there is something oddly unlikeable about almost every single character. I like the realism and the moral ambiguity in a lot of cases, but there’s something slightly draining about characters that you just don’t like doing stuff you have absolutely no respect for. Having trauma is not an excuse to be a vile and manipulative person, btw. I hope cirrus gets everything he deserves, unlike a majority of the comments…sometimes it’s worth considering that a titular character is just a bad person.

Cirrus is not a bad character at all. Did u read the story?! The mere premise of all this story is to show how 2 people with flaws BOTH Cirrus and Skylar learn to progress and evolve by learning from their mistakes. Did Cirrus do well with the manipulative scheme behind Ri-In’s back? No. But that doesn’t make him a bad character at all.
You should seriously learn to know how to read rather than stare at pictures.

Agreed. It's like people with no emotional intelligence just takes things for face value and quick to judge when characters are complex and multifaceted than that.
Ri-In's logic is comparable to a simpleton. Who doesn't communicate with their significant other and vice versa? Not their monkeys not their circus. And normal friends usually spread the word like 'Hey, you know that dog Candy that he loves, not doing so well, FYI, be kind rewind'.

Hi, I’m afraid you’ve missed my point. I said that Cirrus is a bad person, not character. He is actually very well-written and developed, which I can appreciate. As I said in my earlier comment, I liked the realism (of how traumas can manifest themselves in different ways), but that has nothing to do with how much I like a character’s personality. I suggest you learn how to consider alternate perspectives before responding aggressively to one you don’t agree with.

Just because you don’t understand what I’m saying doesn’t mean I don’t make sense. There’s really no need to be condescending when someone doesn’t agree with you, and I’m sure I don’t need to preface every comment I make with (this is just my opinion!!!). How well a character is written is different from how respectable of a person they are. Insinuating I can’t read when apparently you can’t either makes us both look dumb :’D

stories that concern themselves with specific settings seem to care very little about the setting itself. Understandably it focuses a lot more about dynamics within the workplace (since this is obviously a romance), but it would be a lot more interesting and believable if you got to see what kind of marketing the company produces. I’m nitpicking here, but I’m a little bored with the story because I’m not fully convinced by the business setting. Naturally a lot of people are not reading this because they care about the business of marketing, but I think specific settings are supposed to compliment the story and in this case it doesn’t feel that way. Again, I’m being overly critical, but I really hope we get to see what exactly the characters are proposing. I know it’s weird to criticize, I just found myself a lot more curious about the business than the romance itself, lmao. I really liked the scene when Yoonhee was talking about the advertisement she was most proud of, and I wish there were more examples of what kind of ads were being produced by the company. You get the feeling that the artist prefers drawing people above everything else, which isn’t inherently a fault, but it gives nearly every scene a lack of variety which makes it a little boring overall.

i know you acknowledge that you’re being overly critical but i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the author doesn’t know much about marketing/the internal affairs of a company so she’s not going to go in too much detail about it. i honestly prefer this a lot more than when authors try and fail to describe a specific setting - case in point was this one bl webtoon that was about a hacker (?) i forget the actual name of it but it read like a fucking cybersecurity lecture lol and didn’t even make much sense to me as someone who actually knows CS (i actually cringed lmfao), and in cases like these it’s like, since it’s a romance story focus more on the romance and the setting can be secondary

totally fair, it’s probably just my personal preference to feel like the setting is believable to me. I get how the overly explanatory part feels annoying once it’s excessive. I think what makes a successful story is balance in general (both characters and setting) but at the same time it’s probably asking way too much of more casual authors :’D

this author’s female characters are incredibly cute. I hope we get to see some yuri from them at some point, their writing is really funny if you try your hardest to ignore the rapey stuff. It’s extremely weird that the story is hilarious and a really good read once you pretend the very unfunny rape gag doesn’t exist. Fingers crossed on the yuri though (almost certainly not going to happen but I can dream)

kikumaru gets on my nerves to an extent in which it becomes unreadable. I genuinely cannot sympathize in the slightest with someone that dates women he isn’t interested in, the “serial heartbreaker” shit reeks of misogyny. Not specific to the character himself, but just a really shitty way of using women as throwaway plot devices as per usual. There’s stupid stuff like “being nice to women will make them fall in love with you.” I have absolutely no reason to like kikumaru whatsoever and being closeted is not a super good reason to be shitty towards women

