I’m still reading this because I’m not losing hope on NianNian! Please, whatever happens, don’t ever stay with that fucking bastard! Please, just divorce him already! I wanted to slice his husband’s head off along with his bitch!!! The mother seems misguided in what should be the right thing to do. She knows NianNian is being mistreated and abused by her son and she’s still pushing for them to be together. If she really cares for NianNian, she should beat the shit out of her son and let them divorce!

I am so damn frustrated with this!!! But I’m not dropping this until our baby Nian Nian realizes that he needs to think of himself first. The abuse he’s been getting from his husband, emotionally, psychologically, physically and mentally should stop! He doesn’t deserve any of this. He’s giving himself to the wrong person for so many years! Damn! I want to fucking kill that bastard!

Yung kilig ko o! Hahaha. Seriously though, I love how both of them are clearly coming to terms with their feelings and realizations. While it will take long to definitely reach that happy ending, I’m so glad to see the development! More communication from both parties will help to establish what they are starting now if ofc, nothing else happens which I’m pretty sure isn’t the case. Looking forward to whatever author has in store for these two!!!
I’m just being dragged around here, grinning and being silly while feeling like a vouyer. Haha.
Thank you so much translator-san!!! Great work!!!