Melancholy May 11, 2021 4:05 pm

Despite knowing what will happening next... I'm so frustrated, like why the fact did they end it thier? Like no Honestly, they could've ended it where maxi and riftan had a talk about this (And yes that's after the kiss) where riftan cursed to his self in a whisper and Looked at maxi worried visible in his faced and asked "What could you have done if I didn't arive on time?" Where he expressed his emotions and how worried he was when he saw his wife on the ground, Like they talked about it... so what gave them the f**king idea to end it thier???

    mayay69 May 11, 2021 4:15 pm

    Wait. What happens next? They aren't going to talk about it?

    Melancholy May 11, 2021 4:40 pm
    Wait. What happens next? They aren't going to talk about it? mayay69

    They kinda did, like riftan expressed that he wasn't mad at her but rather just really frustrated of the fact of what could've happened if he didn't arrived in time (If I am remembering correctly!)

Melancholy May 11, 2021 3:16 pm

I ain't gonna protect manhwa riftan, because yes he was being a big d*ck, but I thought maybe this could lighten everyone's mood or see riftan in a new light (kinda a spoiler, but not as the same time? It's more like a cute moment between maxi and riftan.)

Maxi Menstruation and How she explain menstration to her dear husband...


While he briefly warmed his cold body before the fire, the diligent servants brought a bathtub full of hot water into the room.

Riftan has been begging her to take a bath together without fail. Max was stiff and then announced with an awkward face, that she was "unclean". Riftan looked confused.

"If you're not clean, you can wash with me."

She was a little shocked that a man who did everything could say such insensitive things.

After coming to Anatol, she had her menstruation only four times, once when he was out of the castle, and the other three times, when he was too busy to know. That is why there has been no need to give such an embarrassing explanation. She stuttered out with a look of shame.

"Well, it's that day...."

"That day?"

Max looked up at him with a tearful look. My husband, who I thought was the most perfect man in the world, had a face like an idiot.

She rolled her eyes at the look of not being able to get a clue. How on earth can you explain the ordeal you are going through while maintaining dignity?

"So... in the future, for a week... relationship, the relationship between husband and wife. You, you can't, you can't... I mean it's a condition."

"What the hell does that mean?"

Riftan's face hardened.

“Don't line up words I can't understand, but explain them straight. Are you rejecting me now?”

Max opened her mouth blankly. Indeed, it seemed to be recognizable only if everything had been said. She cried out in tears and misery.

"He, there's blood... Hmm, it's flowing!"

The color faded from Riftan's face. Mac opened her eyes wide at the sight of his sun-tanned smooth face turning white like a blank sheet. He scanned every nook and cranny of her body with a startling nervousness.

“Blood is flowing… where? How did you get hurt? Show me. You're going to have to treat it right away!"

Max was agitated with fear that he would really check where the blood was flowing. But Riftan seemed more frightened than she was. Max desperately dissuaded Riftan, who was trying to strip her of her clothes and identify where the problem occurred.

"Oh, no! All, all, all, all right! I'm not hurt!"

"You said you were bleeding!"

Oh my god. He really seemed to have no idea what a woman had to go through regularly. Max couldn't tell whether to burst into laughter or scream. First, I decided to calm him down and said as calmly as I could.

"This, all of this world... When woman are old enough to get married... Gyu, you bleed regularly. It's very... very natural. Yu, nanny says... I have grown enough to have children....It's proof."

"Are you sure? You're not really sick or hurt, are you?

Max nodded firmly. Riftan stared at her face with a suspicious glance and then asked while frowning.

"And where the hell are you bleeding from?"

She turned red like a red beet. I never dreamed I'd be in such an embarrassing situation. Do I really have to tell you everything about my sins?

After a long pause, Max whispered in his ear, even though there was no one else in the room. I don't know how many more times I'll be going through this. It would be better to explain properly so that we don't get into such an embarrassing situation anymore.

"That's... is that true?"

Upon hearing her explanation, Riftan looked down at her with his eyes wide open as if he could not believe it. His complexion was still pale.

"Are you sure? It's... it's normal for blood to flow from there?"

"Well, it's perfectly normal! It's what all women go through."

"This must have happened before. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Da, of course... I thought you knew, you knew it. Usually... I heard there's no need to explain this. And the nanny also... if I tell you... Oh, she said you' d know..”

Surprisingly, his cheeks turned a little red. Riftan made excuses in a loud voice, as if to justify his ignorance.

