i wish Hyuk kept that buzz cut cuz he looks hot with it
a slice of life k-drama based on this can bring peace to the whole world
I would love to see that. I would watch it a billion times over
I normally don't watch any k-dramas or any live action series tbh but this? This one I would watch 100%
I have a 9-hour hospital duty tomorrow and here I am bawling my eyes out. I hope I can wake up early later and not have a bad headache lmao.
Man, I highly respect you for wasting your time on useless thing but I FEEL YOU. WHEN I GOT A JOB I WILL FOLLOW YOU FOOTSTEPS
Hell, these comments are spot on
THIS WAS SUCH A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTION . I had violent butterflies from the last chapters and now my heart is seriously aching from the side story.
im like---horny, sad, horny, sad. WTFFFF HAHAHAHA.
the MC is too tasty
Fuck and roll
The only bad thing about this is Pil-Gyun calling Nanmu dad even at the very end.
Literally only called him by his name once
i don't even remember it HAHAHAH
I've never heard of a flaming cock up until now BWHAHAHAHAHKDMDKSNSNS
i wish Hyuk kept that buzz cut cuz he looks hot with it