Probably going to be completely wrong but it feels like one of the themes is.. (and the word has gone completely out of my brain) deception? Nothing is what it seems?
The Imae (collectively) are treated as monsters when they're not. We don't actually know who killed his mother (especially since she died after saying she was going to name him - unlucky or a cover-up?).
I'm suspicious as hell that there's no actual 'toxin' and that the Imae (elders?) killed his father. That this idea of a toxin is used to keep humans and Imae apart. Hence the elder saying that it'll take longer than 2 months to kill him. ...

Ch12 the prince is talking about how Lilly went on an inspection... Did that happen off screen because I can't find that chapter. Then Ch13 she's visiting an orphanage.. and is suspicious about the disappearing kids .. but ch12 already had the outcome of that???? Are these two separate similar events??

20 million won (a month) is 15,000 USD. I've spent too long looking into the average salary of a Korean CEO Vs a sex worker to see if it's comparative.

Okay so it appears to be about right for the average Korean CEO / or a very wealthy individual (although the high end executives earn 4x that). Sex workers.. that was the difficult part. There's too much variety. Number of customers Vs $$/hour .. Could be on par, could be the lower end of a professional escort. Some examples were talking about 50k a month, others 50k a year (4000 / month).
I suppose what we can take from this is... Whatever Panther is doing.. he's very good at it.

Argh. That was kinda a let down. Mainly because I was holding Sehyuk to what he said back in c15 (if I screw you just because I want to do it, it's no different from masturbating).. and then that's what we ended up with. WTH.
Where were the smirks? The choices (either I put it in, or you put it in...), the proper foreplay! Where was Hamin realising why he was so angry... He missed you...
I had an idea of what it should look like and was expecting better (based on the characters interactions)... And this. This was not it.

So... I can work with the conniving/manipulation because that's politics, but I read the epilogue/author's note on another site and... it still doesn't give any closure!! There's still so many loose ends and plot points introduced that went nowhere! All the epilogue is, is Sioen linking his life to Minhu in a ceremony.. I thought this meant that hey now Minhu can't die until the emperor dies but nooooo wrong, it's confirming the dragon's prophecy of the emperor dying so when Minhu dies so does Sioen. Aaaaargh. And then all you have is the 8 year old prince left to rule the kingdom because everyone else is dead. I'm annoyed. I thought this had potential and then the character development went weird.
Argh. WTH. I'm actually infuriated. Look at this chapter - Sehyuk is definitely a dick but he is sweet on Hamin, and Hamin is into it. So why... Why the hell was the first side story grape?!?! What alternative world have I entered? Why couldn't we have had this all along?
And no one say that's just Sehyuk's character - because that guy already said that forcing Hamin is no better than masturbation... (Ch 15). Arghhhh where did all the character development go! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