"Maxi, I grew up in a mercenary squad full of men. After I became a knight, I spent my whole life going on expeditions.
What the hell do I know about women?"


This was where they both started to get closer already... also notice how maxi didn't sutter that much?
Credits to: Ainosz
From: Novel Forum

Melancholy May 11, 2021 2:16 pm

I ain't gonna protect riftan, because yes he was being a big d*ck in this Manhwa, but I thought maybe this could lighten everyone's mood or see riftan in a new light (kinda a spoiler, but not as the same time? It's more like a cute moment between maxi and riftan.)

Maxi Menstruation and How she explain menstration to her dear husband...


While he briefly warmed his cold body before the fire, the diligent servants brought a bathtub full of hot water into the room.

Riftan has been begging her to take a bath together without fail. Max was stiff and then announced with an awkward face, that she was "unclean". Riftan looked confused.

"If you're not clean, you can wash with me."

She was a little shocked that a man who did everything could say such insensitive things.

After coming to Anatol, she had her menstruation only four times, once when he was out of the castle, and the other three times, when he was too busy to know. That is why there has been no need to give such an embarrassing explanation. She stuttered out with a look of shame.

"Well, it's that day...."

"That day?"

Max looked up at him with a tearful look. My husband, who I thought was the most perfect man in the world, had a face like an idiot.

She rolled her eyes at the look of not being able to get a clue. How on earth can you explain the ordeal you are going through while maintaining dignity?

"So... in the future, for a week... relationship, the relationship between husband and wife. You, you can't, you can't... I mean it's a condition."

"What the hell does that mean?"

Riftan's face hardened.

“Don't line up words I can't understand, but explain them straight. Are you rejecting me now?”

Max opened her mouth blankly. Indeed, it seemed to be recognizable only if everything had been said. She cried out in tears and misery.

"He, there's blood... Hmm, it's flowing!"

The color faded from Riftan's face. Mac opened her eyes wide at the sight of his sun-tanned smooth face turning white like a blank sheet. He scanned every nook and cranny of her body with a startling nervousness.

“Blood is flowing… where? How did you get hurt? Show me. You're going to have to treat it right away!"

Max was agitated with fear that he would really check where the blood was flowing. But Riftan seemed more frightened than she was. Max desperately dissuaded Riftan, who was trying to strip her of her clothes and identify where the problem occurred.

"Oh, no! All, all, all, all right! I'm not hurt!"

"You said you were bleeding!"

Oh my god. He really seemed to have no idea what a woman had to go through regularly. Max couldn't tell whether to burst into laughter or scream. First, I decided to calm him down and said as calmly as I could.

"This, all of this world... When woman are old enough to get married... Gyu, you bleed regularly. It's very... very natural. Yu, nanny says... I have grown enough to have children....It's proof."

"Are you sure? You're not really sick or hurt, are you?

Max nodded firmly. Riftan stared at her face with a suspicious glance and then asked while frowning.

"And where the hell are you bleeding from?"

She turned red like a red beet. I never dreamed I'd be in such an embarrassing situation. Do I really have to tell you everything about my sins?

After a long pause, Max whispered in his ear, even though there was no one else in the room. I don't know how many more times I'll be going through this. It would be better to explain properly so that we don't get into such an embarrassing situation anymore.

"That's... is that true?"

Upon hearing her explanation, Riftan looked down at her with his eyes wide open as if he could not believe it. His complexion was still pale.

"Are you sure? It's... it's normal for blood to flow from there?"

"Well, it's perfectly normal! It's what all women go through."

"This must have happened before. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Da, of course... I thought you knew, you knew it. Usually... I heard there's no need to explain this. And the nanny also... if I tell you... Oh, she said you' d know..”

Surprisingly, his cheeks turned a little red. Riftan made excuses in a loud voice, as if to justify his ignorance.

"Maxi, I grew up in a mercenary squad full of men. After I became a knight, I spent my whole life going on expeditions.
What the hell do I know about women?"


This was wher the relationship growed already...
Credits to: Ainosz
From: Novel Forum

    Mikaela May 11, 2021 2:18 pm

    Waaahh.. this is cute!

