LucidNarwal's feed

LucidNarwal created a topic of Wet Sand

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but "They did this to you? I'll kill them", "I won't let you die alone", "You need me", "It's not as if we only had today" sounds pretty much like "As soon as we stop being this horny for being apart for so long, I'll move with you so we can work together and watch each other's back".

I know this is a flashback, I know that didn't happen because TJ disappeared leaving Ian behind to protect him and push him away from this kind of life. But sensing Ian finally choosing to come back to that hell he wanted to leave just to try to protect TJ makes the situation extra painful.

I know there is quite a road to go, so since at the moment seems pretty obvious that TJ and Ian belong to each other, I'm curious (and scared as fuck) about how everything will be developed to include Jo in the equation.

Ian is not the most charismatic mc out there and I think that it being hard to fully empathize with him despite his traumas is on purpose, so I stand with my idea that TJxAlive&Happy is my perfect endgame for now. Hopefully he'll achieve that with Ian at his side<3