Watch the Anime its Better!
- They removed the lustful scenes,
and That makes it Perfect!
- Hasekura, not lustful yet devoted to Kensuke.
- Kensuke, really really missed Hasekura!
So cute!, Yaoi anime must like this forever SO PURE!~
I never thought many Girls
would dislike my comment~,
Nah i know Girls, are just too Lustful...
an Meat Hunter.... Bhuahahahahah!
Girls if you like, LOVE or to be Loved, please keep away yourselves from Lustful Thoughts.
remember this.
Good Husband never thought about slaving there love one for Lust.
Ohhh~ sheet..
Star said "How about a drink"..
I almost spit my soul, and start to jump suddenly.
this must be joy,