    Haruka May 11, 2021 2:31 pm

    Omg the secondhand embarassment!!! but they are so cute omg

Melancholy May 11, 2021 1:13 pm

Uhm... Idk if the mahwa is just like that, but in the novel riftan said “What the hell are you saying you could have done?” and "Don't speak." (At least the translation that I've read) which ends with a "." And a "?" Not a "!" Meaning he simply told her not to speak or what could she have really done, thats it, he didn't shout at her or anything, he was probably trying his best to keep his cool so he doesn't scare maxi... And I feel like they should highlight that? Because they make it seem like he doesn't give a sh*t bout how she feels! And riftan is all but that... but yeah his being such a jerk in this mahwa...(╯°Д °)╯╧╧


Nevertheless, I really dislike that part of riftan (and it would be fine if it was just 1 or 2-3 times but through the novel [if I remember correctly] that's pretty constant), but I still love the boi, but like he underestimates maxi or his overly protective of her! I love that side of him, but it feels suffocating from time to time, And again I'm fine with it if it was just every once in a while, but it happens kinda often, I know his simply worried, but Boi Maxi needs to grow, don't shelter her to much, she desrves so much love, but she needs to grow too!

And I wanna say it to your face (Riftan) Maxi desire to grow stronger, it's her way of feeling asured that you wont leave her (not that you actually will), it's her way of reassuring herself that she infacts deserve to be your parnter, that she desves the Title of "Lady of Anatol" and "The Knights wife", sweety I know your worried for your wifey especially because of what you've been through and the trauma you must have recieve, but you can protect her while she slowly grows, have faith in her,
because believe me she needs your support more than anyone...

    Melancholy May 11, 2021 1:14 pm


    (Probably Big Spoilers)

    My gurl didn't go to nornui (Magic school), learn heaing magic, and earth magic (Gurl even created a forbiden Spell [It's not like dark magic, it's simply called a forbiden because thier nit allowed to use it outside of nornui , because it's to powerful for the outside world to find out), sneaked in at a war, paticipated in it, so you could still see her as a weak and feble noble lady... as My favorite line of maxi said "I'm not the Daughter Of a Duke, I'm the Wife of a Knight! I'm not a Croix, I'm Calypse!" Your wife is trying her best, please see her for the lady she is today, and not the lady she was.

    (Ps: Or maybe He did care about her and showed her his support! So correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still not at this part of the novel I've just read a couple of chapter scence (like for example chapter 150 happened this and that) and Spoilers so I haven't read it in detail so correct me if I'm wrong! I don't wanna misjudge my boi!)

    Lyniie May 11, 2021 1:14 pm

    I don't remember it being this harsh when I read the novel. I tink it was along the lines of "What could you have done?" And "keep quiet".

    The shut your mouth translation seem so strong and maybe not what he actually said ;/

    Lyniie May 11, 2021 1:17 pm
    Also...(Probably Big Spoilers)My gurl didn't go to nornui (Magic school), learn heaing magic, and earth magic (Gurl even created a forbiden Spell [It's not like dark magic, it's simply called a forbiden because... Melancholy

    He only got angry because he was upset at how he could have lost her right and there. He loves her a lot more than his own life. He doesn't like her getting into dangerous situations too so we'll see more of that later on when shes trying to grow and he's just restricting her because of his love for her.

    Melancholy May 11, 2021 1:27 pm
    He only got angry because he was upset at how he could have lost her right and there. He loves her a lot more than his own life. He doesn't like her getting into dangerous situations too so we'll see more of th... Lyniie

    of course, riftan absolutely love maxi! I just kinda feel like sometimes it gets to suffocating? Like he always doubts her, and he doesn't believe she can do it, which I get why, maxi is a frail looking girl, and it wasn't even recently since she started growing, so I get he's worried, and he doesn't want to loose her especially because of her trauma, but she won't be able to grow if he shelter her so much, baby maxi also needs to be able to stand in her own two feet... but then again that's just riftans personality! I'm looking forward to maxi growth and thier growth as a couple (you know more communication cause they so lack that... Like how riftan is jelous of Cauhel, and Maxi is jelous of Agnes, this people doubt thier love towards each other so much that's it's kinda cute, but unhealthy in a relationship!)

    Ps: Tho I love the that he can't win an arguement with her, like they argue because he doesn't want her to do this and that, but then at the end of the day she just ends up letting her do it... Riftan has a soft spot for maxi... ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Melancholy May 11, 2021 1:32 pm
    of course, riftan absolutely love maxi! I just kinda feel like sometimes it gets to suffocating? Like he always doubts her, and he doesn't believe she can do it, which I get why, maxi is a frail looking girl, a... Melancholy

    Just kinda sometimes,I feel like his being unsupportive? Or to doubtful, but I understand why his like that, and nevertheless I still do love him!!!

