Moon Pies's feed

Y’all are actually tripping in these comments. One it’s normal to want to know about a family member who is basically the elephant in the room. She’s literally taking care of this persons BIOLOGICAL CHILD, and has never met the father (bc he’s dead) and no one has ever mentioned the mother. And she’s married to the family meaning that she is now linked with them for years and years.

ANYONE would want to know more about the mother, why she left, or literally anything. And y’all are calling her nosey when the woman was actually paraded in front of her. If she went looking for her randomly, okay that’s too much, but the woman came to her house, she overheard a tense conversation and the woman warned her to leave the family that she’s married into AND the son she’s raising while her husband refuses to talk to her about the woman at all.

How is it fair that every other adult family member knows about it except her AND the woman got to say whatever she wanted to Pereshati but she can’t even find out more? A real marriage isn’t built on secrets to this level and she’s not nosey for trying to find out wtf is going on.