Yahwi is so toxic like I can't. Do you guys know that a lot of longlasting trauma and effects can happen to you when someone you love is always changing their behavior towards you? That's exactly what Yawhi is doing, his difference in behaviour towards Jooin is not going to end well just because he's nice sometimes does not mean he's overall a good partner. Words are nice but they aren't enough and through yahwi actions he's always contradicting himself. This isn't good to Jooin's mental health at all and we can see that his toxicity has actually started to affect Jooin's outside relations. His now suspicion of Cain and the rumors at his college. I was also really mad at Jooin for being so easily swayed and I thought we could actually see some character development. But then I realized that Jooin is inadvertently being isolated and yahwi is the cause. The friends we saw in earlier chapters are no longer present the only person Jooin really talks to is Cain and he already feels strained with him now and on top of that all his previous spare time was spent with Yahwi. Jooin doesn't need romance in his life he needs change. He needs new people around him and new experiences. I love Cain but he isn't being completely honest but that same time you can't just be like I like you and I used to be your dog in my past life. Jooin's going to think he's crazy and in the state he's in it's not going to help.

I feel like Chan-il probably has like a lot of underlying problems. Like he feels like he needs everyone to like him and constantly forces himself to get along with other idrk.

Yes he did.
He's told him to not bother him and when Skylar left to go home while Chan-il was talking to his friends it shows Chan-il clearly went to go catch up to him to talk to him.
"Just going in the same direction" is such bullshit after it shows him matching Skylar's pace to be at arm's length by speeding up or slowing down with him. Thats an invasion of personal space especially after the person that told him to stop bothering him and avoided him.
At first I just didn't really like Helena at all and thought she was stupid and even if she wasn't she should have at least said something when Eris got slapped in the face. But now that I see her perspective and actions I actually came to understand and even like her. We're so used to women being pinned against each other and its so refreshing to see that the Prince is actually the main source of the problem. Both of their actions are understandable the past Eris, the new Eris and also Helena. I don't agree with all of their choices but each one of them has a solid reasoning for why they do what they do. After seeing Helena's perspective it makes sense she acts dumb on purpose to please nobles and her acting dense can sometimes make sure situations don't spiral out of control. It isn't her job to look after a moody prince who can't even keep his emotions in check. Neither is it Eris's job and I hope that both of them just get out of this situation as fast as possible and live lives where they can be happy.