Will she ever know what really is the reason in the original timeline where her father was the one who dragged her to the dungeon (idk what it was called) and why the prince was there?

She finds out later on the book. (Spoiler: her dad didnt tell her to kill herself, he handed the dagger so that she can protect herself and her dad sent the prince to her so that the prince can protect her. The dad was actually helping the prince revolt against the current emperor in exchange of letting his daughter live. Basically: the whole novel is based around huge misunderstandings)

Does anyone know what chapter it was where the MC is at this village/tribe where they had animal characteristics
-And I also remember that there was a red haired girl
- and umm i think there were a lot of men fighting for him
That's all I remember please help me out it's been a while since I read this
The cover and the story plot really don't align together hahahahaha