I really, really LOVE the concept of this story. It's not an original idea per se, but the art and the characters' made up for whatever other reasons that made this seems stupid. :D It's hot and can you blame me for liking double penetration on such adorable, a bit of playing hard to get daddy uke? Sue me if you're so against it. Haha. I don't give a damn at this point. This is pure entertainment to satisfy my fetishes. :p

Mwahahahahaha! I'm so so happy to have read this! This is way fucking hilarious. Although ifc you'll find yourself asking, 'Why the heck did Sawamura even agree to jerk him off?!'. Haha. But I'm glad he did. Kuroo is so damn funny I can watch him for hours being this stupid. Haha. I really like the Nekoma team.

Okay. Take a deep breath dear. Done? Okay. Here it goes. *squeals!!!!!!!* Hahaha. I need to calm myself down. Honestly, can't you pop out from your screen and appear before me so I can hug you to death? Ooops. Maybe hug you until you have a hard time breathing! ;) But I promise, I will let you go. Fufu. So my long lost twin huh? ^^ That made my day!
Also, why this post? When I saw the link, I thought, 'Where is this going to end up?' and it turns out it's my post of a Haikyuu! dj. Do you ship KurooXSawamura as well? I ship BokutoXAkaashi, KurooXSawamura, KurooXTuskki (just because they have plenty of djs for this pair) and KenmaXHinata. I looooove Kenma and although he really looks like an uke, I want him to be paired most of the time with Hinata. Because they are so adorable together and there's this dynamic/connection between them already (see canon)! Enough of Haikyuu for now. ;p
No please, don't sell yourself short. It makes me sad that I want to cry. I get what you're saying. I mean I also have been under that experience and will probably experience that again. We can't help it right? There aren't so many who are keen as us or shows as much enthusiasm or if they do, it's not us they want to talk to. I have an experience in an anime forum when I was talking to someone and I replied with a really detailed message of how I like each and every anime I have mentioned because I was just happy to discuss it and he was like, 'Why do you need to tell me all of that? Why explain?'. It sounded like he wasn't interested and was laughing at me. I felt really devastated that I didn't reply because I was afraid everything I will say will be laughed about. I thought we were having a really good conversation back then but yeah, it turns out he wasn't s inclined to hear me rant about my favorite titles, like it was a total waste of his time. And some same things happened again and again in different sites.
I have to say that your post about that of Erwin was illuminating. I mean it was so intelligent and well-thought! I don't usually jump into posts/topics but yours is an exception. When I read it, it captivated my interest. That post was full of sense!
Oh well, Rivaille is Levi anyway. He's still our bad-ass Corporal. :D
Woah. You found out about Mr. Tumnus! It was a recent discovery of mine as well. ^^ I love Narnia a lot! But The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe will always be my favorite! so Micheal's hot ne? Well, you might not share the same observation but Magneto is sexy. :D I can't wait to hear how many ships we do have in common!
*grins* You might be a seke then? ;p Ah, I don't like reversible couples too. There might be a few exceptions but mostly I stick with the uke being the uke and same goes for the seme.
Ah, fanfictions!!!! I'm on AO3 and FF.net. Speaking of that, if you have an account on Fanfic.net, search for addyliciousyaoi and that's me! We can move our conversation there because really, I don't know but my screen keeps on blinking when I type so long and it is always sent back to the top. I don't understand why. T.T It's hurting my eyes.
I know! I don't like ukes who are well, stupid and helpless? You know like all they can do is to be pitiful.
I have read Vassalord and yes Rayflo's hot but sorry, it is not one of those yaoi that I have been obsessed with. even though it is about vampires and all that sexy sucking blood stuff.
Tsukiyama's a bit stupid actually and he is deranged. LOL. So let's leave TG for now.
I guess whay it turned me off was because at the start there's already this woman character and for my shounen, I'd like to keep women at a minimum unless she's a bad-ass like Mikasa and doesn't show any love interest to the main character. But it's really a case-to-case basis as well. I can't recall how many have recommended me to read One Piece, Ugh. I think I'm really missing out on something right?
Oh please, please read HxH! You MUST! Haha. Hisoka is one of my top three. I love Killua, Illumi (Killua's brother) and Hisoka the most! Really complex characters and dark and sexy and hot and assassins! Can't be better than that! So are we ready to talk of Hisoka? ^^
Yay for AoKise!!! Gawd, they just melts me every time. Although I haven't gotten much on the anime/manga.
Aw. You make me want to cuddle you even more now. If I can really do something and be with you, I'll be there in this instant. I totally understand your position and in this site I haven't had a really long conversation with anyone but I kept on posting my comments on titles that I find good and if someone replied back then I'm happy but most of the time, they just like the post and say nothing. It's a really big blow when someone suddenly leaves you hanging and then you saw them being actively friendly towards the others. It makes you question yourself. Been there as well. So this I can promise you, I will be honest to you. I will reply as long as we enjoy these chats and I will tell you if it's becoming too much that I'm losing interest (which I doubt because everything you say to me only ignites my inner talkative personality) and you will be the same to me. I will be sad if it comes to that but it's better than to suddenly vanish without telling the other the reason, because we might keep on hoping.
I don't find you freaky or anything! In fact I'm just as sane (insane) as you are! Haha. If you didn't open that first, I will be the one to beg you not to stop talking to me! ^^
Thank you for giving attention to those little things. I also like how you separate the topics so it's not a whole bunch of words mushed together. It makes reading better! I have to confess that it also shows how witty/intelligent a person is. Also, with the grammar and punctuation. It might be too OCD for some but I kinda cringed when one doesn't know his grammar and construct sentences in unflattering ways.
