Those bitches annoy the fuck out of me. Especially that nasty blonde gaslighting victim playing motherfucker. Stay frail, stupid ratchet ass hoe bitch. Those father and son I hope y'all fucking suffer for your life. You both have small pp energy you need to be castrated. You made my lady suffer how many times? 7 fucking lives, and you loser heir that's honestly the most goddamn stupid thing I've heard??? She died 7 times so that mean this time she won't feel pain? Bitch please. Why don't you die 7 times and see if it doesn't scar you for life. You used her and trampled her. You useless father, don't you dare say anything about the way she acts and blame her. You absolutely did nothing and blamed her everything your other asinine children whatever fucked up shit they did. You are all stupid to the point that the word stupidity was ashamed for not being stupid enough. Your world orbits to whomst? That stupid blonde manipulative ratchet ass hoe? She literally just looked like her mother it's not the fl's fault man that's literally ur genes. That blondie breathes and y'all worship her, what the fuck is that? If she breathes she a thot. You know what fuck you all.
How about I shoot you, you infertile bastard.