Jaymei followed question about question

what's y'all hottest-takes (bl mahwas/hua/manga) that might potentially trigger the whole fandom and would push them to jump at you in any given moment.

16 11,2023
Jaymei followed question about question

what manhwa/manhua/manga you used to enjoy a while ago then read it again only to realize that it was straight ass like why tf did i use to like this???

15 11,2023
Jaymei followed question about question sexuality

Y'know shitting those plopplopplop shits as if your organs falling out after you feel like you lost 5 kg right away into katrina kaif, I get SO damn sweaty and haaahnghnomore I just HAVE TO get buck-nakedI don't even get half naked when I fuck femboy buttholes(just zipper, tits area nekd) cos I prefer fucking clothed(buttholes cool with it). But se......

27 10,2023
Jaymei followed question about get to know you

Two years ago, I had some troubles in school because of a classmate bully. He never harmed me directly, but he would make jokes about my clothing and my shoes. It was kind of his job to tell these jokes because he was the class clown. Those jokes, though, made me uncomfortable. I attempted to make fun of him to help him understand what it feels lik......

14 09,2023
Jaymei followed question about eat without getting fat

I never really hear anyone talk about dramatical murder, when I was younger I watched the anime without realizing there's whole ass game that goes WAAAAY more into detail (Also Dramatical murders is available on steam but if you want it uncensored you need to buy a patch for it)

05 09,2023