They’re def a cute pair and the characterization is honestly really good which keeps me going. But the world building and pacing is just weird like to me it just feels like they’ve just suddenly fell in love bc they both had a hard life and personally I hate when I’m reading/watching a piece of media and they tell me everything abt a characters thoughts and emotions rather than giving subtle nuance slowly which kind of bothers me here but it’s not so blatant I can’t enjoy it. I’ve read better but this isn’t bad either the art is also really good

I like moka she’s super cute but honestly I’m just bored of this type of character. I want unhinged shoujo fls we need more of this and one’s that don’t forgive their bully’s easily and don’t feel like they need to be afraid of crazy fan girls who have a parasocial relationship with a literal classmate. I feel like every time I read a shoujo every girl is shy or pretty passive which is completely fine but I want to see more women go off the deep end cuz the teenage girl experience is insane and uninhinged and Itd be nice to see that accurate depictions. Also side tangent I’m sick of the mls having this traumatic childhood that excuses their actions like women also can’t have bad experiences with their families???
School Nurse was genuinely a weirdo preying on a literal 16 year old as a grown adult is disgusting