Why are y'all so scared about how he killed a cat and strangled a kid? I mean haven't we all read worse seme that that? The psycho they are the harder they grovel
Well.. because we know Gyujin try to rape sooyoung because he was obsessed with him. But we never know what jihwan would do IF sooyoung ever rejected him. After all he also obsessed with sooyoung like gyujin. The only thing is Gyujin wasn't a psycho but jihwan has the major traits of a psychopath... That is our concern
I srsly can't enjoy this story. It's just such a boring concept, pleasing men while hiding your real self just so that they could CHOOSE you??
Actually I think this is the other way around. What I've seen so far is men trying to attract women so that they would choose them
Isn’t the MC playing a role to escape her bad wedding ?
She’s not there for love, she’s managing her survival option and actually trying not to get entangled too badly as she knows she’s a fake. In particular, she also never had the qualifications for the game as it’s a game for royalties only !