What's going on with all the albums? - I've just come back to this site and now half the pictures won't show up - is this going to be fixed or will I have to re-add everything in again?
Oh look at this, Past Me! It's happened again! The site went offline for 2+ weeks, returned, and BOOM some sort of server update has lost (once again) the connection between the database of images and the website presenting them :( ...
Do you think Future You can be bothered to re-add all the photos in again? That's a very good question Past Me. [We probably will >.> because we know from past experience they don't fix the damn images :( ].
What the actual hell. Here I am, coming back to this after months, hoping to find out what happened in the last chapter so I can decide if I should start reading it again... And do I get any information? No. It's just a bunch of people squabbling that their need to have shitty translations provided by a bot weekly is better than placeholders that give us the officials.
But hey if that's your preference.. we can always ask Jujucat to stop uploading here, since you don't seem to appreciate them at all.