Why do people want to act like Jae is a better choice for Dan like are we ignoring the r@pe and blackmail because he's "getting softer"

Rape is your opinion and going against the story.
Dan said stop and it wasn’t ignored.
ML didn’t know about his financial situation. Dan even asked for more money. It is Dan blackmailing Dan in your logic. The ML learned everything afterwards. Are you reading Jinx on Ao3? I know faux details. I am calling out bad details not giving my opinion.

If your opinion wasn’t “it’s rape”
You would call her out on the blackmail statement. And not make it look like I forced anything. I do not give my opinion. One day you will wake up and realize this isn’t rape then feel foolish.
Also if we changed her saying “it’s not rape” and me saying “ it is rape” you wouldn’t think it’s an opinion at all. Because it’s not. You wouldn’t say anything to me then.
The shower scene isn’t rape. You have me believing sexual coercion before rape.
I just know there is no rape. It is logical to assume it on your first reading.
It is logical to think that not understanding rape.

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/jinx/uu/br_chapter-133682/pg-2/ "I said...stop it!!!" Dan's clear refusal.
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/jinx/uu/br_chapter-133682/pg-13/ "Enough resisting" Jaekyung really doesn't care about Dan's feelings here hes basically saying shut up and take it.
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/jinx/uu/br_chapter-133682/pg-16/ "No...no you have to stop." Again refusal
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/jinx/uu/br_chapter-133682/pg-19/ Using the paycheck against him, its clear hes realised that this is something Dan either really needs or desperately wants. Hes weaponising their contract conditions in order to get him to do what he wants right there and then.
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/jinx/uu/br_chapter-133682/pg-22/ "It's too late..now the only thing to do is finish before someone really catches us" Its clear Dan didnt want to do this but Jaekyung didnt care about his consent in this situation.
No matter what contract you agree to consent must be given on every single occasion, silence is not consent nor is a yes within extreme power dynamics. Even if he is prostituting himself, when a person says “No,” it means no.
Im open for discussion here though, I'd like to here your opinion.

I am not going to open the book again until I learn about Heesung. You understand.
I will trust TM Tora and and many others that see the truth. I do believe his lines are altered. Dan even hit him. Dan even hit at the beginning. Did he not care? Did Dan.not want to have sex? Would it happen without that line? You are missing something and I wished the boys life were not so hectic to show you what you are so clueless on.

The amount that people lies about this story is wild. Another person that has positive feedback or talks facts.
“ML paid for Dan’s grandmother hospital bill.”
“That don’t mean anything. He is still Toxic”
Or you get called a rape apologist or something foul.
A few good people has been asked if they are a rapist for talked about a future Dan x JK or something positive about JK. It is not right. So yeah, I am strict.
Rape is not accurate but logical.
If the op had only had rape. I would rolled my eyes and not respond but rape and black mail. Neither fits. Not a real….. whatever it is.
It is operation take back so the real people will feel comfortable responding. This was not meant to be a pov vs pov. We don’t do that. I will leave it to tm and Tora.

That is …., biased. I wonder if you would be open minded with Tora and Tm work. I kind of feel like you would dismiss it.
When a person says no it means no but no wasn’t to sex. It is not the same thing. Are you sure you have a correct reading?
And no means no but They can talk and opinions can change. Dan’s did. Did you forget who you were talking to? I know no means no.it is like you are saying I don’t know that or I know what dan is meaning in the story.
I know no means no more than you do. I lived it. That is why I let the boys talk. They were not raped. The ones fighting for rape forget they are talking to rape survivor. I told one to read ch 4. “Is it because Dan was starting to feel feelings?” = thinking I was saying Dan wasn’t rape because his body was reacting. Yuck! No. people are not careful. That is why it is best to have them to talk to you instead of having you to change or constantly be reminded ”rape survivor”. There are people who hasn’t been rape who as triggers. That is why most thinks this is rape without a second thought. Triggered

"When a person says no it means no but no wasn’t to sex." It was a no to having sex in that location, that is a no to sex, yet what occured? He was still penetrated. Im sure i read it right i dont really think there's anything there that could show it was consensual. But again, you are entitled to your own opinion and interpretation of it .

