I wonder… I really want her to get revenge. LIKE LITERALLY! I want this shit DARK DARK! But I do hope she picks up pieces soon on him and really
Just fuck him up until he confesses that it was him all along. I want her to be a badass, cause fhat scene with a gun was nice, I need more baddie energy from
Her. Killing or nah

I almost couldn’t get pass this because of the FL brother! All those warning and he still went for her and end up getting DuMp! Yes I said it! As every chapter goes by I couldn’t help but get more annoyed at the brother! But yk ima let that go bc i guess people do dumb shit for love but like PLEASE THEY BARELY JUST MET AND HE GAVE HER THE HEIRLOOM SHIT MY GAWD KMS KMS KMS KSM! Anyways ha ha ha :) Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Hm it was good in the beginning but towards the mid-ending I had no clue what happed!? I almost dropped this series a bunch of time but I just somehow refinished it. Im not saying this isnt a good manhwa but it’s just alright. The fL kinda pissed me off at times bc all she does is low-key cry and doesn't really come off a bit strong but what can I say I guess I’ve been reading too much of mahwas where there’s a strong fL. Also the ending, maybe just me but the ending was not that satisfying. I was probably expecting a lot But this is just my opinion…
This low-key makes me sad. He has to live with his shitty dad that discipline him in one of the worst ways. Thats not discipline thats abuse. The mother not knowing all those things her son is going through because she’s was rarely home. Now the divorce, father winning full custody, MC feeling like he can breathe around his mother but unable to live with her. Also found it disheartening that he asked her about her new place and she was talking about the two rooms… ugh breaks my heart. This poor mc makes me feel so bad but I don’t wanna take upon pity. I hope our male lead treats him right, and may we also see his pov too.
no for real i thought kids were able to choose which parent they want to live with when they get a divorce if they’re old enough?? ╥﹏╥