You know I don't find it insane if one wants to find friends through a yaoi site because I myself, wanted that. I don't have any physical friend who loves yaoi. Most of my friends don't even like anime/manga so I am always deprived of conversations like this. That's why I can't blame others for looking up people that shares the same passion. I know we can really be good friends! Best friends even! Twins! Destiny! Haha. I'm still here and I don't think I'll be letting go anytime soon. ^^ Hope you won't as well! :)

Wow!!! Thank you very very much for all those hugs and love!!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I unconsciously took a deep breath after reading your first sentence! Saying I'm extremely happy after reading your post would be the understatement of the century! I'm happy that I got you that excited ヾ(☆▽☆) *hugs back tightly*
Sorry, there wasn't really a big reason for choosing this post. Since the post on SNK was getting bigger, I thought about shifting to another page where you could get notifications.After going to your homepage, this was the first comment that I saw and so I posted it's link.
I have only read a few Haikyuu! djs. I came across Kenma's pic a while ago and found him extremely cute. Then I saw some dj with Kuroo x Kenma and I started shipping them. Later I saw a pic of Bokuto x Akaashi and they seemed like a cute couple and I started shipping them too. So now, I ship two pairings from Haikyuu! I'll check out Haikyuu! soon :) You need to type 'Adult Kenma' on Google images, there's this pic there, with Kenma looking over his shoulder, wearing a sweater and next to him is a pencil art of Kuroo(?).Kenma looks so hot!!! I want him to grow up yet I want him to remain as he is~~
Aww, sorry for making you feel that way :( Btw, that guy was a complete asshole -_- [Um... are you fine with me using swear words, I can stop using them if you don't like it]. He didn't have to do that. I don't know how people can be that insensitive.It's kinda sad really. I mean, before they post such things, won't they get a thought like, "How would I feel if someone says that to me?" Seriously, all I wanna say to such narrow minded people is, 'stop living in a cocoon, come out and see this big big world people' ┗( T﹏T )┛
Thank you I'm glad that someone likes it ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Yeah, badass sexy corporal Levi <3 I keep looking at your profile pic everyday, before shutting down my laptop!
Mr.Tumnus is so innocently cute!! I might have lost it, coz I suddenly feel that I need a seme for him! I love Narnia too, but I've only completely watched one movie, The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe, and I love it! I keep watching it whenever it plays on TV. The scenes where Lucy meets Mr.Tumnus, and when the 4 of them hide in the wardrobe to escape from the secretary and end up in Narnia and when years later, the big Lucy, tumbles upon the lamp-post and they fall out of the wardrobe as their young selves are my most fav scenes eva!!!! I've read the books though, and it's a pity that that all the books don't have movies :(
Michael reminds me of Erwin in some pics and I'm starting to love it!! Magneto's character is sexy, even the word 'Magneto' is! I might have a thing for anti-heroes and awesome villians. I luv Joker from the Batman movie a lot!! He's so awesome and Heath Ledger has done an amazing job! I also think Chris Evans as Captain America is sexy!!! Many say that he looks like Erwin and I agree, but whereas I think if Erwin as a seme, I want Capt.A as an uke!! I'm not into the Stony and Stucky fandoms..
Haha, yep, a seke :D The only times I like an uke are when there's selfcest or when two ukes, like Rin and Kise for example, are having hot reversible smex~ BTW, I've seen many post SouRin in cop clothes, there's loads of dj like that too, do you know if there's any special reason for that?
Btw, did you have an account on pottermore.com?
Wow! I checked out your ff.net account! It's a pity that I haven't read Naruto yet!!! I'll read your Aokise story!! I write fanfics too, but I've not posted them on the web, they're just silly stories to satisfy my kinks ;D I don't have an FF account, but I'll create it.
The same problem happens to me, the screen keeps going up. That's why I type in a notepad file and paste here and then add the emoticons ( ̄∇ ̄") Sorry, but I have a favor to ask, could you do the same for about one or two more posts, or you could use editpad.org, it's a simple but awesome text editor. It's just until I create an account on a website, I'm kinda deciding where to create one and I need some time to decide. Very very sorry for asking that of you ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
Yeah, such ukes annoy me a lot, especially if they're short!!! *Seriously, what's with me and short ukes?*
No prob :) I had also been avoiding Vassalord initially, I didn't know how people could like it, but somehow, after a lot of avoidance, I decided to give it a try, and I loved it a lot!!! But it's fine if you don't feel the same :)
Haha, okay, pause TG for now!
Are you talking about a woman character in TG or One Piece? Mikasa's like the only female chara I like in anime I think! OP is very interesting, but this might not be a good time to read it coz each chapter is a torture, since you keep waiting for the next chapter like a psycho, the wait is unbearable really! It's up to you though :)
I'll read HxH sometime then!! I saw a post of Hisoka x Illumi and I've been waiting to read the canon stuff, so that I can decide whether to ship them or not :D I don't know much about Hisoka other than his sexiness though, so I'm gonna be on the listening end :)
Aokise is so cute~~ I want someone for Murasakibara though.. Many ship him with Himuro, but I want Mura-chan to bottom~ And I didn't find any who could top him ,it's not so much about his height, as about a character who would suit his randomness and cuteness~
Thank you very very very much!! I wish I could teleport to you right now!!!!!!!!! I love our convos a lot and I don't think I'll ever feel bored, but if such a time comes (No, it wont!), I'll tell you too :)
Thank heavens, for the amazing creating that is you!!!
Ikr, I have OCD about such stuff too, I actually love to reply to people only when they can have a clear convo and neat typing. It does show their intelligence.
Same here. No one I know is interested in anime, let alone yaoi, and so I can't really be truly friends with them. How can I, when I'm hiding a secret this big? So it's a blessing to find one, who loves yaoi!! And you are a blessing, coz I haven't come across anyone who's thoughts sync with mine to this lever. I'm not gonna let go too, I'm glad I posted that Erwin post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re very, very welcome indeed! Really, I will do that if you’re only here beside me. And I am so glad and surprised (in a very good way) that you have replied this fast! I was kinda used on our routine/pattern of one message exchange for the day but here you are breaking it! Haha. And I appreciate that. ;) I am ecstatic that I made you happy as well. It makes my heart flutter that you feel the same. ^^ Also, tomorrow there will be a power outage here in my place from 7am to 5pm and I reply to your post around midday so I might missed the time. But I will definitely answer back as soon as I can plug my laptop to power!
It’s fine though! I just thought there was something there but nah, it’s totally alright. And yes, this one of my first posts here.
I haven’t read many djs from Haikyuu myself but mostly I love all the pairings, but not much of Kageyama and Hinata (other than, as I’ve said, with Kenma). Haha. I don’t hate him though but I think I like the older players more. They are so sexy~ And fucking damn it! Kenma is so so so HOT! Gawd. He’s a total sin! I am drooling! So sexy! If he grew up as good-looking and as bad-ass as that, then I can die happily. LOL. But I do understand you. Our little Kenma will always be like a baby that I want to cuddle and spoil but really if I can be assured he’ll grew up like that one in the photo, I have no objections. Kenma, grow up already!!! :p
Thank you. Saying he’s an asshole comforts me. ^^ Nope, no problem with cursing at all but not too excessively. Like every other sentence or so. Or saying fuck randomly. I mean, cursing can’t be help if we’re high on emotions. I do swear myself but only when I can’t help it.
Yes, yes. After that I think I didn’t initiate any conversation with him at all. It might be because I was still hurt and partly because I was afraid to be kind of rejected again. It’s my defense mechanism. I’ll pretend I’m alright and not look so affected but only because I don’t want anyone to pity me or to do something like that again. I guess insensitive people will always be like that. While I am trying to be as aware of everyone as much as I can to prevent making them feel hurt or neglected. But thanks for understanding and in a way, backing me up. :D
I’m sure many would have liked it if they only give it a chance. Some long posts actually scare people off right? Some posts here are like two words but everyone seems to find it better. What’s with that?
Hahahahaha! Glad it’s now your daily dose. ;)
Hear, hear! Mr. Tumnus is a bit of an innocent faun that makes me want to take him home. Also, didn’t he serve some biscuits and tea to Lucy? Hmmm, in some Cherik fanfic, Charles is a faun and Erik is a satyr. You see? Even when Charles played as Mr. Tumnus, people need to incorporate Erik as someone who is perfect for our little faun! The power of yaoi/boys love! Oh bless those crazy, obsessed fujoshis! Haha.
I have watched the three movies and love it all. You should see them as well! I agree. My favourite will be that last scene when they were back at the wardrobe to their real life as kids. It was bittersweet. But I am envious of you. I don’t own any Narnia book but I want to read them! I don’t think our bookstore sells them. >.< How many books are there???
Now you have joined me in Michael/Magneto crusade! Fufufu. In my opinion, most movies/books/series/manga are only good when they have wonderful villains. Because they bring out everything and they kind of map the story in a way. I haven’t seen much of Batman movies, only watched bits of this and that. I think I’ll have to see them as well. Oh, Chris Evans is a god but I am not as crazy about him as I am with Michael. Haha. Yes, Erwin is mostly depicted as Captain America if the need to compare arises. I guess it fits too but Captain America is kinder and straight-laced in my opinion than how Erwin is. Don’t you think so? Ugh. I am not a fan of SteveXTony. Not at all. The reason is I don’t see Robert Downey as a yaoi character and it’s a mismatched with him and Chris. I haven’t been reading any SteveXBucky but I am not opposed. Since they have this past which is a bit questionable and you know, friends turned enemies. Classic. Haha.
Hmmmm. I find that ukeXuke really sexy too. I’m not too sure but I think it has something to do with what they want to be in the future? Or maybe they have thought of it in passing? It is not a forced thing but something that has been mentioned. I think? :D Sousuke and Rin as cops are hot! Have you seen those djs of them in cop’s uniform? Really, really handsome pair!
I do, I do! How did you know? O.o I love HP! But ugh, I haven’t logged in Pottermore for over a year or so. Shame on me. You on Pottermore as well?
Reading all those 700 chapters of Naruto will give you a massive headache. You can have a go at it, maybe until around 200 chapters or even 150 because that’s the foundation of the SasuNaru ship, I think. I’m not too sure again. I forgot most of the things on the manga.
Oh gawd. You’re making me nervous. I don’t know if my stories are that good. I have written them quite a few years ago but I am happy you’ll be giving them a try. Sorry for the formatting of that multi-chaptered story. I think I messed it up? Ah, I get you. That’s also the reason why I write. These stories of mine are written because I need to read something like that and sometimes what I want is not anywhere in stories I have read. So yeah. And thanks for considering creating an FF account! It means a lot.
No worries. Actually, I am writing this in Word because that’s what I do when I write long posts. I don’t know why I didn’t try earlier. Stupid me. Hopefully, this will be okay. Please do take your time choosing which is the best site to have an account! ^^
Hahaha. Maybe because short ukes is most of the time synonymous with kids/children/childish? But that’s only me. Heh.
Okay, so let’s scrap Vassalord and TG for now. Not the most common topics between us. I’m sure we still have lots to discover!
Uh, the woman in Bleach actually. If I do read OP, I’m sure it’s fine. It has around 700+ chapters right? With so many titles that I’m reading I’m sure it will take me time to catch up with the latest one. ;)
What made ship HisoIllu is they have this strange friendship and both guys are strong. Like really strong. If they ever fight each other though, my bet will be on Hisoka but that’s because nothing can rile him up while Illumi is very delicate when it comes to his family, more so about Killua. The fact that the two are handsome helps a lot! If you can squeeze them, I suggest you watch the anime movie of HXH. I forgot the title but the art of that movie is so damn great. The bodies of Illumi and Hisoka are chiselled like Greek gods! I can only lust after them. Haha.
Fufufu. Finding a top for Murasakibara is a tough job. Not /only/ because of his height but as you have mentioned, someone needs to be understanding of his nature.
Glad we reach an agreement! But I totally trust you now. Blindingly trusting one person on the net might be stupid for some but I think I’m old enough to make such decisions myself and even if you do kind of hurt me (if you stop talking to me), I’ll bear it. Part of life ne?
To be honest, I am a bit of OCD not only when writing but on my stuff as well. I hate being disorganized. I don’t know how people can live in such a messy state, especially on their living space. Sorry to rant.
You know what? Before, I try to keep my yaoi addiction a secret but then I thought ‘Why would I give a damn if they find out I like to pair a guy with another guy?’. It’s only a matter of being open-minded and while I know most/some people are prude and rude and judgmental, I don’t really care at all. They can think of what they want about me because why would I pretend otherwise? This is what I love and I’m not extorting anyone, not hurting anyone and I definitely don’t degrade anyone. So, I sometimes mention to my sisters that I’m all for gay relationship. I see nothing bad about it and they’re okay with that. It’s my opinion and they don’t bash me for it. Also to my friends, even though I am very keen to discuss it with them, they aren’t very interested to hear about the things I want to say simply because it’s not in their range of topics that are supposed to be discussed. But at least they know what I favour. ^^ I know it is different from your situation and I don’t encourage you to do the same as what I did. Do what you think will make you happy and content. I will support you anyway! Uh, I have to mention though that even they know that I love yaoi, they are unsuspecting of what’s really inside these sinful mangas. All those smexiness. Haha. It’s a game changer. If they knew what I’m reading, the exact play by play of those sexual acts, I’m sure they will label me as a pervert! Not that I’m not already one! Fufu.
You are a blessing as well, my dear! And that Erwin post definitely deserves all the credit! Haha.
Just a question, do you read books/novels??

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I wish I could come there! OMG, I didn't know that we were following such a pattern at all! My very fast reply might have been because I was eagerly checking out your page for your reply to the really embarrassing stuff I'd posted about myself in my last message (" ̄3 ̄)~♪ Glad I could make you happy though :) No prob, take your time in replying, as long as you reply, I don't mind waiting for a few days, if required ^^
:) Yeah~ Kenma the cutie, hope he turns into a hottie :D
I don't know if I like cursing or not ^^" I don't do it much, but I think it's hot when an uke curses!
The useless guy didn't deserve to have a conversation with an awesome person like you (︶︿︶) Such an incident hasn't occurred to me but I think I'd probably pick a fight when such a thing happens, if someone's rude to me, I get irritated (╬ ̄皿 ̄) I think that's a bad habit, I need to control myself!
Really, people might be becoming lazy. They want everything easy and simple. I think humans will slowly lose the awesome power our brain possesses and turn to stupids again. It's a real pity that we will lose such a beautiful power of intelligence that we possess.
Yeah, thanks for the awesome profile pic ^^
Hail fangirls!! Wow!! That's such a brilliant idea!! W-W! Making Charles a fawn, I'm really in awe at the way some poeple's imagination works! W-O-W!
I have watched some scenes in the other movies, but I never got an opportunity to watch them yet. A friend gave me soft copies of the books.There are 7 books in all.I think you might find them if you search on google :)
Yeah, good villains are as essential as good heroes! Yeah, watch Batman! I'd have shipped Joker with Batman, if he weren't a psycho! I don't know anythin about Capt. America at all. SOmeone mentioned him, I saw his pics, I wished for a seme for him.That's it! I don't like Tony or Bucky for him :( Maybe Thor, not yet sure :) I have no idea of the character's pasts at all :(
Yep, uke x uke is hawt~ Yeah, cop Sourin's so sexy, I love them! MAybe we'll find out about why they wear cop's attire in so many place if we get deeper into the fandom.
It's was actually a pure guess ^^" Remember, you wrote {*grins*} in your previous post? It reminded of people role-playing on the pottermore site. So I was like, maybe pottermore?->addlicious likes narnia->maybe HP too?-> then pottermore? Like that, lol xD I wanted to role-play too, but many people there used to do it 24x7 and it had reached a point where I couldn't join in suddenly :(
Which is your fav HP book?
Imma not read Naruto as of now.I'm not into SasuNaru, both look like ukes to me :(
I read your AoKise stories :D I'm gonna be honest coz I don't wanna say "I loved it totally" and insult you by being dishonest. You know I'm kinda over-protective of ukes right? Even a paper-cut on their fingers makes me wanna bawl...okay, not really, but yeah, I dote on ukes a lot. So, it's kinda hard for me to read fics where someone forces the uke physically. I don't mind if people sleep around, I want them to do it of their own accord, not forced. Hope I wasn't too blunt, sorry!!! I know everyone has different tastes, so though our tastes in writing don't match, I'm really happy that I found an awesome friend who writes fanfics too ^^ Now for my fav parts, I'm a total sucker for angsty stories, so I loved the parts where Kise pines after Aomine :D And I think you have a really awesome way of writing stories, some parts seem so poetic and beautiful, I was seriously mesmerised by those lines. Someday, I wanna be a writer as good as you!! I really love the way you write, you've got a way with words! The multi-chapter story was formatted very well, don't worry :) I'm not into tragedies, so I felt sad when I read your one-shot AoKise, but I loved it, it felt so realistic.All the characters where well-written and in-character, I could totally imagine Aomine being a dick to Kise and regretting it later! And the ideas for those stories, where do you get such awesome thoughts? Aomine being a cop who gets assigned to Kise as a bodyguard years after their breakup, I loved the idea!
