It's easy to say "you don't like it? Go away and don't read", but in this case it doesn't apply because I love this story. It's been the only one I followed and kept reading during some months... And I don't know how to feel about the changes to be honest. The plot is interesting, the characters so layered and not full of cliches. But in the recent chapters I've noticed like not only the style changed but also some demeanors that not necessarily obey to character development. I'll keep reading but like I said in the title, it's kinda upsetting (':
I finished this manwha a little after it did on Ridi (please support Author) and up till this day it's my all time favorite.
If you love psychological thrillers without the awful bl cliche of sexual violence or worst "I r4pe you but I change so you should forget about it", this is for you. It absolutely fucks with your head and I'll forever love it for it, even if it ruined stories for me because I'm expecting this quality now.
I didn't expect to be this engaged tbh. The art is beautiful, and I love it when we have out-of-the-ordinary bottoms who don't follow the virgin+submissive+vulnerable triad of hell that seems so popular. It also got extra points because the first few chapters I was like meh, it's pretty predictable but I'll keep reading because of the art and the unexpected bottom. But then there was a switch and it might be predictable on another level now, I'm not sure yet, but as a psychological thrillers slut, I'm loving the dynamics so far (the lack of the fucked up I'LL R4PE YOU AND THAT'S SEXY cliche is also a big yes for me).
But I have some issues that bug me.
If it were an original work I'd think that author changed the plot midway and left some elements forgotten because they didn't serve the plot anymore. But since it's based on an already finished novel, that and the pace of dialogue sometimes feel weird. Also
What do you mean Wujin is mentioning he knows what Haewon does inside his apartment, who he fucks with, where there are hidden points on the surveillance system and Haewon, who's clever, observant and most important, kind of wary around Wujin, doesn't even have an insight on that info?
I don't want to be that person and I might be wrong, but do any of you guys know if the artist has previous works? From the beginning there was something off despite the style looked so good. And then there was a panel in which the tips of MC's hair are oddly rounded and with irregular traces, as if they had forgotten to fix that image. Color is also irregular, like full shading in faces and flat on clothes (again, in some panels).
I just read first chapter and I can say it's not my alley so I wasn't going to keep reading, but as an artist myself, the idea of AI generated manwhas makes me extra uncomfortable. So I wanna check if someone else's noticed it or if you know the artists to discard this
I'm so happy to see this is still being translated, but please please PLEASE consider supporting the artist on Ridi. It genuinely hurts my soul how underrated this series is. I've finished the raws months ago and it's still my favorite BL. The only thing I don't like it's that my expectations are so fucking high right now, like it's ruined me for any other psychological story.
So, again, please consider showing Yeaze support on official platforms so we get official translations (and maybe more content) one day
I'm sorry but I'm not taking the same bl shit, not with them.
Last chapter I was surprised, not in the right way, by the sudden change in Eunseung's attitude because he mostly knows what happened to Taegun, but I decided to give him the benefits of the doubt because I loved Eunseung as a thoughtful top for once.
And don't get me wrong, I love when they get kinky, it's not fluff what I'm expecting. It's the whole "you're not in your right state of mind and I see you're distressed but I wanna fuck you so bear with it, you're not gonna break" situation. Idk, it feels like it's suddenly ooc to complete the usual bl agenda and it kinda pisses me off:(
I shall say it almost lost me with the dUB con, but I love the drawings so much and the top is so fucking crazy, but the story acknowledges it and I have the feeling they'll match each other's freak. So I'm in, eagerly waiting (●'◡'●)ノ
I recently found that Placebo let's play became a proper manwha after a popular fucked up one shot and I really hope this one follows the same route.
It's messy but I love how it circles at the end. The romantic side in me wishes the bottom spoke clearly about how the sister gave a fuck about his brother so to ease the top's anxiousness and bad feelings tho.
I'd love to know more about them for sure and how the relationship develops from now on :(
From the very cover you know this'll be fucked up, and the plot and characters don't let you down with this. So I don't get why I'm reading comments complaining and saying they hate that this or that character because of what they've done. Of course you can hate them, but I think 4 chapters were enough to say the kind of story we have here is not the pink ultra romantic one, so yeah, you always can choose stop reading (:
I can't wait to read more. As long as consent is still a thing, all the "It's fucked up, I'm fucked up, but I can't stop loving and wanting you" trope is so my cup of tea. I'm still kinda lost with the timeline but hopefully I'll figure it out
Tho top is so into the bottom without being the clingy and annoying golden retriever type, and for the moment he's not the classic walking red flag? I'm liking this so much that is scary how many bl cliches they can use to fuck the plot up :(
I bet the top will get mad when he finds the bottom lied about bottom being an omega(and it's his right to be), but I hope that doesn't open the door to those cliches bc I I want to keep reading this one :c
Do the in game chibis end at any point? I've read four chapters so far but I can't take it anymore lmao
I mean, I'm on chapter 5 and I deeply dislike Liam, so the other comments make me curious. But I'm not sure if curious enough to keep reading tbh
I endured up until mid ch 7 but this shit feels wrong. We got the point, he's a kid trapped in that kind of life and ok, I got that we get context but this is unnecessary and disgusting. I liked the cover but I know at this point I won't even enjoy it when we get to his adult life, whenever it is
I'm starting chapter 12 and I just wanted to know if it's normal that I feel like every chapter has this "see? this is what's happening" vibe, as if they were disclosing important information, and me not catching most of it lol. I mean I'm following the main line, but I feel there's a whole sub plot I'm missing
I'm so glad someone still translates this!
The story is so beautiful and relatable, and the colors, the art style and atmosphere, breathtaking (':
At this point everything is pain, but still beautiful