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joj created a topic of Haruka Tooki Ie

Please do not read this while listening to Mitski’s Once More to See You. It will fuck you up so bad just like what happened to me

I cannot express how this story is so beautifully (and tragically) written… I legit cried when reading this because it’s so fucking sad Both Alan and Hayden were victims of this fucked up society and it’s sadder to think that it also happens in real life.

I relate with Alan the most. This religious guilt is eating me up. Growing up in a devout family and being gay… I feel that my life itself is a sin and everything bad that has happened to me is my punishment. It feels more freeing to live outside than at home where your existence is cursed. I’m just glad that Alan was able to live freely with Hayden Honestly, K would consider this a ‘happy’ ending coz they found peace and home in each other. They were together at their last moments and were finally free from the society that holds them back