Thank you very much for agreeing to write here for sometime, I'll decide soon and tell you where I'll create an account!! I'm considering creating an ff.net account, but I wanna improve my writing skills a bit, atleast 10 percent of the way you write :D
Maybe, haha! They do seem like children, I think that's why!
Somehow, I need to finish with Bleach with difficulty, for my ShunUki and RenBya's sake~ I'd love it if you start OP, it'd be awesome to discuss it with you! I'm shipping a few pairs there, but I'm not gonna tell until you finish OP, I want to see if our ships are gonna match ;D Take your time though, I'll wait :)
Okay, I'm gonna read HxH soon! Hisoka with his hair down is smexy!!!!!!!!!!!
There was this guy in KNB, not only is he of Mu-chan's height, but when they play, Mu-chan enjoys playing to his full potential[I read all this on wikia!], he's Jason Silvers, but he is a bad guy, he pushes Mu-chan on purpose and sprains his wrist -_- Damn!
Thank you for trusting me, thank you very much. I trust you too :) I won't hurt you, ever.
No prob, it's not a rant, I have OCD too, so I know how it feels!
Imagine a place where the very concept of homosexuality doesn't exist. That's the place I live in. The thought that men could be with men doesn't even cross anyone's mind here. So I'll be butchered if I tell such stuff to others! But friends are different, I've told a few when we've stumbled on that topic that I don't really mind if same-sex couples exist. They kinda agree with me too, but we don't discuss it much. My sis and me too, we don't EVER talk about it, but there was a time when I saw a newspaper article and said it's sad that people are killed because they are gay and she kinda nodded, god knows what she was thinking though!!
Yaoi is a beauty that people are missing out on!!! Hehehe ;D
Thank you once again :)
Yep, I luv luv luv novels! Been reading them since I was a kid!!!! What are your fav books and authors???

Hey! ^.^ Since we have been talking about going/teleporting into each other’s place, may I ask, only if you don’t mind, where are you from? I just noticed that I don’t know anything about you at all! Personal things I mean. Well, I know your stand on that but just general and not intimate, too personal ones. Also, what do I call you? >.< I have been labeling you as my anon-lovely friend and while I think it’s nice, I want to have a name for my newly found precious one! Only of course if you please. A nickname or pet name. I hope I don’t sound pushy or intruding.
I want to assure you, I won’t hold it against you if you want to pour your feelings to me! Please don’t be conscious of it. I actually feel honoured that you trust me enough to say what you feel. :)
Fufufu. I particularly love a seme when he curses but only when he’s you know feeling so jealous and possessive, especially when after he finds out that his uke has been harmed/stalked or if there’s another seme pining for him. Haha.
I’m not really regretting my decision maybe because I was hurt first before I felt the anger. It’s also a factor that we were in the forum and it will be so awkward if I kind of start a fight. Anyway, I have moved on from it. Hmmm. You better learn how to handle your emotions because it can really be a pain if you let it rule you. If faced with a really aggravating situation, calm down and think first. Composing yourself will help you think rationally. Anyway, I’m not saying to not act the way you wanted but maybe consider the consequences first if you think it might result to something you probably will regret, but no pressure dearie! :D
I agree! Also, I rarely find interesting conversations anywhere in the net. Mostly if you look into social media sites, it’s all about gossips or narcissism. *shrugs* When there are so many things people can bond over with like yaoi! LOL. Seriously, I want to talk of substantial topics, not really those boring ones but maybe more invigorating than showbiz?
Hahaha. You know the power of fujoshis! They make everything possible for us! I can never thank them for their dedication.
Ah thanks! I will look for those copies around the web! I am excited to read it!!!
You know you can scrap or tone down Joker’s insanity. I’m sure your mind can work on that. You know how most ships/pairings aren’t exactly the way they are in canon. They will always be tweaked and adjusted to accommodate the interests or preference of those supporting them in the yaoi fandom. I’m sure there are fanfics written of Joker/Batman that will suit your taste! ^^ But again, no pressure!
For me, Thor is more of a great friend. Haha. I can’t pair him up yet, not to Loki or anyone at all! Maybe also because I am quite used to his relationship with the woman he loves (forgot her name, sorry). If you can start watching (slowly) the movies, you’ll get their interactions/relationships. Only if you are interested.
Wow. Good thinking! :D I am more of a fan of Harry Potter books but not entirely on stuff like role-playing it. I am stuck into the classic HP and nothing else about it. That’s why I am not immersed in Pottermore. Although, I have never tried role-paling before! I think it’s also because I am afraid I won’t be able to meet up with the deadline or I am afraid I can’t find someone who can understand me. Honestly, it’s more like I am afraid that my partner sucks. Sorry. T.T
That’s a difficult question!!! Okay, the first book will always, always be special. When I read the third book, I am officially in love with JK Rowling. Haha. Although when I saw the movie of it, I felt that they didn’t do justice on the book and left me so disappointed. Then book 5 and book 7. Until now I am torn but I think I really love the last book because it closed the story and tied up all the loose threads. Yeah, so Order of the Phoenix it is!!! Yours?
