Fountain runner May 29, 2021 2:08 pm

any recommendations for strong female lead manga or manhwas

    Mai-chan May 29, 2021 4:10 pm

    Blood of Madam Giselle
    I love Yoo

Fountain runner August 12, 2019 2:56 pm

I just want to share my story here. Last semester, I went on a school field trip to China with some of my friends. I could have gone on the next trip but I chose to go on this one because one of my close friends (Let’s call her A) is going and the fees are not that expensive. So we decided to register for the trip together and I was happy because at least I have her as my partner during this trip. Then, some of my other friends also decided to go and one of them (Let’s call her D) was quite close with that earlier friend of mine whom we registered together. I was really excited about this trip because it was my first time travelling out of my country and it felt like I was going on a holiday with my friends. The first few days were not bad except for the times where I felt that the girl, D kept acting as if I was trying to take A away from her. Due to our rooms being arranged by our lecturer, I couldn’t choose my own roommate. My roommate was a senior from the same course but she was also a kind person. A and D were arranged in the same room and I was initially ok with it because I could still go to their room to hang out with them. But on the first night when I went to knock on their door to hang out and borrow a hairdryer at the same time, D opened the door and wouldn’t let me in at first. She was like “What are you doing here?” with a frown on her face. I was dumbfounded and a bit awkward because I thought we were friends and she would let me in straight away. She wasn’t like this back in school because I talked to her before but her attitude changed entirely on this trip. Still she let me in in the end and that time I was a bit angry but I didn’t say anything. That was the first time I felt something was off. During that first few days, she was always acting as if A must always be with her and I was the one who always had to sit alone in the bus, my other friends were already seated in pairs as they are roommates. I was always alone and that was not only the case. D had not once but several times abandon A for another friend of hers and I was always the one to stick with A. A wasn’t happy about it every time but still she still stay close with her later after D came back to her probably because they were roommates. I was really hurt because I was always the one with A yet A always abandoned me for D and only when D is with another friend she talks more with me. And the last few days were the most torturing because I was practically being abandoned by my entire group of friends, or should I say I felt invisible. It’s like I’m alone all time and no one wants to talk to me. I don’t even know who I was going with on that trip anymore. Just myself probably. I did not know the reason but I knew something wasn’t right. Only months after we came back from the field trip that I have finally know the reason to it. And it was a fucking small matter that wasn’t even my fucking fault. A was the one who told me about it. She said that she didn’t know how to tell me about this matter during the trip and was only ready to tell me at that time. By the way, she was abandoned by D again and we became close again after that trip though I didn’t want to talk to her at first but still I think that maybe I was overthinking things during that trip and nothing actually happened. She said that during that trip, A, D and me were sharing a big bottle of drinking water and one night when I wasn’t there with them, D said that someone was taking most of the water and she wasn’t happy about it. A wasn’t in a good mood either and said that it wasn’t her and guess what; they jumped into the conclusion that it was me. And the worse thing is I didn’t even know what was going on and they were like telling this story behind my back to my other friends. If they would have told me face to face, we could have sorted it out but no they chose to go behind my back and make me feel like a bad person to everyone else. And since then everyone became awkward around me and didn’t want to talk to me. A said that she didn’t mean to say that I was the one who took the most water because it’s something that nobody knows and she was in a bad mood at that time. She just didn’t know how to tell me about it. All the time I was thinking that I was being oversensitive and I was the one who put a distance between me and my group of friends but I have never thought that everything that has happened was because of this. I was really upset. They were living their best on that trip while I was in hell. She doesn’t understand how I was feeling the entire time while they were smiling and talking to one another and I was alone by myself the whole time. What would you do if you experience something like this?

Fountain runner November 29, 2017 4:32 pm

I'm a girl and i had always been sure that i like boys but sometimes i feel like I don't have any boys that I really can be close friends with or talk to. Even when they approach me I feel bothered or pressured by them. I only want to be around with people that i can feel comfortable with and they are all girls. I never had any experience in dating and never thought of it before, but after i entered university, I started having feelings for a friend(girl)of mine. I don't really know if I really like her in a romantic or a friend kind of way. Initially, I only thought of her as a good friend but later my feelings change as we spend more time together especially during my first year second semester. She always puts her arm around my shoulder and caresses my hair and I always feel happy when she does it. She also took care of me and slept over at my house when i was sick(I'm studying somewhere far so my parents could not help me). I want her to always be with me and I always feel hurt when she gets closer to other friends. I feel like i won't be seeing much of her after our third semester cus our subjects and classes will be different later on. I don't want someone else to take my place and i know that i'm being selfish. I want to tell her about my feelings for her but i feel like she doesn't
like me the same way I like her. She's always saying that i'm small and treats me like a kid. She tells me to make more new friends and it makes me think that I'm a bother to her. I'm scared of being rejected and i'm afraid that i will never meet someone like her again.

    Lena November 29, 2017 4:48 pm

    Don't think of her saying you should meet new people as a bad thing. People tend to say it when they really care for others. I told my best friend to go meet new people because I know when I'm not around she feels lonely. And to be honest with you, no one can tell you what you feel. The only thing I can suggest you is that, do not run away from your feelings. You would put more pressure on yourself. Try to talk with her about this. If she is really a good friend, or even interested in you, she will not run away.
    I hope its not a terrible advice. Anyway, good luck honey!

    egyptian_suka November 29, 2017 5:12 pm

    being jealous about ur friend is totally normal and all of what you mention dosent necessary mean that you are a lesbian

    LuluKillua November 29, 2017 7:05 pm
    being jealous about ur friend is totally normal and all of what you mention dosent necessary mean that you are a lesbian egyptian_suka

    liking a girl does not mean you are a lesbian you can be bi ect.

    Mikodami November 29, 2017 8:57 pm

    Don't you think that love doesn't have anything to do with the biological sex? Don't you love your mother? There are so many levels and kinds of love. It appears that you aren't sure yourself what kind of love you feel. So why not tell her exactly this? I don't know her but from what you write she seems to care a lot about you so she probably should understand your feelings. Perhaps she can even help you to find out yourself? All people I know are scared to be rejected. I think this is very human. I think this also has nothing to do with the biological sex.

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