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wick created a topic of Doku wo Kurawaba Sara Made

Seriously love it, I feel like this is a true depiction of a morally grey character. It really feels as if you’re playing a game yourself, and it’s super satisfying to see the dialogue play out in his favour. I’m looking forward to what I imagine to be a slip-up, just because I’m curious to see how Andrim will react. I think he has a really complex personality that isn’t just “male manipulator,” lmao. The plot itself is clearly very thought-out and actually pretty believable. I find that (and I’m sure a lot of people do as well) I can’t help but want Andrim to succeed in his gaslight/gatekeep/girlbossing :^) it’s a great way to depict a character that is unethical and morally grey, and also making him appeal to readers that creates a conflict of interest.