Ah, I do understand that point. Actually, the Naruto fandom has so many of that ships that the seme and uke can be looked at as reversible. But I beg to differ that Sasuke and Naruto both look like as ukes. Actually, they are both seme in more ways and it’s a bit of problem because the ship is like torn in half, unable to decided which is who. But eh, when I read SasuNaru, I look for a mature Sasuke and Naruto as much as I can and not the characters that are still stuck into their childhood/teenage years. That’s just me though. ^^’
Thank you, thank you! Firstly for being so honest. I appreciate that. Actually I think you were still being kind telling your opinion. Be more harsh on me! LOL. My heart did this fluttering again; your words made my heart swell in happiness. Thank you! When I write, the first thing I struggle after mapping what I want to tell (e.g the plot) is if I can manage to characterize the characters properly! I am afraid that they will be too out of characters which will make anyone wince as they read it. So it made me happy to gain your approval on that! It makes me feel I succeeded again. :) And ugh, you praised me. I am embarrassed but thankful at the same time. I know it should make one happy when someone praised him/her but aaaah, I feel shy but happy at the same time. Feel like I’m gonna burst! >///<
I apologize if I made you sad about that one-shot of AoKise but it was essential I guess at that time when I wrote it. ^^ Oh my, I live for angst! Give me angst over any fluff and I’ll devour it. I don’t know but I just wanted something that’s really hurtful, not physically but emotionally! I guess it’s because I am a masochist (just my obsession but I haven’t proven it in anyway, other than when I read fanfics) and I put myself in the uke’s situation. So indirectly, I feel all the pain. ^^ Kind of weird?
The idea for cop!Aomine isn’t original. I think like in SouRin, Aomine has been portrayed to be a cop in the future, as Kise is a pilot. I don’t really know where that idea originated but I went with the flow. The entirety of the story though is all me. I want something angsty. Aomine breaking with Kise then wanting him back again! Whoooot! ;D
You can always make an FF account and not write. Just read, fave and follow your preferred stories. But it’s alright if you want to make an account and consider writing! That’s great to be honest! And please, don’t put me on pedestal. Haha. I am not that good! You’ll find way more amazing writers than me, I assure you.
Hahaha. Alright. Once I start with OP, I’ll take note of my possible ships.
Ugh! Hisoka is downright smexy! Geez, if I have one chance to make a character mine, it’ll be Hisoka.... uh, or Levi? Hahaha.
Oh, Jason Silvers is evil! Bad Jason. Not a really good choice then.
Then, we’re officially best buds! At least in here. Hehe. There’s trust which is essential in any relationship and there’s respect and not to mention that our personalities click so much!!!
Oh, that’s sad. I don’t know what will I do if I live in a kind of homophobic family or community. It will be torture. But I think that maybe the people there aren’t just open to the idea? I mean it’s either homosexuality isn’t discussed because it is a deviation and not really because they hate it?
I hope to heavens that your sister isn’t someone who despises gays and gay relationship. But if it’s the other way around then, hooray!
Uh, I am more on thriller/mystery. ^^ But I do like some inspirational novels as well. My favourite books are To Kill a Mocking Bird (Harper Lee), The Firm (John Grisham), Dan Brown’s novels (not all though), For One More Day (Mitch Albom), James Pattersons’ women’s Murder Club and some more. What about yours?

Sorry about the late reply, internet problem here :( I've typed it in a hurry, since the connection seems ready to snap any moment, I'm sorry for any discrepancies.
Don't hold back when you speak to me, I don't mind whatever you ask or tell me :)
I don't mind telling you at all, but I want to tell you about it privately. So I was wondering, is it okay with you if I create a temporary mangago account to continue our conversation, until I decide where to create a more permanent account to talk with you? I'm very bad at creating nicknames! When it comes to creating usernames, it is a torture for me!! Why don't you choose a nickname for me? ^^ You don't sound pushy at all, in fact, I'm happy that you're interested to talk to me on a more personal level :)
Thank you for being there for me, it's really awesome that I could meet a person with whom I could connect to this closely!
Yeah, it's so hot when a seme curses out of jealousy!! I kinda find the uke stalking thing scary, but if it's a comedy manga and not too creepy, then I don't mind :)
Thanks for your words :) I'm actually not an impulsive person, in fact, I might be the opposite. I think quite a lot, wayyy too much before acting, and that sometimes annoys me -_- It's the same when I'm online, but sometimes I come across posts where someone states their opinion and if it's not in accord with the majority, then the person is bad-mouthed.Such
comments annoy me a lot. Just coz someone doesn't share your opinion, it doesn't mean you should be rude to them. At such times, whether I was the one insulted or someone else, I reply with something like "Wow, so many dislikes just coz they stated their opinion??" or something like that. The same applies to my normal life. I kinda sugar coat my words and tell
people what I feel, can't be too blunt to people nowadays, gonna be seeing the doors of heaven soon if you're too rude xD
Ikr? Most people are like sheep who follow after one another! They don't pause to see the beauty that is life. They just keep going along with the majority.It's sad really.
I hope you find the Narnia books ^^
I know, but though I try to convince my mind, I keep thinking, he's bad in the canon version.It's like a chant, so I don't pair bad people. Joker's too insane, he's like a stray balloon, totally uncontrolled in his path. He's way past stuff like love and such things. So I'll let him be the way he is! I'm not that into shipping him anyway, it's just a thought :)
I need to check out these characters, Thor and Bucky and all, I can't ship them properly at all, since I don't know their backgrounds :( I didn't know Thor had a girl. Are they all characters from Iron-man?