Melancholy May 11, 2021 8:24 am

Uhm... Idk if the mahwa is just like that, but in the novel riftan said “What the hell are you saying you could have done?” and "Don't speak." (At least the translation that I've read) which ends with a "." And a "?" Not a "!" Meaning he simply told her not to speak or what could she have really done, thats it, he didn't shout at her or anything, he was probably trying his best to keep his cool so he doesn't scare maxi... And I feel like they should highlight that? Because they make it seem like he doesn't give a sh*t bout how she feels! And riftan is all but that...


Nevertheless, I really dislike that part of riftan (and it would be fine if it was just 1 or 2-3 times but through the novel [if I remember correctly] that's pretty constant), but I still love the boi, but like he underestimates maxi or his overly protective of her! I love that side of him, but it feels suffocating from time to time, And again I'm fine with it if it was just every once in a while, but it happens kinda often, I know his simply worried, but Boi Maxi needs to grow, don't shelter her to much, she desrves so much love, but she needs to grow too!

And I wanna say it to your face (Riftan) Maxi desire to grow stronger, it's her way of feeling asured that you wont leave her (not that you actually will), it's her way of reassuring herself that she infacts deserve to be your parnter, that she desves the Title of "Lady of Anatol" and "The Knights wife", sweety I know your worried for your wifey especially because of what you've been through and the trauma you must have recieve, but you can protect her while she slowly grows, have faith in her,
because believe me she needs your support more than anyone...

    Melancholy May 11, 2021 8:36 am

    Also...(Probably Big Spoilers) My gurl didn't go to nornui (Magic school), learn heaing magic, and earth magic (Gurl even created a forbiden Spell [It's not like dark magic, it's simply called a forbiden because thier nit allowed to use it outside of nornui , because it's to powerful for the outside world to find out), sneaked in at a war, paticipated in it, so you could still see her as a weak and feble noble lady... as My favorite line of maxi said "I'm not the Daughter Of a Duke, I'm the Wife of a Knight! I'm not a Croix, I'm Calypse!" Your wife is trying her best, please see her for the lady she is today, and not the lady she was.

    (Ps: Or maybe He did care about her and showed her his support! So correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still not at this part of the novel I've just read a couple of chapter scence (like for example chapter 150 happened this and that) and Spoilers so I haven't read it in detail so correct me if I'm wrong! I don't wanna misjudge my boi!)

Melancholy May 4, 2021 10:10 pm


Thank youuuuu!

Melancholy May 4, 2021 9:45 pm

Y'all probably don't know the beating maximillian recieve don't you? You think her father just hits her every now and then and calls her useless then were all done here? Or maybe you are aware but because the manhwa doesn't highlight maxi on her struggle you don't feel that much of an impact?


Maxi as growing up had a disorder (her stuttering/lack of speach [I know it has name in real life but can't remember] ) his father was fully aware of that fact, but you know what that he did? She made maximilian memorise a poem every once (or twice a week) if she were to stutter her father would beat her up, you know how he beats her? He ask maxi to show her back and kneel on the groaned and whips her till she faints, thats something her 8 YEAR OLD SELF! EIGHT YEAR OLD! SHE HAS BEEN ENDURING IT FOR MORE THEN A DECADE, having the thought that she wasn't allowed to complain or shout cause it might anger her father more, she couldn't plead for help damit! She silently cried! EVRYONE BLINDLY BELIEVED HER FATHER! THEY BELIEVED SHE WAS PAMPERED AND A SPOILED NOBLE LADY! DAMIT! MAXI PROBABLY WANTED TO PLEAD FOR HELP OR MAYBE SHE EVEN ATTEMPTED TO, BUT NO ONE HEARD HER, NO ONE SAW HOW BROKEN THE OH SO BELOVED ELDEST DAUGHTER OF THE DUKE!

And you know how ironic it is? Riftan once asked maxi what she hated the most she answered "Myself" maximilian harboared no hatred towards her father, she harbours hatred towards herself, because more then anyone in this comment section (the hate comments) she knows how incompetent, incapable, weak, and pathetic she is. She thinks that is was her fault because she was born with a disorder, her father created such a mindset for maxi, he made it so tha she think she does not deserve to be happy, that she is merely a useless woman, that no man would ever want her, that she was just useless maximillian and she will never be more than that.


