Aiwi January 24, 2021 1:15 pm

Sot he story goes something like this

> Uke and Seme both acrt as if they're a couple but by the end of the first chaper we learned that the seme actually rejected the Uke before

>Uke is actually in a "relationship" with an older woman who already has a partner because that was the only way he'd keep his mind busy from the seme

I cant remember what happens in the middle but its somethung like,,,,,

>>Seme and Uke got together but the Uke said that the Seme only accepted his feelings bcs of pity and he left, leaving only a letter in the seme's jacket ((he put it there when they were shopping/eating out))

>>Seme reads it a few months (?) then wents to Uke's house to find that he was moving away

I pretty muched butchered the story hut its been awhile since I've read it aaaaa

Ig if it helps, the cover is the 2 of them facing each other and their hands are covering the other person's mouth

And the title is something like "thing's we can't say" (?????)

Aiwi December 11, 2020 9:26 am

Basically seme is always cold but could only feel warmth through the uke.

A l s o, Uke was supposed to kill the seme bcs he was hired to do so

    _yesdaddy December 11, 2020 9:29 am

    hold me tight

    Sugamama December 11, 2020 9:30 am

    Its hold me tight so its literally in the popular manga section. Lol

    Xiao_Fei December 11, 2020 9:31 am

    Hold me tight/Hug me tight ! URGH I’M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS

    Lemon Shemon December 11, 2020 9:38 am
    Its hold me tight so its literally in the popular manga section. Lol Sugamama


    Aiwi December 11, 2020 9:43 am
    Its hold me tight so its literally in the popular manga section. Lol Sugamama


    My data is kinda shit rn so I can't browse the popular tags unless I wait for a few mins so I prompted to ask here instead hahaha

Aiwi November 18, 2020 4:13 pm

Yall recommend me a manga where friends or sex friends who got too comfortable with each other but they both like each other and i now trynna figure out how to move from friends/ sex friends to lovers haha

    Andy November 18, 2020 4:22 pm

    sentimental lovers

    Andy November 18, 2020 4:25 pm

    Body Complex

    kokomi November 18, 2020 4:28 pm

    fuck buddies

EyriAri October 5, 2020 1:06 pm

Yall, honestly a H U G E pet peeve of mine is when in BL they prep the bottom in like a quick panel then B A M thats the prep they give like bruh???? It kinda breaks the immersion in a way alxbeiege

So yall recommend me some BL with series that properly prepes their bottom bcs uwu I wanna feel lonely

    yikes October 5, 2020 1:51 pm

    preping the anus for anal play to become loose takes at least an hour. so what do you want, 30 panels of fingering and rimming?

    EyriAri October 5, 2020 2:04 pm
    preping the anus for anal play to become loose takes at least an hour. so what do you want, 30 panels of fingering and rimming? yikes

    At least not smtng like bam theres one finger then oho ur ready kind of bs

    yikes October 5, 2020 2:33 pm
    At least not smtng like bam theres one finger then oho ur ready kind of bs EyriAri

    like i said it takes a lot of time. naturally, there would be a time skip to penetration. because otherwise, the sex scene in the manga would be 80% prep/foreplay. showing a fingering scene is just fan service

EyriAri September 27, 2020 12:41 pm

Recommend me some stuff with

>>just wholesome shit or not too muh drama

>> GL with kids??? Yeah??? I like kids in manga or manhwa so yes plsss

>> Your favorites and why I should prolly read it!!

EyriAri September 26, 2020 8:37 am

Ight so recently I've been into this trope:

>> guys who seem ugly/ ordinary but is actually hella pretty/ handsome if they dress right

So if yall have a list or anything you want to recommend. Send them my way

EyriAri September 22, 2020 11:10 am

As what the title says: thse are the details of the story

>>Its BL
>> Seme takes up Uke who has no where to go- gives him a job as a bartender through a friend
>> Seme kill beasts and is part of an organization that hunts and kills those beasts
>>Uke is also a beast
>> Uke says that he doesn't remember his past but actually does and his mother told him to the man in the photo bcs he'll help him (?)

EyriAri September 17, 2020 7:14 am

Anyone willing to translate "Princess in the Dumpster" ? I'm willing to help in the proof reading haha

    Crazyperson516 September 17, 2020 9:15 am

    Im pretty sure its already being translated atm?

    EyriAri September 17, 2020 9:42 am
    Im pretty sure its already being translated atm? Crazyperson516

    Ah shit I forgot to add the word novel HAHA

    The novel isn't being translated rn- or the current translator deleted their work

EyriAri September 14, 2020 1:25 pm

So I've seen quite a lot of (BL) series with the rape trope and the comments always say something like

"They can remove the rape scene and it would still be the same" or something along those lines

So I was wondering if there was any series that had rape in it but it actually made sense or that it fitted the story??

Or are people just saying just because they can??

Lmao idk- if you can recommend smtng like that y not share it with me ahahaha

EyriAri September 5, 2020 2:49 pm

I read this story a long ass time ago so the facts may not be 100% accurate but this is the best I can do

>>Its bl
>> The story’s setting is in a school
>> MC 1 founds an extra room in his school, I forgot what kind of room it is
>> MC 1 meets MC 2 in that room
>> They talk n shit ofc they fell in love bcs duh its romance
>> Oh and they also slept together in that room in school

Here’s some v specific details abt said series
>> Apparently MC 2 is from the past
>> MC 1 is from the present- the reason why MC 2 found out is bcs he saw the date in MC 1’s phone
>> After MC 2 found out it they couldn’t go back to the room bcs he found out the secret of the room
>> UHHH I can’t remember exactly what but right after MC 1 and MC 2 slept together, this is the time MC 2 found out abt the different time thingy, MC 1 is alone in that room.

>> MC 2 after him not being able to go back continue to study somewhere

>>MC 2 meets a woman who looked like MC 1

>> MC 2 and thw woman got together and had a kid and named him after MC 1

>> MC 2 realized that after the kid grew up he started to look like MC 1- he realized that the he met was HIS SON AJBZHEHE



Basically thats the story? I can’t remember how it ended so if yall know the title of this series pls tell me huhuhu

Its not "Not Equal"-- they were hs students

Last time I'll be postjng this bcs Idk if this sereis can even be found,,, I tried like I spend hours tryingbto look for this..

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