insulit them.
and no, your example had nothing to do with this post or what happen here.
I say it again, people are allowed to make a post and say what they think and how they feel and I"m allowed to agree with them if I feel the same without been attacked. period.
I never escalte anything and I didn't get anyone down by agree with someone that agree with me.
what YOU doing in here and other's it seem is passive-agressive.
I say the same to you, you can respect other people feeling by not commenting or reading posts you don't agree and move on. simple has that.

I don't start this. You just are egocentric enough to think people who dislike Yanek are out to hurt you, when other people saying on this forum, that they can't wait on his death, cause he's a bad guy, not cause this. It's selfish towards others and censorship. If you use this behaviours towards other users, then you probably use this towards people in real life. Human behaviors and sensivity don' t change this much.
Diesel is also criminal like Yanek, but that doesn't meter here. You know, that you can upest people, but still doing it, even when you don't get nothing cause this. Yanek die anyway, so why you must persecute others, who don't like him?
It's about being very egocentric, not about that you like Yanek or not and what you think about him.
I don't say this right now directly towards you, but when people for example offensive others people, are agressive and bully them for having different opitions to them in internet, then they probably doing this same towards other people in real life. People behaviors don't change this much.

Darling, it all boils down to the fact that this person is very egocentric and thinks we have less of a right to comment on a public forum because it supposedly hurts them.
And I won't even get into how hurtful exactly can it really be that someone on the internet voiced a bad opinion about a fictional character. They must have really strong feelings for Yanek.

You know, that this discussion is not about Yanek, but about attitude some people towards other?
People have been bullied other person, cause some fictional character.
I can only reaped it after @sakura, cause she said everything what i think.
If people write on this forum, that they can't wait for Yanek death and enjoy, cause he is a bad guy, NOT cause people who are attached to Yanek will sufffer, then that's an opinion, people who think others can't have opinion, then it's egocentric and selfish. It's not about your attitude towards character, but about being egocentric and selfish towards other users right to voice their opinion. You don't get nothing cause this, but only get others users down. What's the point?
You can not enjoy Yanek death, but no one here saying that they can't wait when people will suffer after his death, u being delusional.
Nobody cares that you like Yanek or not, but this egocentric and selfish behaviors is something else. If someone use this on forum, then he probably use this in real life. It doesn't meter, that you discuss with people in internet or in real life, they are these same humans, only hidden under nicknames.

Nobody attack and insults anybody here.
When you don't care about others people feelings and escalete with your happiness about something, knowing that this bring other people down, it's unsensitive. Specially that some people here enjoy on thought, that other will suffer cause this. That's showing that you are unsensitive towards them. If you behaive like that here, then you probably do this in real life. It's bad for people, who have contact with you. It's my opinion, not insulting you. Learn how to respects other people feelings, then you won't get discussion like this.
My exampls is acurate. Cause like I don't want to escalete with my happiness to my firend, cause it can brings her down, that you also can do this for other people on this forum. You know, that make them sad and you still doing it. Just more sensitive in life. You get nothing cause this, so what the point doing this?
People are allowed to make posts about t anything, but their behaviours or opinions can be judging. If you just try brings other people down, then people judge this.
You are passive-agressive cause, you repead that how e much you enjoy that Yanek asshole will die soon, when others people on this forum write that they enjoying thought, that people who like Yanek will suffer. You really don't see anything wrong in this? That is passive-agressive.
Like you can make threds, that i can make commends, if i see behavior, which is wrong for me, then i'm writting about this.
Sexy_crab and Sakura agreed with each other, that they want and end this discussion, but you start this again. I don't know why, to arguing?

On this forum are many comments, that people enjoy that Yanek will die soon or wishing him quick death. Under most of this comments people wrote that it's sad or cruel what other people write, that they will be depressive by weak or why someone do this to them, like only resons are to hurt others or start arguing, what the point to make threads like that? It's not only sbout me, but also others people, who have different opinion, than you. So it's not egocentric. Comments like this are here like 2 months on this forum, so it's not only my opinion.
Diesel is also criminal, so what reason to brings it again.
Other people writte here, that they enjoy perspective, that users will be hurt, cause Yanek death. That's cruel. Then you write how much you enjoy that Yanek will die soon, knowing that some people will be upset cause this and you still doing this. You just don't care about their feelings.

I really don't want to start this again, but I really want to set some things straight:
@Mozzarella is not the one who said that Yanek is an a-hole. I do agree with @Mozzarella that she has a right to voice her thoughts and not be called passive aggressive or is insinuated to be an unpleasant person in real life The person you were referring to was @maychan, who is all over this comment section repeating things. You guys talk down on Diesel, which hurt Diesel fans too, can cause them stress, hurt etc. Something negative that someone is going to say about a character is always going to hurt someone. It doesn't matter if that character will live, you guys are in the comment section repeating the same thing too, which can cause stress and hurt to other's as well. Do I think you guys are unpleasant people for doing that? No. You are just voicing your thoughts and opinions, as is @Mozzarella
There are people who talk down on my favorite characters, want them to die, etc. It doesn't really bother me, and certainly not enough to insinuate that they might be an unpleasant person in real life.

Actually, this whole discussion you started, saying that i shouldn't say that someone behaviors, what he presents on forum is probably hard for people in his real life (i don't use directly these words, but that what i want to say). I still think, tbat i have right here.
This discussion was ending, I don't understand why they start this again. To arguing?
You don't have right here. I like Yanek and Ein, but i don't care much about others opinion about them. People can like them or not, saying about them what they want. Who cares about this, it's forum ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
But this situation is different. Cause we all know that Yanek will die soon. People write on this forum, that they enjoy not even Yanek death, but fact, that people will suffer cause this. Then people write how much they enjoy, that this asshole will die soon. They don't care about people feelings, they know that some persons will suffer cause this, yet they still doing something like this. What the reason, just more sensitivity in our life.

Idk why it was started again either...but eh
@Mozzerella never said that she was happy that people will suffer for this. She is happy because someone she considers a bad guy is going to die. It does not mean she is passive aggressive or unpleasant or that she wants people to suffer. You guys talking negatively about Diesel makes people suffer too. Does that mean you intend to do this? No. You are just posting your thoughts. As I said before, someone is always going to say something to hurt someone when it comes to saying something negative about characters.

yeas you right. I"m not going to answer to anyone here anymore since they missing the point and seem to only enjoy to attack me.
I don't mind what they feel about Yanek, I feel what I feel to him, I don't like him and I"m not ashamed in it. I hope you have a wonderful day and people will stop attack other's for nothing cause it supposedly hurts them.
I"m sorry that my first comment that agree with you lead to people fighting over it (⌒▽⌒) but I still wanted to say that I really agree with your post.

On this forum are many comments, that people don't enjoy that Yanek will die soon or bullying people for enjoying that. Under most of this comments people who voiced their opinion are attacked bc people w different opinions than them don't like it, they are being accused that they having a different opinion is bad, like only resons are to hurt others or start arguing, what the point to make threads like that? It's not only sbout me, but also others people, who have different opinion, than you. So it's not passive aggressive. Comments like this are here like 2 months on this forum, so it's not only my opinion.
Diesel is also criminal, so what reason to brings it again.
Some people DON'T writte here, that they enjoy that users will be hurt, cause Yanek death. They just don't like Yanek, and trying to silence their voice. That's cruel. Then you think that being upset that Yanek is going to die gives u more right to voice ur opinion, knowing that some people will be upset cause this and you still doing this. You just don't care about their feelings. U just care about yours.

Dude, seriously, I'm not your friend, I'm a stranger on the internet, and I have the right to voice my opinion.
It's very egocentric to think you're entitled to ask people to censor themselves just because you disagree with them. I don't owe you shit, you don't get to demand me to silence my opinion just because you have a different one, I'm just as worthy of voicing my opinion as you are, and if you disagree with me, that's your problem.
I'm not happy Yanek is going to die because other people are gonna suffer, I'm happy he's going to die because he's a bad guy. That's my opinion, deal with it, or remove yourself from social life if you can't deal with the world not spinning around you and your sensibilities.
And seriously ask for professional help if you think that a fictional character death is that upsetting in your life.

I am not happy because people will suffer, I'm happy because I think he's a bad guy. End of story.
If other people are going to be upset about it, that's their own problem. I can't be held responsible for other people's inability to deal with different opinions or with things not going their way.
Jfc, and how entitled it is that they think they get to demand me to shut up? My opinion is just as valid as theirs and I am just as worthy of expressing it as anyone. I'm not going to anyone else's thread to shit on what they are saying. If anything, this other person is doing that.
And honestly, right now I feel like being very unpleasant to this person claiming I'm happy they are suffering. JFC, it's a fictional character, not your relative. Get professional help if you're that attached to a fictional dude.

