FujoBoSS May 30, 2024 2:22 pm

It has a nice story..but the romance in the end was really very unnecessary

FujoBoSS May 30, 2024 12:43 pm

So disgusting my God

FujoBoSS May 8, 2024 3:15 pm

The fact about this manga, that both the sons were violated by their own Biological fathers and whoever tried to save them, were dragged down the road of sadness and hurt...I really commend the author to bring out the feelings for the characters in this way, I truly wanted Norihiko bstrd to die in the fire, but yes, he had to kill Ken, coz, he's just like that type of person (눈‸눈)

Honestly I won't recommend this to anyone. But I won't hate on it either, it can be a true story if this type of thing really happened!

FujoBoSS May 8, 2024 1:08 pm

I liked it. But what surprised me was the Artstyle which looked like Idolish7 anime!!!

Yuki San and ZOOL's new Manager San! Idk if you'll get it. But yeah, I was really shookt n loves it too

FujoBoSS April 30, 2024 7:07 am

I like Mugi, but sometimes when she's alone with the boys, I kinda feel like she's an extra, and should atleast stop being oblivious apologetic naiive Maneko Chan.

But I love this manga altogether...so.. I'd love it if author nim made her not a love interest but a guiding figure to the boys.

FujoBoSS April 24, 2024 8:06 am

Although the ending made me
I still loved it so much that my comment here will seem LONG.
So just for the sake of my soul, i'mma praise the author ❣ I loved it how unexpected some turning points were, however,

FujoBoSS April 17, 2024 3:26 pm

Alright... Since I am a Pet lover Their hijinks were tolerable, especially their Selfishness towards the MC. Because they are not humans but BakeNekos , so them having the mentality of an Animal is basic.

Idk why peeps are so negative towards this manga. This manga has one of the best Artstyles and a very deep Plot.

Yuki is really a Nice Fella, with a Agitated Heart because he was lonely for a long time, and it's true that the more u stay lonely harder for you to cope with Crowds and Social beings, but He tried his BEST

Shuu is a Cat Freak so his first love was probably Mii Chan. Haha, it's hilarious how, Despite being an Unique individual, Shuu still had to marry a girl and have a kid, but he was still happy with his Kid YukiHaru. And The Sweet Cats loved him too( ◜‿◝ )♡

I loved this Manga.. please give it a shot. It's really a beautiful one...

This is a treat for Cat Lovers ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

FujoBoSS April 16, 2024 5:50 am

This Webtoon is a feast tbvh! Not because the smut scenes are kinky, but because every now and then you get surprises!

The most AWSTASTIC thing was None of the MLs were in bad blood with each other, it was more like the Main ML loved the MC as much as the other did, and to cure MC these were necessary and Mage, Buttler or Raid they never felt any enviousness towards e/o.

Also, Uke didn't like the idea to be r@ped by Allendis, so it doesn't happen.

Honestly, in this type of tropes you get a clear idea as to what gonna happen next!
But this one is truly an exceptional one♡(> ਊ <)♡

People might say many things about their relationships..but trust me this is really a worth read

Please give it a try if possible

FujoBoSS April 12, 2024 10:11 am

The Artstyle is beautiful and one thing I love is, the prince actually cares for consent. Which is really rare in case of love sick MLs. I liked this manga for this

FujoBoSS April 11, 2024 1:27 pm

Everything was going fine until he forgave the r@pist

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