don’t really have a lot to comment on the story itself, it’s nice and shows an entirely different way that communication/lack thereof impacts people and the way they see the world. I think being understood through any method of communication becomes that much more intimate(?) when it’s not through words. I did however want to say that I love the way the artist draws hands. I can really tell how much care and affection they have for the story just by looking at them…considering hands are so hard to draw, but I have the distinct feeling they’re drawn with love instead of hate :^) I keep getting distracted from reading just by staring at hands that are clearly so lovingly integrated into the story

it’s actually incredibly touching and really uncommon to see such an important emphasis on friendship. I feel like a lot of romances in general dismiss it as less valuable or at the very least not comparable to romantic love. Though this is obviously a getting-together story, it feels more like an interpretation of how meaningful love is in all forms it takes :) I’m probably reading into it too deeply, but it’s super refreshing to see a character that values friendship in a way that isn’t necessarily less than romance. It’s well written, lightheartedly funny, and overall develops and maintains a theme of universal love for friends/family/partners that I really like.

i love how you put it ! i agree completely- the author has a real gift of portraying love in a such a realistic and wholistic way, the story doesn’t just feel like indulgent fluff but still feels heartwarming and adorable. you’re definitely not reading in too deep, its clear that their friendship is very important and their romantic relationship doesn’t make it redundant. all their years of friendship wasn’t just to lead up to romance, and that is so dear to me.

Seriously love it, I feel like this is a true depiction of a morally grey character. It really feels as if you’re playing a game yourself, and it’s super satisfying to see the dialogue play out in his favour. I’m looking forward to what I imagine to be a slip-up, just because I’m curious to see how Andrim will react. I think he has a really complex personality that isn’t just “male manipulator,” lmao. The plot itself is clearly very thought-out and actually pretty believable. I find that (and I’m sure a lot of people do as well) I can’t help but want Andrim to succeed in his gaslight/gatekeep/girlbossing :^) it’s a great way to depict a character that is unethical and morally grey, and also making him appeal to readers that creates a conflict of interest.

You're talking about making a whole family sell them self to circus and slavery to be a prostitute and a mate of a monster and gave birth to half beast where the three seemed innocent before the slavery and then letting one of the twin experience such pain and torture with the curse and then making her addicted to drugs then let her 'serve' the public with her own body and in the end having her in eternal sleep while the other twin were fired to the circus and then raped by the beast that already impregnated her sisters and letting her have the child until it was born and then make her suffer a big schock and went coocoo.
Well, at least he didn't kill the child she birthed and let her live safely with the circus master.

PARDON LMAO??? No I think all of that is really fucked up. I said self preservation isn’t inherently wrong, but his actions certainly can be. I think what makes the character morally grey is that this isn’t “his” world. His actions are in the context of winning a game, imo (while they are severely messed up). It’s one thing to do all that shit if you’re born and raised in that universe, it’s entirely another if you know that they exist to be a part of a game. In the same way that people deliberately make their characters be mean to NPCS when they play games, lmao. I think there’s a possibility that his moral greyness comes from not really seeing them as people.

The prime minister ( I forgot the name atm lol) never treat this as a game world. He live his life as evil prime minister, and just happens to gains knowledge of his past life and the spoiler of the future. But he is still the evil prime minister, before or after gaining the memories. This is his world, his life, and he never treat anyone as an npc. The evil prime minister just be evil all around. He's a little less evil on second vol of the novel but yeah... Which is why I love him lol.

It’s a lot like Goethe’s Faust in concept. Satan even makes mention of Mephistopheles, so I imagine that it does indeed take inspiration from Faust; I doubt it’ll have a similar ending, as God eventually wins the wager (and Faust goes to heaven). It’s actually quite interesting to try adapting such a theme, I feel like there will be an inevitable disservice to some of the deeper messages of Faust (but obviously I can’t really blame the author). Still cool and I’m interested to see how it goes
I could read a hundred chapters about Midori alone, what an incredible character! It seems obvious she was in love with the original Ao, and my heart breaks a little considering all that Midori had to go through for her, just to lose her. It’s completely understandable that she harbours resentment towards Sho. I think it’s exceptionally rare for a story to have such a complex and interesting side character...she overshadows the rest of them by a lot, in my opinion :^)