Olyart created a topic of Corrosive

The kick would be the start of them being close hahahah I tell ya.

Olyart created a topic of Driver's High

I wish it was longer. I really loved it.

Olyart created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

They're playing a game that only we know. Hahaha

Olyart created a topic of Stranger

My baby grew up so fine. I love how it ended. I'm grateful I was born hahahah

Olyart created a topic of Thundercloud Rainstorm

This series was really promising, the angst and all until it rolled downhill. I like that the cousin thing was dismissed, but it also ruled out the angst which make this unique. Additionally, the Iljo came down from one of my favorites to one of the basic ukes. Damn, he fell out so bad. The fuck is he trying to prove now? The author is trying to picture a really good chasing arc so bad that she fumbled.

He's really down so SO FUCKN BADDD! One kiss and he's down building a tent. Hahah I'm not complaining tho. Haha His character development is really something.

Olyart created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Damn, she's been sitting there for too long. Drag her down. She just don't wanna admit that she lost her horse to a mere pawn.

Olyart created a topic of Nine to Nine

I don't read fluffy ones, but this is good enough. Hahahah

Olyart created a topic of The Flower of Aloshya

Does anyone know here where I can read the novel or even just the title of the novel? The link perhaps?

Olyart created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

Although I love series where the MLs are obsessed freaks or possessive of their love interest as it add to the thrill, forcing themselves, but I don't know what to feel about this. Hahahah It is interesting though, but damn, I do not know. I'm not really into the idea that you ordered to kill his own family to have him, without soaring the daughter. Author could have just made him a bachelor.

Olyart created a topic of ENNEAD

Damn, at this point, I don't even know, I'm sure that shit is about to hit the fan. (AND FUCK OSIRIS AND HIS FUCKN GREEN DICK)

Olyart created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

After letting it marinate since I finished season 1, I decided to re-read it. I started last night, 11:00 PM, and just finished earlier this morning, 8:00 AM. The thrill is there, but I feel like the romance between the 2nd ML and Taekyung seems forced just to keep the plot driving. I got it first that there could be, but dismissed it when they were revealed as brothers. HOWEVER, after reading again the authors note, I confirmed that he was not really supposed to be the 2nd ML, but the story drifted to. Therefore, they decided in him. Well, yeah, but I feel like it was forced, especially since they inserted flashbacks. It doesn't make sense, but okay.

Well, since the author also mentioned for this series to have 3 seasons, I think I should drop it again, then read again after. Hahaha Dang, I never reviewed my thesis this intensely before. Even at work, as a researcher. Hahahah

Olyart created a topic of Stranger

This is one of the R15 series that I really love. It's pure and simple. I usually go with R18 ones, but this is really good. Their development always make me question if such love is really existing and if I will ever find one. Hahaha The 24-year-old me, single, and NBSB is a loser hahahah

Olyart created a topic of Regas

They blurred it, but I can tell. As a person who have been reading this genre for almost a decade, I can read everything bwahahahah

If I remember it correctly, I think thus was the time when the ML started trashing again hahah The MC was in a critical condition, paired with his weak body constitution which really scared the ML. Hahhh After giving the MC time to heal, he visited him in America, showing his face with a flower. He showed like he was at his weakest point, a part of him was acting, ge said it himself in the novel. Due to this incident, it scared the ML to the point he became gentle in bed hahah I stopped reading when he had the thought on how he really wanna ram his dick hardly, his true self, but us scared that the MC will break. So, he is having a self control hahaha

Olyart created a topic of Red Mansion

NOW THIS LEVEL OF TOXICITY IS WILD AND RIDIN' IT hahah It's rare to find plots that can drive you crazy and elated in every turn. One that send you shivers in every chapters. It keeps you on edge and I love the feeling.

Olyart created a topic of Thundercloud Rainstorm

Huh? Damn, living with your ex is wild. Iljo, I can't blame him but he's starting to tick me off.

Olyart created a topic of Sunshine Shower

I don't think I've seen the angst I'm waiting for. Haaahah I need Yoonjae to break the walls of hell after an intense jealousy. Well, I guess I'll never see that, huh.

Olyart created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

Damn. I feel so bad for Inwoo, He's so kind to be treated like this. He's always the one giving and giving and GIVING. It's even shitier when Jiho shit called his ex and blamed him for what he said LONG WAY BEFORE. He did said that and should have accepted his fault fully. Why can't he? Fuckn STUPID. INWOO DESERVE SOMEONE BETTER, but I don't know who this better person is. I would have lived this if he noticed his odd and considerate manager.

Olyart created a topic of Saturday's Master

It's well written. I hope this will not go down the gutter. IT'S REALLY GOOOD.