I luv her character so much and I like how she recognized that shaming women in her previous life was a bit ignorant and that they actually had a purpose for doing all that. Also, her complying with the way a noble women behaves is not a weakness. She's stuck in a body that isn't hers in and unfamiliar environment. She's going to have to use everything in her power. I don't want her to chase after the ML I hope she goes to Liam and her old friends and joins up with them then retakes the country.

So I'm curious in the first couple of chapters she was like reincarnted and everything was in a book. Then she mentions like her past life and how she went back in time?? Super confused is it both scenarios or did she just go back in time. Also, if she did go back in time I don't think I could have ever forgiven that family if I was in her place. Its just the brother enabling that abuse is so hard to see and at this point I don't ship her with anyone and hope she can live a nice peaceful life in the countryside like she wants.

she is a reincarnator who went into the book that she feels strongly connected to but then later figured out that cayena was her past life.
it's like raeliana's (why raeliana went to the duke), elise's (doctor elise), and ezlay's (villain's savior) situation where they were reincarnated to their former lives but got a chance to fix things

I completely undertsand where jiho is coming from a lot of people have trouble expressing their emotions because of pride and woohyuk isn't making it any better. Losing on purpose and being overall a bit immature and pushy, yeah of course jiho is going to have a hard time expressing himself. This doesn't mean he's in the clear tho. Jiho needs to understand that his own problems are valid and feeling inferior is a natural part of life. He also needs to work on his communication issues as well. Woohyuk isn't going to completely understand anything if he doesn't explain. But omg please the producer this man is so fine and for what. Like the art is so beautiful and I just can't. I'm kind of shipping him with the producer cuz I feel like they're healthier and they communicate better. Also, the producer doesn't purposely do things that will hurt his pride but instead gives him like tips and advice. Still he shouldn't have kissed him cuz jiho is really vulnerable rn and its just gonna make him more confused.

I think her feelings are pretty normal it's hard to notice toxic traits when you like someone and the ML is really nice and is trying to be understanding its the guy's fault for leading her on even tho he likes someone else it doesn't matter how their relationship ended it isn't an excuse to play with a young and impressionable girl. But from what we've seen from the ml she knows how to properly grow from her mistakes and unfortunately situations where people play around with another's emotions are really common. Anyways hopefully she grows from this and realizes yes feelings are important and you should give effort but what really matters most is putting urself first. I also really like the 2nd male lead love isn't always hectic and exciting, it can also be like comforting and Im glad she feels that with the 2nd ML.

Dude I love this girl so much I just want to put her in a blanket and hug her. The senpai ain't shit. She's going on around not trying too hard being a regret but at this point she gon have regret for being too pushy. I get that you want them to like you back but idk if being pushy is the way to go about it. Guys like chasing anyway.

More than pushy I feel like she wants to be a part of his life yet she doesn't want to be too intrusive. Which makes it confusing where she should step in and where she shouldn't. The persistence she has probably comes from her undervaluing herself. It's good to make an effort but when that effort isn't reciprocated it should be dropped. I especially feel bad for the ML she's a very normal girl and she's trying her best to grow as a person but he's just taking advantage of her feelings for him which pisses me off since he's older and has more experience.

Yes i agree with you, I feel like when effort is not reciprocated it should be dropped. I kinda understand why she trying hard since she feels like she will regret otherwise. But yeah she is so cute and under value herself, like honestly like this manga reminds me of day light shooting star. Where the teacher says no then says yes then no and then yes again, she tried to move on every time he said no which is honestly really good. But this manga girl goes at it even harder when she feels him looking at someone else. And honestly that's not really healthy. Like there's all these attachment theories and a secure person would return love or give up if it's not returned. But the way she's going about it seems like she has anxious attachment. Even if it not an attachment issue I feel like she has low self worth to pursue someone repeatedly showing no interest or interest in someone else. Maybe I am wrong and she'll realize some of this stuff in the future chapters instead of just a guy giving her self confidence. I am not saying a partner can't help in that department but honestly I relied on my ex for self confidence and I thought it was working but honestly even tho he was nice and complement me I realize that would just give me ego boost. Real confidence comes from being self reliant and being able to come to terms with your weaknesses. Honestly I didn't wanna say a bunch of feminist shit like you don't need a man to be happy, because I think partnership is pretty great. (▰˘◡˘▰) you get to grow and mature together, but really especially in the confidence department you gotta work on yourself cause it's almost impossible for other people to do it. Like you can lead a horse to water but it gotta drink on its own. Same way a partner can show all the stuff your good at but u gotta accept them on your own. I honestly wish she goes through some self searching before ending up with misono. I really do like like and relate to her, I didn't wanna trash on her, just critiques to the story.

Oh no I completely understand and agree with you. She has flaws but overall I like her and she does deserve better. Confidence does come within and it takes a lot of experience to realize that and it's not always necessarily good. I don't want her to date anyone right away since she needs time to truly think abt herself. Overall, I really like this author so I think she'll probably portray the characters much better especially since this seems to be a longer work than the others.

Ok so like the men who gave her too much alcohol I'm pretty sure it's a scheme that they thought of and practiced as a group. Eve mentioned how they all managed to obtain titles despite being the 2nd sons. I think they spike the drinks of women who have a title so that they can take advantage of them. When they do they force the women into a position where they have to get married since their reputation would be ruined if word got out. If they get married it means they can receive that woman's title. It's really sick and twisted and it was obvious they had ulterior motives with Eve. It's just a theory tho I'm not sure but still those guys are like dangerous and disgusting.

So as we can see yahwi treats jooin like an object, even if he did love jooin his own selfishness overlaps that. The tactic ppl use when they wanna mess with their ex and send them a text like "I miss us" is exactly what yahwi did. We also can't forget how yahwi raped jooin. Jooin was drunk it doesn't matter if he dreamt about it before it doesn't give yahwi any right to sleep with him while he wasn't in the correct mental state to consent. Also when yahwi used those handcuffs he didn't help him with any of the aftercare I think and Jooin's wrists even hurt. I'm team Cain but even in this chapter, sniffing jooin while he was asleep... that's no and I hope he practices a bit more self control. I do like how Cain doesn't treat Jooin like some sort of object that he can do what he pleases. In his thoughts he even recognized jooin's valid points but him being angry with yahwi is a perfectly normal emotion. If we leave aside his romantic feelings for Jooin and consider him a friend, yeah he'd get angry that someone toxic is in Jooin's life. Also, when Jooin first talked abt how he felt dumb for liking yahwi Cain comforted him, he didn't give settle hints for Jooin to think abt him but rather told him he should do what makes him happy. Overall tho if Cain messes up in later chapters then yeah I won't ship him with anyone cuz Jooin deserves to be happy. Also, I kinda like Yahwi's friend idk if he becomes like an important character but I want to see more of him.
I understand everyone wants to see some sort of romance but I honestly love this slow pace. Usually slow burns have unnecessary drama or just random events to make characters look good but this one is different. It shows the problems and stress a lot of teens have. All the problems and family issues are very common and often overlooked in a lot of stories. The characters are so dynamic and accurately portrayed that at this point I'm really more invested in their growth rather than their relationships.