1. FUJITA - sakura dad (always suspicious because you don't know where he is come from or from what kind of family. apparently he can see the mother angels too. so we can conclude sakura magic come from father side)
2. NADESHIKO- sakura mom (apparently she not around anymore. Based on TOYA and Fujita story, she always around even she become angel/ ghost)
3. TOYA- sakura brother (he know about sakura current predicament and know he cannot do anything because his new power seems to involve sakura current predicament)
4. SYAORAN- sakura boyfriend- Clow descendant ( he know about sakura current predicament too, but decide not to tell anything to sakura, just wait until the time is right, just like Toya and sometimes help sakura- and about 3 balls that show up in early chapter when he tried to used the compass, that is maybe will become the key factor to tell us about what is gonna happen)
5. ERIOL- sakura friend - Clow reincarnation ( He always like this from the first time he shows up. Never tell anyone until the everything over or until the time/ event is right. So rule for magician it seems never mess up with time even you know about the future. because future is fragile and can be changing based on action. if change drastically its could be the bad ending, because there is always a price for everything, and everything must be equal) BUT IT'S STILL PEEVE ME...BECAUSE ALL OF THEM - ERIOL, SYAORAN, & EVEN TOYA- NOT TELLING ANYTHING TO SAKURA)
6. SAKURA NEW FRIEND (she is suspicious, but Syaoran said she doesn't have magic and Eriol said she would not hurt sakura. (99,9 % readers still believes she is the person from her dream and if she really is maybe she needs the wand because she needs magic?but how come she appear in sakura dream if she doesn't have magic?and the book is about Alice trap in time right? so maybe she is the person that trap in time and need her help? or maybe she did the same thing as sakura? like, make card scatter around from the book? so she needs to seal it back but the wand in sakura hand, so the job fell to sakura. that is why she want to take the wand because she felt responsible, and think the job was supposed to be her? this is my imagination)
7. NEW FRIEND'S BUTTLER of course- WE ALL DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM, so he is suspicious of course.
sorry for rambling, I have to get it out from my mind.
2017-05-05 13:52 marked