I just started reading this and I'm on chapter 18 but I've already cried a bucket wtf this is so bad for my heart, still I'm trusting the comments. I hope this one doesn't bother my new year hahaha
I'm in chapter 17 and all can think is "possessiveness" and "obsession". And it's making me uncomfy because of how clueless the other one . Is this gonna be good? I just hate pushover and like sudden romance
He's manipulative too. He basically manipulated uke into their relationship, threatening that he'll cut ties with him completely if he doesn't like him. but uke liked him too so whatever ig. It's just that i didn't like the process of them becoming a couple.
He's manipulative too. He basically manipulated uke into their relationship, threatening that he'll cut ties with him completely if he doesn't like him. but uke liked him too so whatever ig. It's just that i di... Nelcy
Right, if they were an irl couple I doubt they'd last
I don't know for others, but I don't like romance in this type of stories, also everyone that was in love is getting betrayed left and right in the story apparently ☠
I don't know for others, but I don't like romance in this type of stories, also everyone that was in love is getting betrayed left and right in the story apparently ☠ Killhades
i just read the novel. and yes, edora is the fl but there's nothing much romance
Wtf is happening?? All the comments makes me don't wanna read the update HAHAHAHAHA