Like i said being negative about fictional character not hurt anybody. People can have their opinions about Yanek, Diesel and Ein. Whatnis wrong is:
Situation, when people write on this forum, that they enjoy not even Yanek death, but fact, that people will suffer cause this. Then people write how much they enjoy, that this asshole will die soon. They don't care about people feelings, they know that some persons will suffer cause this, yet they still doing something like this.
It's different.

It's nothing wrong that you don't like Yanek. I don't have anything against this, you have just right do this.
My intention, wasn't attack you, only talking about behavior, which I don't like. I was just saying why it is wrong to me.
I guess this discussion don't have sens anymore, so better end this.

Atually nobody byllying anyone, cause someone enjoy that Yanek die. People just say why it's wrong and unsensitive towards other users. It's not this same.
Like i said 10 time in this thread, but i guess you just don't want to see this, people can not like Yanek/Ein/Diesel/Odin. Nothing wrong with it, they have right to do this. Criticize character isn't passive-agressive, but saying how much you want that character die, when other people on this same forum write how they enjoy, that people will suffer after Yanek death is passive-agressive, cause you know, that people are upset about this.
I don't try silence anyone, I'm just talking about what is wrong to me, and that we should be more sensitive towards other users feeling and respect them. You know, that Yanek die soon, others people writing that they enjoy thought that other users will suffer cause this and you write how you enjoy that this character die soon. In this context it is passive-agressive.
It is not only about me, but other users too, people write about this under comments, where people wish or enjoy Yanek death. .
This discussion was ended, i don't understand why you start this again. To arguing?

Dude, seriously, I'm not your friend, I'm a stranger on the internet, and I have the right to voice my opinion.
It's very egocentric to think you're entitled to ask people to censor themselves just because you disagree with them. I don't owe you shit, you don't get to demand me to silence my opinion just because you have a different one, I'm just as worthy of voicing my opinion as you are, and if you disagree with me, that's your problem.
I'm not happy Yanek is going to die because other people are gonna suffer, I'm happy he's going to die because he's a bad guy. That's my opinion, deal with it, or remove yourself from social life if you can't deal with the world not spinning around you and your sensibilities.
And seriously ask for professional help if you think that a fictional character death is that upsetting in your life.

I thought I'd be angrier that DG seemingly gave up so easily to Jiwon, but I'm actually really happy with the way things happened.
I know I campaigned for a long while here for DG to grow a spine and find another love interest, but the more I read, the more I think that would have been too cliche, and the more I love the route this is taking.
Jiwon made mistakes, but he's learned his lesson and changed his behavior. I love that he apologized to DG. If they love each other, and Jiwon honestly changed, I am happy that they can be together again, and be happy.
I mean, what's the point of DG being a bitter bitch and playing hard to get for the sake of a petty revenge? That would just mean he'd become Alex.
I love that DG's development went towards having him make better decisions for himself instead. It distinguishes him as a character that the author decided to divert from the obvious bitter-and-evil character makeover and followed a more consistent character development route for him.
TBH I loved that the author didn't change him. Usually in character makeovers, authors change the "victim" to empower them, as if their old self wasn't good enough. Here, instead, Jiwon learned to love who DG was, as seen in his talk with Chanwoo.
I also love all the changes Jiwon went through. Gosh, we can see it even in the way the author draws him, how much softer he is. I want to stab that hyung who made him a cold bitch.
I think over and over again about the irony of him finding himself on the opposite side of the same situation he was into with his hyung in the past, and seeing DG face it with much more grace than he did.
I particularly love how Jiwon didn't try to worm himself into DG's life out of a selfish desire to get him back, but apparently tried to honestly look out for him and apologize. He was even ready to accept it when he saw DG with his hoobae (it says a lot about my expectations of this genre when I think it's a breath of fresh air that a guy would allow his ex to move on omg).
And this sex scene, compared to their other ones? So damn cute!
I think Jiwon is going to be that kind of cute big dork of a boyfriend who fusses and cares for his bae with heart eyes.
Dang I like Will!
Tbh I was hoping Henry would get involved with Seth, but now I also like Will. Dang.
And I also like Sam, we need to have 3 Henries one for each lmao.