I so miss these guys! I remember when it was updated almost weekly before and I kept on re-reading everything! This is so much enjoyable and ai always look forward on what will happen to them or who's going to be added to their family! Also, excited about what Touya is going to transform into!!!! Hopefully some group wil pick this up.

It's really different to see it in full colored pages with such gorgeous art than just reading the light novel. I know what's to come albeit with some alterations but reading the story in a webtoon just gives it a whole new life. I've abstained myself since Chapter 87 because I just can't wait to know what's next! But since we've reached the 100th chapter, I thhought it's perfect to see how it goes here and damn!!!! The level of excitement is super duper high! That cliffhanger! Haha. Good thing I know what's going to happen or I'll be banging my head in frustration.

This has been one of those webtoons that has a great story line and then gorgeous art. It should have been enough but then the sexual parts has always been out of this world hot! Very sexy and stimulating. I mean, it always affect the reader, at least in my case. It makes me fan my myself because they're just both too sexy. Every chapter is wonderful and you can't really help but follow them and know what's happening.
I know he seems fishy enough but damn, he's seriously a gross human being! Don't know what's going on with him but I would love to see him getting what he deserves! Ugh! Want to punch him so bad!