And were all (or atleast Most) of us are here to see that change, to see this cinnamon roll slowly change, to see her growth as an entire chacter, if you all can't understand that then please I beg of you stop reading the series.

    aybi May 4, 2021 10:13 pm

    EXACTLY THIS!!!! They always hate saying "oh fl is too weak i dont like it" ok??? Then don't read it and move on. There are only like 20+ chapters she, the fl cant magically have a big character developmnet. In the recent chapter we even saw her screaming and trying to overcome her fear. So I don't wanna see anymore comments hating on her ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Ambrosia May 4, 2021 10:48 pm

    Agree with you. I usually can’t stand weak female leads, but I adore Maxi because I think she’s written well and I can really empathize with her. She’s weak yes, she’s introduced as weak and she herself knows she’s weak. It’s no surprise to anyone, so if that’s not your thing then this story won’t be for you. But I like that her background gives us an understanding of why she’s so weak and gives a reasonable basis for her insecurities. And it’s not just the random traumatic past thrown in to make someone interesting, her trauma is the basis for her character and the basis of this story as she works to overcome it and improve herself.

    While this is a cute and sexy romance, I think the core of it is Maxi’s growth and self development. I like that she’s improving at a realistic pace, and most of all I love that she has the DESIRE TO CHANGE. She is weak, insecure, and severely lacks confidence, but she isn’t weak WILLED. She wants to be better, she is actively trying to be better. A lot of times in our progress in life it can be two steps forward and one step back, but that’s ok! What’s important is that we keep trying.

    Like you said, it’s only been a few months. It’ll take much longer to overcome the decade of severe mental and physical abuse she’s had. She’s been abused by her only parent figure and has never had any person in her life show her kindness. She’s never been allowed to leave her house or even had a proper education. Given all this, it makes total sense that she doesn’t trust this newfound happiness and the kindness of those around her. It’s frustrating because we want better for her, but the important thing is that she’s trying and wants better for herself. I’ll be here for the journey.

    Rose359652 May 4, 2021 11:04 pm


    sukkieoyo May 6, 2021 12:37 pm

    YES!!! thank you for this, you really made me cry when i read this. i love maxi, she deserved all the love and affection in this world.

Melancholy May 1, 2021 12:01 am

Am I the only one who wants an MC who has like no friends? Like no companion or anything... cuz legit when thiers a Female companion we view them as a Possible FL (Tho I don't really hate Girls in this Manhwa), then if it's a guy... Gay Shipping would totally end up happening... like Idk man, just wanna enjoy a story where theres no sh** like that happening...(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Melancholy May 1, 2021 12:08 am

    I'm mean Shipping and Female lead are fine... but sometimes I just wanna take a rest from them...

    Yami May 4, 2021 1:23 pm
    I'm mean Shipping and Female lead are fine... but sometimes I just wanna take a rest from them... Melancholy

    Maybe he will someday? I mean, tbh in a cultivation plot, this can still be considered early on.

Melancholy April 29, 2021 5:01 am

"Oi Manjiro! Just say it once, Just say 'Please Help me.' Damn it!"

Maybe I'm just being overly emotional, but that part, that part hits hard.

He wanted Manjiro to ask for help, not mikey, but manjiro. Because everyone saw the strong, dependable, and relaible mikey... but no one saw the 15 year old manjiro who has been (and still is) suffering from so much pain.

    Thisguythatreads April 29, 2021 6:45 am

    yes omg! Im screaming crying and laughing at the same time while reading the latest chap and my mom is a dial away to call the PWD hotline WAHAHAHAHAH

    HanajimaSei April 29, 2021 8:06 am

    It REALLY does, yeah. It's pretty significant, I made a similar analysis in my own comment, actually.

    Melancholy April 29, 2021 9:01 am
    yes omg! Im screaming crying and laughing at the same time while reading the latest chap and my mom is a dial away to call the PWD hotline WAHAHAHAHAH Thisguythatreads

    I mean... My mom be also doing the same.

    Melancholy April 29, 2021 9:03 am
    It REALLY does, yeah. It's pretty significant, I made a similar analysis in my own comment, actually. HanajimaSei

    YES! All the more reason how this makes me cry... Also I read your analysis and just gotta say... I love how well you explained the meaning of it! It even gave me goosebumps! I applaud you!

Melancholy April 26, 2021 3:54 am

Boi for a second there thought I was reading a different manhwa...

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