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mangareader21502's topics ( All 15 )

mangareader21502 August 6, 2023 3:21 pm

honestly, i’ve read a lot of cliche op mc and i much prefer the dude that busts through everything rather than this type. this arc has literally been so boring, the story is boring and feels like a filler. will probably drop this and then pick it back up when i’m bored or literally cannot find anything else. I did enjoy it at first but this arc is really killing the story

mangareader21502 July 14, 2023 9:36 pm

Wow, the comment section and TCF is back all in the same week?? BLESS

mangareader21502's questions ( All 7 )

mangareader21502 December 30, 2023 3:27 am

SPOILER AHEAD: Ican’t remember the title but I remember the first story was about a box that shows up and haunts a school boy and you come to find out that only people who have killed another person or caused the death of (maybe even someone who is evil) can see the box and then it kills him. Then it also haunts the detective. I forgot what the order of stories is but there is also one where a young girl forgets her past but remembers something and goes back to an island with her current boyfriend where she was presumably born that is infected by these insect humanoid things that kill people and I think she gets chased or something and is saved at the end by her sister who was bitten and infected but still remembers her??

Lol, can anyone help me find this? TIA

mangareader21502 July 14, 2021 2:06 am

im looking for recs, and maybe these recs can help someone else too

full color preferrably but if its really good ill read black and white

op-ish MC (can be weak then get strong, similar to jin-woo from solo leveling and mu-won from the northern blade),
minimal romance or romance okay if its actually contributing to the plot,

i've read:
tutorial of th advcd player
taming master
scholars reincarnation
nano machine
the live
peerless dad
god of martial arts
tomb raider king
the great mage ...4000 yrs
the beginning after the end
the northern blade

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