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Miju created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

Some Spoilers here so that you don't drop this story :)
The suicide attempts did not stop here. In the future she tried 2 to 3 attempts (i think). Heiner felt utterly shattered by her lifeless soul. He tried to eject anything sharp around her and tried to take her out for walks, he tried to give her everything she wanted but in the end all she wanted was divorce so he gave her that. Thinking she'll be happy after leaving him. Before divorcing her he asked her to promise him to keep living.
From here on the story is heartbreaking and shattering enough to sob till ending.
Yes he was far off cruel for ruining her life but considering his backstory that'll be shared in future chapters it all fell into pieces. He will grovel quite hard till the end of this story and you'll come to love this hate-love relationship.