He said no to location twice. But you cherry picked my words and the scene. People’s opinions can change.
No I don’t want babe.
Well honey we have to go to your moms to mothers.
Oh, Okay.
A no to location isn’t a no to having sex. If they moved places they would have sex. No I don’t want to have sex here. ≠ I don’t want to have sex with you./ I don’t want to have sex now. You are taking two puzzles pieces and trying to connect them together but they are two different pictures.
Toilet if I said No I don’t want to talk to you on this topic but on your topic. Am I saying no to talking to you? No. I am wanting to talk to you but a different place. Dan isn’t not saying no to sex. He is uncomfortable with the location.
You are skipping the in between and missing things. But I will let Tora and Tm explain it. Then I hope we will stop hearing the bullshit line “you are entitled to your opinion and interpretation.” It is not an opinion. It is just as much as saying Dan is the bottom.
A guy can say no the wife wearing a costume. But that no does mean no to sex. Wearing that costume was a no. I don’t want to have sex in a bathroom = no to location. ≠ no to sex.

He was saying he didnt want to have sex IN THAT LOCATION, "i dont want to have sex in this location" = "i dont want to have sex with you here". Saying no to having sex in a location then still being penetrated after you said no is rape. Forcing someone into public intercourse when they dont have to have it in public is sexual violence. Dan said no to sex in public i dont understand the location logic, saying no to a location is saying no to have sex in that location as well. So in turn Dan is saying no to having sex right then and there, he didnt want it to be in public.

Try reading my comments again. This is you trying to be right. Again, if I told you “no toilet I don’t want to talk to you here on the topic = I don’t want to talk to you ?
It means I want to talk to you on DM or another topic. It does not I don’t want to talk to you. You are missing the in between. You are missing something.
You tried to make this a pov vs pov. You tried to make it like I forced an opinion. But are you by changing the subject and not understanding? You are by agreeing with this is a waste of time by your own actions and agreeing this is arguing.
I am not here for pov vs pov. I will DISCUSS some elements of the story. I will learn from you on rape culture and your opinion. I will be civil in other topics. Mostly I am here to curve the cyber bullying.
I am not here for what you are making this about. Yes op was like it is. I was like it is not. But it was not pov vs pov.

It is like I don’t want to talk pov vs pov. I have told you I leave that up to my friends as I avoided it. You push it on me.
I don’t want to talk pov vs pov with you ≠ I don’t want to talk to you.
You were trying to talk? Or was you trying to force that you did not see my messages to you??
You wouldn’t wrote that if you read my messages.

You are wasting people’s time. There is no argument. If you read you would had said something like that to me.
I repeatedly shutdown the pov vs pov that toilet tried to make it to be. I avoid pov bs pov because people don’t watch they say and people can be cruel. You only sirred this again and made me angry at Toilet for agreeing with absurdity. When he is not trying to understand or read the messages. He is just forcing his pov. If he read he would not agreed.

Like I said, I meant no offense to you. It's just, certain things can't be viewed differently until they can, I don't want to say more. It is not a matter of intellectual ability. That's why I said this argument [or if you prefer to call it a discussion] was pointless. Even if you win an argument somehow it's pointless even then. All you really want is your pain to be heard and understood but only you can do it for yourself. Is it really about this manhwa at all? I won't say more, I wish everyone in this thread the best! *hugs u.. if u want*

“Like I said, I meant no offense to you. It's just, certain things can't be viewed differently until they can, I don't want to say more. “. That is not accurate.
“. That's why I said this argument [or if you prefer to call it a discussion] was pointless.”
This is a good point…. You want to view it as an argument but many elements were missing.
It is not an argument. I was saying no to Toilet to his topic. He was not listening.
“Even if you win an argument somehow it's pointless even then. “. Win?? Pointless?? What are you on about??
“All you really want is your pain to be heard and understood but only you can do it for yourself. Is it really about this manhwa at all? “
I don’t think you understand what is happening here. Most of this is happening because most of the ones that “this is rape” attacked people for months. Where are you then to stand up to them when the other side desperately only tried to talk to them.
I don’t want to talk pov vs pov and there is more than that to a story. Don’t act like you have more moral and are more righteous. My attitude is mocking what we receive for months. Don’t patronize me when you did nothing to the real ones that shared similar views with you.
Please stop and understand the situation before butt in.
Does anyone have a link for the novel?
It's on webnovel app
You can find it on Wattpad lol
Here, you need to back up a bit cuz it bookmarked where I left