okay don't bully me for this but i need manhwa recs about clingy n babied uke... yeah

Yoon Wooyoung the most babied and clingy uke I've read:

i need some fluffy bl guys today is rlly fucked up

• Chéri, My Destiny!
• Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo
• Sugar Dog Life
• Cinderella Boy (From WEBTOON): Read this when I was kinda down, 10/10 brightened my day
•My Friend From Ojakgyo Bridge
•My Guildmate Next Door
•Unintentional Love Story
•Robber x lover

ik it's not related to manga but my friend died 3 days ago, but until now I don't know what to do.. I can't even cry, but I feel empty....
Have yall ever felt like this?

Hi hi! I've also had a friend who died early December and I just couldn't celebrate anything for a few months until late January. I understand how you are feeling, I just want you to know that it will get better and you will be happier and never think that just because you are happy means you forgot about their death. Death is a hard thing to get through but I promise if I does start to seem worse in ways you want to end it I would recommend seeking help from a therapist or even just talking to someone about how you felt when you found out and your journey to recovery so far. Recovering from a death is definitely a hard thing to do and it may even make you lose your will to live! I hope your journey to recovering and finding a way to continue does happen! I also do believe that your friend doess not want you to be sad and I promise from the bottom of my heart that they will always be with you even if you dont feel like they are.
I hope everything goes well in your life moving forward and I hope you friend is in a better place, watching out for you.
be honest guys name a popular bl manhwa with a good plot! like they deserves that popularity
Our sunny days
Can't think straight
Love sick dog
Kiss me if you can
A room without window
No moral
a painter behind the curtain
dear door
taming the tiger
kill the lights
bongchon bride
dark heaven
these are the only I could think of rn lol
“full volume” too, sweet as hell
wait if we're talking about plot make me bark is also good
and king's maker !!