Not talking about just this one but in a lot of manga, manhua, and manhwa why do they immediately start fighting
Like he said your real identity okay?? Lie? Fake it? Act confused? Why does none of this come to mind
You can go up to anyone and say some shii like "I know who you are DEMON KING OF THE BLANK BLANK" and instead of lying and playing like the person is crazy they immediately start fighting just proving the person right?
Your whole identity is a secret and you have been hiding it this long yet the moment someone calls out your true identity you can't come up with a way out or just call them crazy and leave
Just wondering why they immediately start fighting instead of lying it has always confused me and I still don't understand it

Not the mc she's great but the mls are starting to piss me off between the cp who acts like a dick head and makes her so uncomfortable thinking she's gonna eventually just fall for him because he is him or that she's just the next toy like home girl tell ur family they will literally tell him to go eat shii and die they don't care about the aftermatter

Woah woah woah are we reading the same webtoon? He's like trying his luck like any other guy? Even that terrible redhead is still trying but the cp gets hated? Chill he never hurt her, he just used to hate her bcs of rumors and she never met him nor did he until lately! And ofc seeing a great woman like that as the cp, the highest status in the empire he'd be arrogant and think all girls want to be queen and want him, I'm not annoyed by this bcs he doesn't display it, rather he gives gifts and try to meet with her to see more of before he confirms his feelings about her and confess to her. He's actually really likeable, arsian is sweet. Petro on the black list idc, the two brothers are sweeter, you know they should be hated for what they did to camilla before but look, even camilla loves them and ber father, cp is just another character that spices up the boring story and I love his role

Didier said her and that fucked up dude started this with their selfish desires BITCH SHE DIDN'T START NOT A DAMN THING Your student the one that put the magic on her without her approval and she literally spent the whole beginning trying to DIE SO TF HE MEAN BOTH OF THEM??? I better be missing some spoilers about how in the past she asked for this becuz if not then both master ans student are stupid fucks n I hate them both mf up here making less sense than doodlebob

See in a situation like this I'm already caught and who knows what's gonna happen these hoe's about to be working out trying to catch me like am I gonna win mostly likely not but are they gonna be sweating and cussing me out hell yes because I'm not going quietly they about to fit as hell 6 pack moving in that bitch like the song from madagascar Physically fit is playing in there

So I was here like when I started high-school reading this on timeless leaf I think that's the name lol and that was so long ago so can anyone tell me the information
Is she married to the guy yet?
Is she just doing random stuff now? Because last I checked her revenge was damn near over if not already done
Is the bird/crane back to being a human?
Did she find a way to get her master back?
And if I remember right that blue haired girl that was evil did she get revenge against her yet?
Can't really remember the other characters but if yall don't mind telling about them I would love that

Not married.
Not random, more like a quest. Revenge not done.
There are 2 birds now, 1 is a glutton the other one yep turned into human now.
Not yet.
Not even close.
A lot of like some kind of side quest going on to obtain some valuable powers or something. The revenge thing is still so far away. The red and green guy now are also away investigating something.