Htk September 5, 2020 4:24 am

This Take guy is sneaky af. He tricked him into thinking thigh sex is a normal thing to do with friends wtf lol.

Htk September 3, 2020 1:18 am

Idc what anyone says..I don’t like Mr. Han. I’m sure he treated the guy with the piercings like he was special at first too, but once he was tired of him he started acting cold and being an ass. He will probably do the same thing to Param. Sure he is intriguing now, but what happens when he gets tired of him? I get if he broke it off, but dissing his piercings? Making him put a pillow over his face, while you pretend he is someone else? Boy bye. He makes my skin crawl. Team HWI!

Htk August 29, 2020 4:22 am

How did it even slip in his ass that easy in the first place?? lmaoooo

    Shaima August 29, 2020 4:34 am

    YES LMAO the logic in this is very ahem out of this world LMAOOOO but we not complaining cause we here for the plot LOL

Htk August 29, 2020 4:11 am

He needs to let Kyuho handle this. Kyuho is a smart and calculated guy..he definitely expected this to happen and has a plan to get out of it. I trust him.

Htk August 27, 2020 4:14 am

Finally, the infamous big brother finally arrived. I wasn’t expecting his brother to be that hot. Like damn

Htk August 27, 2020 3:57 am

I know that I hated on Yuta in the beginning (he deserved it) but I was hoping to see a profession in their relationship

Htk August 23, 2020 7:18 am

The wolf dude was kinda hot

Htk August 20, 2020 5:49 am

I am black and growing up I never felt black enough.
I always talked proper (how I was raised) and I always had stereotypically non-black interests. I liked anime, rock music, Kpop, etc. And I was far from outspoken. And i almost always went to majority non-black schools. So when I went to a high school with more black ppl in it, I was happy. But I wasn’t accepted. I was called things like Oreo and was told by even non-black students that acted too white. I felt like I wasn’t enough. Anyways, I noticed that this is a common trend with minorities. When your a POC, people expect you to act a certain way. You’re not allowed to be an individual with different interests. White Americans are allowed to like what ever they want and other white ppl aren’t questioning their “whiteness” because of it. I think this habit of ppl invalidating someone’s ties to their culture because of their individuality needs to stop. Regardless of race or ethnicity we are individuals who like different things.

    Chaeryeong deserves better August 20, 2020 5:52 am

    I feel this in every way, I went thru the same stuff. Plus, I've watched Anime since I was 2 and took up Japanese classes on the side to become fluent, since I pretty much knew the language, and it was like I was some kind of demon or something when ppl found out like, it's not weird at all to be interested in things, especially within the POC community, but both our own communities and others oppress any differences besides the ones society puts on us to begin with

    Twips August 20, 2020 4:04 pm

    I really relate to your story a lot. I sorta have an inferiority complex at times when I'm surrounded by other black ppl. I don't necessarily talk or act the same way or even have the same interests.

    I really admire the ppl who can truly fit in with the culture and I don't feel 'cool' enough to talk to them, so I isolated myself and now in college, I don't have any black friends. I really want to, but I just get anxious.

    And trying to hang out with other races other than white ppl is just impossible because they are just like us with that cultural barrier.

    Hopefully we can find more people just like us :)

Htk August 20, 2020 5:20 am

Notice how he didn’t say as a friend...he said “as YOUR man” for the ppl in the back

    Sam August 20, 2020 5:35 am


Htk August 13, 2020 5:47 am

I swear when Rika said he lost his virginity to a tree I literally died. I was laughing for like 15 minutes straight. These idiots are something else.

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