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Ice31 created a topic of Written in the stars

Well this story started off interesting a recessive alpha with dominant omega.

This story had so much potential but some scenes just felt a bit out of placed. The art is beautiful and the concept of no matter what you'll be loved and precious to me was what think the author/novelist wanted to get across. As an omega verse it was decent, there's better and way worst.

Now more specifics if haven't read do not proceed.


The dumpster yard of grandfather was seriously annoying. He got his just desserts in away but he got off doing so much damage it didn't really feel like enough but eh

How the rape scene came into play felt kinda random. One second with a golf club breaking things while upset next off guard enough to be drugged from behind and dragged off. I'm not blaming the victim that whole scene felt unnecessary. Then the drugged gangbang orgy type thing...

As far as the alpha sleeping with him right after is a shade of gray. His immediate response was hospital but his own partner wanted that for of comfort.

Some trauma patients in real life have a similar response. Wanting to sleep with someone of choice immediately; for Confirmation they're not as dirty as they feel, reassurance that they can still have some control over who they can share their body with and can be with someone they want, it's more about feeling in control again since there choice was violated. If the omega was rejected could have cause more psychological trauma believe it or not, and his alpha did take him to the hospital after he was calmer.

You can look up different trauma responses if you want to get better understanding of that psychosis. I think the author did their research on that matter.

I like how they didn't completely pretend that traumatic incident never happened and he was miraculously fine. The recovery felt a little bit glossed over by the pairing but eh not the worst wrap up.

The kidnapping and gun scene just felt mad epic for no reason then downplayed. Idk how alpha didn't have no noticable scars from the incident, maybe help of sketchy doctor's supplements or shows how long he was actually unconscious... The element I liked was how the recessive alpha wasn't meek Infront of dumpster yard of grandfather.

I was hoping the plot twist would be he was a recessive alpha all along or was made into an recessive omega by the drugs and get abused and tortured to see how it feels but eh that never happened...

The doctor's sketchiness and malpractices was also pretty much brushed under the rug, he somehow even became their kid's doctor... Yeah okay.