Roman is not softening up, he's still as ruthless and cold as he was in his past life, but he also realized that the person and situation around him is unlike his past life. I'm glad he decide to give Loren, Hans, his parents, and his people a chance and show them affection in his own way. I'm also soft when baron Dmitri said he has a soft spot for Roman since he feels like hes owing his first son for hard times back then

But oh come ooon, Kirita is either an idiot or a jerk for not telling Kanzaki about his feeling/ask him to be his lover, like he was the first one to start the relationship! I get it that of course Kanzaki can be the one saying it first but Gooood fucking dammit Kirita you'd better be the one who confess. I would get pretty hurt and confused too if the one who kissed me and treat me so nicely when theres just the two of us refused to make the relationship clear after I said I dont want this to be just sex friend thingy.
Be honest if reno is a girl everyone would ship him w kafka more than mina
reno & iharu tho
Well they're shipping him and Kafka still tho
We could do love triangle lol
They are, but seems like everyone (and the media itself) is treating mina as kafka's main love interest, whereas until the newest development reno (and kikoru) got more kyun moments with him. Reno is down bad for Kafka wow that boy doesnt play around. Too bad Kikoru is still a minor I always forgot shes not 18yo guurgghhh