How is it possible for the mc to get even dumber?? Like did he seriously think when he was told the captain isn’t an S-rank his first thought was that he really is a c-rank!? I hope it was just a mistranslation but damn I was offended at the start when blondie said he’s dim witted or something along the lines of that but nah dude was so right and it’s infuriating cos it’s not just naivety he truly is stupid

Did I miss something? Why’s he so rude to red head? Like the dude has an unrequited crush on you so what? I don’t remember him being pushy about it, idk that whole interaction has left a bad taste in my mouth but also like there’s just something about mc and ml getting together that I don’t like…. Like it feels too fast considering ml was literally just engaged to a woman and mc was pining so pathetically hard it’s just this is gonna be a mess I can feel it
But I’m thinking class prez is also a victim, I mean there’s no way he grew up with a brother like that and came out unscathed, I feel like he was happy to no longer be the victim…? Maaaybe who knows he could also just be a pos like his bro