Bro people are being so mean to the girl like yeah she did something wrong but she isnt evil ?? For one thing she is a teenager and she see the village chief as her father figure. And she is just projecting her trauma ? Yall are making it like she did it out of spite when in reality she done it out of care. Yes her way is wrong but her intention is nowhere evil ?
For anyone that got confused to why she against the mc and ml relationship basically she is saying the ML gonna got treated bad by others villagers for being gay and she didnt want that happen to ML because she care about ML.
How does this relate to her bad parents in cave man language
girl think being different = unhappy -> see other non different people happy -> feel alone + extra sad
How does this translate to her trauma projection ?
Ml gay = people speak badly of him / get ostracized = ml sad -> see other people happy -> feel alone + extra sad