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whodofknown November 23, 2023 10:22 am

did cadre scans drop this?
was confused when I saw a different uploader
and then another person uploaded the same chapter

whodofknown October 31, 2023 8:53 am

I've heard of people having mood swings when they go cold turkey like that
jaekyung was bad but I think all the pressure and the lack of fucking food took it another level
I'm waiting for the change arc
idk I just think dan is an empathetic person and jaekyung isn't great with people pitying him and there's a reason why he needs to be the best and he's really particular with his diet and workout plan

other people might not take this as seriously as him, but this is probably his whole life

idk I just keep thinking of the way he's been acting trying to understand and guess his backstory

he's always been cold... idk if this was learned, a survival tactic, or he just got chipped away at growing up.
cuz he's a pos

    Mirin October 31, 2023 1:01 pm

    Since JK might be broken by his past, is it okay for him to broke another?

    whodofknown November 2, 2023 12:20 am
    Since JK might be broken by his past, is it okay for him to broke another? Mirin

    ??? obviously not
    Just trying to make guesses and understand why he's fucked up
    cuz obviously the goal will be to make us sympathize with him later
    understanding doesn't excuse behavior but I am wondering why he's a pos
    are you not wondering as well? if not, my comment obviously wasn't meant for you
    was hoping others might share their guesses

    Mirin November 2, 2023 2:23 am
    ??? obviously notJust trying to make guesses and understand why he's fucked upcuz obviously the goal will be to make us sympathize with him laterunderstanding doesn't excuse behavior but I am wondering why he's... whodofknown

    I won't try to find reason to excuse or forgive his abuse. So his past doesn't matter. What he did now is by his own choice. The damage can't be undone. Whatever his past try to find justice, that would never able to excuse his torment.

    You can't expect your reply would be all supportive. This is public forum. I simply ask to find your pov.

    whodofknown November 2, 2023 3:07 am

    i didn't expect the replies to all be supportive
    but this wasn't a jae appreciation post; if you don't want to find a reason―not an excuse cuz what he's doing is NOT excusable―that's fine
    Again, knowing why someone is acting a certain way doesn't excuse their behavior
    I'm just waiting for the change arc where the author will try and make us sympathize with him like I stated. Cuz I am interested in why he thinks he can get away with this behavior/why he's such an ass in the first place
    I'm wondering what his background might be and what might give me insight on why he's a pos
    I thought I conveyed that well in my initial post
    Maybe it's just how you read my post and how I read your post, but I don't know why you seemed upset that I was wondering. (that's how I understood your initial question) Cuz yes, this is a public post and I was hoping that other people would share any guesses/their thought processes as well
    I thought how I felt was obvious but if not, I don't think what he's doing is okay, and he's an abusive asshole who is raping and technically blackmailing doc dan

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