Seeing how despite her time period being so far from our current time and family situations like this still happen is so painful. I hope one day she lashes out and exposes them for all the times they mistreated her. But trash stays trash and they never feel remorse for their actions or take accountability. Instead lets expose the garbage in front of everyone have them be treated the same way she was treated. Even now she's suppressing her emotions. Her behavior is stoic and she isn't truly saying what she's feeling. All her anger and sadness is still in there and I hope we get to see her happy soon or get some sort of revenge.

I remember dropping this at one point. I just didn't like the ML. At one point in the story she got like kidnapped and he just didn't care. And then he started to like the FL cuz she said oh it wasn't his job something like that. And like I get it ur the duke u have to be careful. But he had the resources and power to save her. The way he had such a lack of empathy was just so weird to me. I was wondering if I should continue and from the comments, I don't think I will. It seems the ML did a complete character change out of nowhere and a better love interest was disregarded.

Thinking abt how much Mikhael and Millard too had to suffer under Rosie in the past and now. Like the way he was so disgusted by her touch I can't imagine what it must have been like in the past. And the fact that Millard was just thrown away and is probably used as a punching bag by rosie like I can't.

Like here I was cheering them on and super excited when that woman interrupted her. Like ok yes she's younger than you but treating someone with so much disrespect all for that reason is disgusting. She doesn't have a life or a personality so she feels the need to be in everyone's business. Like just be a decent person for once and I don't know maybe not spy on your coworkers private messages??? The only reason she hasn't revealed it is because she would have to explain how she knew and the blame would fall on her. Also help her out for once like if you see the meetings abt to start and she's obviously stress idk maybe do it urself like what.

I see a lot of people saying that the Prince in the future isn't that bad. I don't really have an opinion of him rn since I want to see how the story unfolds but so far I don't really ship him with Elena. Like I don't really see any chemistry. It seems like the story is focusing a bit too much on romance and like making the ML look good rather than her original purpose of getting revenge. I want to see more of like schemes it just seems really interesting. ALSO, I really like Ren I know he's a jerk but there's something abt this angst that has me.

What if like this was all a video game. Like one of those otome things and Dan-i is actually the main character and everyone else is fictional. I don't think its right I just thought it would be interesting.

Nice theory . I also thought of it this way and it is indeed interesting once dani finds out that she’s actually the main char but Spoiler
It is indeed a fictional story and yeoryeong is really the fl and dani is just someone who got into the novel. The section dan-i is in right now, is another novel so it’s basically like fictional worlds are woven together that created this world. Not really sure what’s up with that tho but the author of the novel (they said) is also in that world with circumstances same with the mc. Accidentally getting into the nov world. Acc to some people, In the.next few chaps we’ll get to see dani with that smart kid from the heavenly kings gets transported into this place where someone’s chasing them. Apparently, based on ehat people said, the man chasing them has no face (?) if i’m imagining it right it must be some place where someone is trying to take dani out from this world
Take this with a grain of salt thoo cause i forgot all the spoilers i read

Someone said she ends up with the childhood friend and he only broke up with his gf cuz she was graduating. I often see a lot of times shoujo manga doesn't focus on the growth of FL pertaining to her self value. Ur life should not be revolving around one man. Its ok to feel heart broken that's how you grow but sometimes persistence isn't the key. Giving up in relationships is sometimes the best thing to do.
Selena becoming a runner and a track star so she can get away from leito