Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl September 21, 2020 5:10 am

On another note omf kyaa dis was sol cute i never really shipped dis but im really shippibg it now...todorokis facial expressions never change lol

Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl September 13, 2020 4:51 am

Ok i just have to say this...apsrt of me hates the two semes but love the two ukes...but then another part hates everyone....first off wth would kaide and yuuki decude to have sexual interaction with the two asshole semes when they were already together...its both of their faults they both did it at the same time...the only difference is tht yuuki had sex first...but i think everyones forgetting tht the omly real reason kaude didnt go all the way with the asshole seme was because he was afraid of being an uke tht was it.........i hate the fucking semes tho like wtf..such perverts why the fuck would they spy on two middle school boys having sex thts so fucking wierd like forreal....another part of me hates yuuki and kaude....they both love each other and i really ship it......but forreal they were together why did they decide to have sexual interaction with other people like its ok...they played with each others private parts thts one step away from having sex like seriously.....and also kaude also partly had feelings for the asshole seme in the beggining but then they grew just like yuuki...yuuki had partial feeling but as they spent more time togther they grew pretty much like kaude...the only readon everyone hates yuuki is because kaude cryed thts it forresl honestly did kaude really think having sexual intercourse wouldnt result to anything else....this comic pissed me tf offf i hate evryone wtf kaude and yuuki were so happy why u fucking asshole semes just why ughhh....and i started ranting

Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl September 12, 2020 11:56 pm

Still cute tho...I really want a yaoi dj of switch

Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl September 12, 2020 11:08 pm

Kyaa I honestly didnt even finish switch yet but I watched the ova and read like half the manga I'm still reading...and even tho I wanted a yaoi...I can't I'm...kyaa my fangirl inside is about to burst

becca September 8, 2020 7:27 am

Honestly tho hes adorable and his personality great if me kang dont want him I'll take him...oh wait I'm a girl hes gay isn't he.. then I suppose mr kang........TELL HIM UR FUCKING FEELINGS......if undone I'm a

    Llios September 8, 2020 12:47 pm

    When I tell you I wheezed at your comment

becca September 6, 2020 12:03 am

I do not ship dis also dis is so copying the national school prince is a girl the webnovel...its obvious like for real the only real difference is it's not a shoujo and she has a brother....also in the national school prince is a girl she was a hacker and gamer tho she came from a rich family and I also shipped it hut the guy had way more power than the noob In dis..but the national school prince is a girl is so much better....also I dont ship dis at all i just dont ughh..I ship her with the white haired guy..also I was excited because of the brother in dis thts I kept reading even tho it was totally copying....but the brother barely exists like wtf I seriously love twins and sibling fire force.. sho and shinra should just be a happy family.....but forreal the brother doesnt exists wtf I really hate the guy tht shes with I do I really do ughh i could've been reading yaoi

    Aseph's Big Toe September 9, 2020 6:59 am

    You can't say that this specific manga is copying the other manga/manhua that you are referring to.
    1.) this story was released by the original author first
    2.) ALL THESE stories are cliche and generic. Many of them have the same plot besides minor differences.
    3.) everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that doesn't mean you need to bash the ship, so what if you don't ship it? other people do and thats why they read it.
    4.) the whole point of the story was that her brother isn't shown as often because thats the purpose. If he was back then we wouldn't have a story at all case closed.
    5.) if you ship a couple from a different story more then kindly leave and read your own story
    6.) The author made it clear that the ML is the one that she'll end up with and not the white haired guy, i mean white-haired dude DRUGGED HER AND TRIED TO RAPE HER WHILE SHE WAS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A DRUG, sure the ML isn't that great either but at least he hasnt gone that low

    SaltyOmelette September 9, 2020 7:15 pm

    The fact that you hate this because the brother hasn't revealed himself (which is basically the whole point) makes me question if you really read this. If you think you could've read yaoi than read this and waste your "precious" time (which you then wasted by writing this rant) then you should've done just that. I get that everyone has their opinions and not everyone would like this but hating on this just because you think its "copying" another work is just low. So do us a favor and just kindly leave if you don't even like this manga/manhua rather than leaving a rant about how you hate this because its not like the other work that you've read that was created by another author

becca August 31, 2020 10:11 pm

Tho I actually wanted Jimmy to tell Ethan more about himself honestly they disnt say a thing about jimmy...well barely anything tho wht ever this was cute thro all of these chapters I continuously said just kiss already I kept fangirling........damn kind of disappointed it didnt show more scenes of them together

becca August 18, 2020 4:54 pm

Wth dis was so good I didnt effect it to be dis good because of the rank it has on anime planet I really liked dis a lot.m.i kind of shipped them tho it's too bad

becca August 18, 2020 12:24 am

But it was still really good I feel bad for all 3 of them...the seme because he really liked the guy manipulated him and now he realized he might've messed up a good relationship....the uke for obvious reasons...and the other dude because he was manipulated....tho mostly the uke....tho I like the seme I feel bad for him too It was good tho i wished it was longer

becca August 18, 2020 12:00 am

He was crazy completely insane....I loved him so much honesty I loved him...I shipped dlyhem and even when he abused the guy I somehow felt bad for him....well and the guy he abused but most him...I seriously love mental charecters idky...I ship them idc tho he needs mental help fish was super amazing I found myself shivering at how crazy he was

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