I'm irritated.
Here we have Karnan: Traumatized. Mentally unstable. Emotionally manipulated since he was a child. Thinks he's the reason everything turns to flames (well...).
Then along comes the head of the IPA. And you'd think that someone in his position knows a thing or two about de-escalating situations?
You have Karnan figuratively standing at the edge of a cliff. And instead of talking him off the ledge, that asshole shoves him off instead, and then has the audacity to blame him for falling (rampaging).
I get that it's happening for the "plot" but it's so unrealistic that it's pissing me off. Does no one have any training for this? How have they become such a big organization without learning something this simple?? Arrrrggggh.
What's going on with all the albums? - I've just come back to this site and now half the pictures won't show up - is this going to be fixed or will I have to re-add everything in again?
Oh look at this, Past Me! It's happened again! The site went offline for 2+ weeks, returned, and BOOM some sort of server update has lost (once again) the connection between the database of images and the website presenting them :( ...
Do you think Future You can be bothered to re-add all the photos in again? That's a very good question Past Me. [We probably will >.> because we know from past experience they don't fix the damn images :( ].
You know what. All these revelations have told me that you can't trust anything they're saying. Everyone is an unreliable narrator.
With the option of removing tapes / interfering with them.. who knows if what Doha or Seongchan are saying is the actual truth? They may believe it is, but someone else (Bada?) could have wiped their tapes (save files) in the past and they wouldn't be any wiser.
Saying that Bada is an NPC based off not being able to kill the killer.. isn't necessarily the 'truth' either. They're making assumptions about the rules of the game and stating them like they're facts.
For example: In one of my DnD sessions my party learned that in order to push open a particular door we would have to dance or else we'd be electrocuted. It turned out that the door was completely safe and that the dancing turned off the lightning spell that activated whenever someone touched part of the building. But because we'd touched the door first and been zapped, and then did a little dance and didn't get zapped, we made the assumption that we always had to dance to not get zapped (which technically worked but for the wrong reasons).
Hence, there could be other reasons why Bada can't kill the killer. Maybe Bada is playing the game on hard mode? Or maybe it's a - good at solving puzzles, but can't damage anyone - thing. Not sure what the others would be.. good at acting, bad at staying alive? Good at fighting, bad at working as a team?? Yeah, I don't know.
I'm also suspicious of the line "It was like you were born to be a gamer"... Is that foreshadowing?
Dude can you imagine if Bada removed their tapes and then they removed his when they got theirs back and then everyone was just collectively fucked? Like that would be so salty but also, with crappy ppl like Seongchan around, I'd totally buy it.
I was also so confused (before they talked about the tunnel part) how what they'd said proved that Bada was "not like other girls." I think something went over my head