No prob, don't apologize :) I didn't know about role-playing till I joined pottermore :( The users used to do something like, choosing a name, anything, like 'Anna' or 'Blacky' or whatever, and then give themselves a role, like doctor or something. Then they used to post stuff like, *enters the greats house and starts searching for isabel* and stuff like that! I thought it was fun, but I didn't get the chance to participate, I wasn't a regular user : I love the books and movies and my friend told me about pottermore and I started using it. I used to enjoy collecting items when I occasionally logged in. The last time I went there, it had received a total makeover :( All the accounts have been deleted and we can no longer create accounts and play games and stuff. They've totally changed the format :( I haven't visited it since then.
I think I like the Deathly Hollows most, but it's kinda difficult to choose :,( 2nd is good too, AAH~ I don't know, perhaps the 7th, coz I love how Snape turns from the bad to the good guy! Snape is my fav fav fav character! He's got such a tragic life, I hate Lily, though I know my hatred isn't justified! I love the 1st, 2nd and 3rd movies and books very much, but after that I don't particularly love them, but I do like them. It's like from the 4th part, they turn into adults.I felt that the romance and teenage part was kinda forced. I know it's natural that everyone goes through crushes and such, but maybe coz all the fantasy books that I've read don't usually take such an approach, so I didn't enjoy parts 4-6 thoroughly. I love them but I could have done without the romance part of it I guess. I mean, no one's serious, Ginny kisses someone, Ron kisses someone, it didn't seem very serious...I don't like the characters much, it's the world they're in, that I love. It's just my opinion, I apologize if I've been too rude to you Who's your fav character in HP?
Ah! I see! I didn't mean that as uke specifically, what I meant was, Naruto and Sasuke seem like equals.If one's taken as the uke, then the other seems like a uke too. If one is seme, then the either is seme too. So, they're best suited as reversibles. That's my personal opinion though, I'll read Naruto someday and decide I guess :) Everyone can interpret it the way they like, that's the power of us fangirls ;D
You're welcome ^^ I think I was being plenty harsh, I was cringing when I wrote that stuff, I didn't wanna hurt you!!
Actually, you're way above me in your writing skills, so I'm happy that you're taking my words this seriously.Thanks :) I feel that way too, shy and happy when I get praised :D
I understand, I did love the one-shot though it was sad. I like angst too, but I'm pretty much into any genre I guess. But the right amount of angst makes me love the work! I'm like that too, I keep imagining myself in the uke's place I think, sometimes I make up such sad stories that I get teary. God, I feel so weird later!
I loved your story a lot, would love to re-read it soon, I wanna read your poetic sentences again ^^
Thank you, I'll consider making one soon ^^ I love your writing and imma put you on the highest pedestal there is, no arguments addy-chan (︶︿︶)
Can't wait for you to start reading OP :)
I would like a chance at all the ukes from the pairings I ship~ *nosebleed*
Yep, best friends foreva!!!! I've never found another person who's so in tune with my way of thinking!
My place isn't homophobic, more like, they don't know that homosexuality exists. There's only one sexuality that people here know and that hetero, that's how most people are here. But once they come to know, they're gonna turn into acute homophobes, that's for sure. It'll take time for them to embrace the idea of homosexuality. I don't think my sis might be a homophobe, hopefully she isn't! I'm sorry, but I'm gonna tell you about my fav authors in the next post, coz I've got a lot to tell you about, but there's some internet connection problem and I wanna post this ASAP, I don't wanna keep you waiting!!

Hello!!! ^^ It’s alright, don’t apologize. If you can’t reply right away, I won’t take it against you but I have to be honest here (didn’t we promise to do that?) that I was really waiting for your message! It’s like whenever I’m done with mine, the anticipation to read yours is kind of making me giddy and happy at the same time. It’s because we’re enjoying this, right? I don’t want to pressure you and I know it’s hardly your fault that your connection is a bit shitty but I want to talk to you a lot! *hugs you* I hope I don’t come off as clingy. I hardly am this comfortable with someone to be this forward. Anyway, I’m happy right now because I might have been waiting for the entire day to read your reply. Fufu.
It’s fine. Make a temp account here if that will work for you. I don’t really mind at all. To be honest, I want to move our conversation privately. A reason is that you know as we post our reply it displays in the home page where everyone can see it and I don’t really mind that. Though I can’t help but think that what if someone get a bit annoyed or misguided when they see our posts and discover it isn’t (now) not related to title of the manga were using as our chat place. I don’t want anyone to, well, say anything bad about what we’re doing but I do get this paranoid at times, thinking of such negative things. I might also forget myself and say things I will regret towards them. Sorry. >.<
I think it’s my personality to be keen on knowing someone to a personal level, only if that someone is a person I think understands me, respects me, trusts me and is also willing to be friends with me. And you are that! Ugh, I am also horrible at nicknames but since you have mentioned we might have been twins, so twin-chan? Haha. So lame. I wanna bury myself now. >//<
Uke stalker? Yeah, creepy. I love it way more if it’s the seme stalking! Really, anything that is equivalent to a possessive seme is perfect. I am a fan of dark, psychological mangas (mostly yaoi) where the seme borders insanity with his love for the uke. A bit sick but my interests tend to shift into that direction.
I want to ask, do you read shoujo/josei?
Hmmmm, I am not a crowd-pleaser but I observed that I am a nice talker if that makes sense? Whenever I say my opinion, it seems on reflex that I have to make is sound at least not attacking someone, if you get what I mean. Like I try to sound civil when I disagree with someone. Although there are times I’m feeling bold and just not give a damn. The feeling that I want to say this and if you have a problem then come and talk to me. Haha.
