Beware of the Villainess!
Grand Duke, It Was a Mistake!
im not recommending this BUT im recommending the novel forum spoiler thread on this, there's this post (the one with "leaves you braindead"), it's something brutal and gold lmfao
The Grand Duchess of the North Was Secretly a Villainess
i was wondering who the ML must be, but it's probably the crown prince since he's one hell of a big, walking, two faced red flag.
He is the ML. If y'all can tolerate the ML lying (basically taking advantage of mc) while trying to act cute like he's an innocent puppy, go for this, if y'all can excuse the manipulation just to see a pretty 2D face woe another pretty 2D face
There Were Times When I Wished You Were Dead
i was wondering what on earth is this that i've subscribed to cause i dont remember it at all. previous comment is stupid ml though, and i was right. how hard is it to write a decent man? really? I agree with the title, except the entire time I was wishing for the emperor to just die. Can't even remember where I last read of what chapter I gave up on this lol
Everything was a Mistake
another emotionally constipated ml. please ensure your children have fully functional moral compasses and that they know how to communicate (*dropped by ch 21)
Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation