He.. I.. he has officially given up.. No.. keep fighting Ilic. Like why.. this is trauma bonding... Well, with how the novel started it wasn't going to be love, I knew it already.. but it still doesn't sit well with me.. gonna go read something light I guess
Yeah, I actually wanted to point this out too. This is definitely trauma bounding, and you can see the dark look in Ilic's eyes. It doesn't show that he loves Sa-yan in a genuine romantic way, it shows a look of defeat and a look that shows he's clinging to him out of desperation rather than love. It's not affection—it:s survival. He's been broken down so much that he sees Sa-yan as his only anchor, even if that bond is built on fear, control, or dependency. That dark look isn't devotion; it’s the expression of someone who feels trapped but can't let go.
I honestly hated the way this ended. It's a tragic ending, not a good one at all, and people who see it as a happy ending are just delusional and weird to me. I really wanted to see him escape, to get out and find some sort of peace, but instead, it just felt like everything fell apart. I feel bad for Ilic.
This guy is really testing fate.. wdym He robs someone without covering his face.. that's like number 1 on Robbery for Dummies Book 101, if it existed... But he really be living life on the edge..
Exactly like how did he not "mysteriously" disappear by now