Fritz December 14, 2020 1:32 am

So I'm looking for this manhwa that's about a princess and a prince who's a hostage/political piece whos staying at her kingdom, her, her brother and the hostage prince become really close and then one day his kingdom attacks hers and the brother dies and now shes out for revenge I think?
-the ml has melanin
-the clothes they wear are kinda for hot weather

Fritz December 12, 2020 8:59 pm

I saw it on my feed a while ago it's an isekai romance and ml has dark skin and was a hostage fly grew up with him but his country invaded and I'm not sure but he thinks shes dead but shes posing as a man for revenge?

Fritz December 6, 2020 11:49 pm

this manga rec popped up on my fyp and INSTEAD OF ADDING IT TO FAVORITES I HIT NOT INTRESTED it's about a boy who's mom was like a notorious serial killer and he was locked in the basement by her and when he gets out he starts killing because it's the only thing that gives him pleasure and then he meets a girl and starts crushing on her.i think it's set in a fantasy world and the title starts with "the red-" (I think) does anyone have any ideas what the full title is?

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