You sound really adorable, you know? You’re being sarcastic in your reply when you feel someone is insulted, like indirectly asking for an argument. :D But I love the fact that you want to stand for someone who doesn’t do anything wrong that state their opinion. Hahaha. Is it that bad? You better be careful then. I don’t want you going to heaven this soon! We haven’t talked much yet you know! Don’t leave me yet! ;p
I think I need to make a list of what I need to read (as per your recommendations). I haven’t done anything yet because I’m more excited to talk to you about things than start with anything new at all! Woah, not good at all. :D
Alright, JokerXBatman out. LOL. But I will still see the movies. Anyway, Batman vs. Superman will soon hit the big screen here! I’m gonna watch it!
How do I explain this? Hmmm. Iron-Man, Thor, Captain America etc. are characters from Marvel. I think it’s a universe of its own but they have their own stories to their names. Like Iron-Man (has three movies), also Captain America (two movies), Thor (2 movies), Incredible Hulk (just one?), there’s also Lucy (one movie as well I think?) and so on. I’m not sure of their interaction with each other as a whole because I didn’t read the comics and haven’t watched the Avengers movie where most characters are there. It’s a really huge universe.
Now I think I haven’t visited for more than a year as I have mentioned. Do you remember when the PotterMore was launched and all those fans were waiting for their chance to join. I recall it has something to do with answering a question on a specific time and they have limited slots for those who will pass. I think I managed to register on the second or third day along with thousands of fans. And those moments were precious. My heart and blood were pumping with anxiousness and excitement to join. Although I kinda lost the fire after a few months. T.T So if they made such expansive make over, I think even the smallest drive in me will be lost. But I will look into it and try. What was your name there? Mine’s AccioSparks18. It was the best choice out of the four names they made me choose.
I think we’re on the same boat of having Prof. Snape as our favourite character. Hooray! Half-blood Prince! And with hating Lily. Haha. Although I don’t totally hate her, more like I kinda blame her for just forgetting of their friendship even though Snape chose a different path. I know he made a bad decision but it was what he believed in back then and she didn’t even try to, I don’t know, bother herself to know whether he’s alive or not. But she was the force that kept Snape on his toes and while maybe it isn’t really healthy, Snape has made good decisions because of his love for her.
I am with you there! I don’t particularly like the love story imbued in the HP series although as you have said, it might have been essential as they are growing teenagers and might have been craving for that. Up to now, I don’t like Ginny, I don’t like the whole Harry-Ginny relationship. I don’t know if I want someone with Harry, although I have consider Hermione before but well she and Ron as like adorably stupid together. Book 5 is the turning point for me. I love the whole concept of them fighting together and like being really exposed to the dangers that they will encounter. It’s also the most well-thought with so many things going on there. Also I can’t ever forget that Sirius died and I cried.
Hahaha. Thanks for thinking of my feelings but honesty can hurt as at times and it’s better being honest that making false statements just to appease someone.
Is it weird that I think of what I want to dream before I sleep. Like please let me dream of this or that. Sometime if I can’t sleep right away, I think of situations where I am the uke or simply in their place for them and then I weave stories for us. That’s how I started my RiRen story (posted in AO3). I was just thinking one night when I was in bed and it spiralled from there and so I had to write it! :D
Ah please, that’s too much! >///< I feel so embarrassed! But thanks! <3 Poetic sentences, really? Can you point them out and I’ll try to take a peek. I think I wouldn’t be able to read it anyway, because it’s my work and it’ll feel weird to me.
Hahaha. You are showing your seme side, twin-chan!
Same here! Glad I found you. I’m sure we will have a few disagreements; I think we had already but it’s like more of differences in interests, but eh it won’t matter at all!
Ah, I understand. I live in a pretty much conservative country as majority of us are Catholics but while we have beliefs, some are open-minded. Like they are aware of things although not out rightly supporting it. I think what matter is, people should not be naive and try to respect what’s happening around. Not all changes are good but not bad as well.
Oh, oh, please do tell me of your favourite authors! I am excited to hear of them!!! Until then! *kissu* <3

I've sent you a mail :D Sorry, the formatting's bad, notepad gave me some problems :<

WTF?! I was really like on edge of my seat with how the chapter ended! Gawd. It was really intense. I was chanting 'Armin, no you cannot die! We need your brain!'. Erwin is turning to be creepier as the story progresses but I love him like that. His goal is fueled by his aim to get the end result according to his calculations, every factor gained as they analyze more of their situation and his father's own studies. I didn't for one second think that Reiner will be killed that easily because there are so many things to set up straight before he perish.
That ape titan is a damn pitcher! Haha. Great aim. I though he will be destroying the newly hardened wall by Eren. And so there are lots of human that can really turn into Titan. This is still the mystery that should be deal with soon! I need to know!
great job Eren though! I was half worried that you'll not gonna make it. Haha. Really GREAT chapter! I am so so excited for the next one!
What?! The end came too fast for my liking!!! Gawd. I don't know but this was a kind of strategic chapter and I have enjoyed the ideas and quick thinking from both sides. Have to say that Reiner isn't all muscles, he has the mind to back it up. This guy really will live quite a long life here before he will be killed. Pretty sure he'll have much more roles to take, if Eren won't be able to kill him now.
Where's Bert? Hiding probably and he will come when things either get bad for Reiner or things look too good for Eren.
I hate it when Commander speaks like that. It always sounds like his parting words. Ugh. Don't die yet Erwin.
Even for Heichou, it will be a hard fight to eventually kill the ape titan. Hmmm. I'm so looking forward to that.
I love it that Eren comes strongly to me. Fueled by his goal and revenge. Give Reiner a good beating at least, if you can't kill him yet.
New weapon! Lightning spears or something???