Aside from this im so excited for 2nd season and whatever craziness it brings w it (his mother beat stage 3 breast cancer and entered congress..... Slay? I suppose)
i saw some grown up hee seo pictures online so im assuming it already started so imma look for those
EDIT: by slay I DONT MEAN I SUPPORT TAE-KYUNG'S MOM cuz im still in disbelief like it's satire like this lady actually got away w it all abd even got into the congress i also kinda wanna see karma hit her and i wanna know why she did it, CUZ B4 THE PLOT TWIST I THOUGHT SHE WAS A COOL LADY cant have shit in this house istg

I don't care for whatever nonsensical scheme you're trying to cook up, I know it's to make the couple stronger but still annoying
The fluffy couple deserve happiness, to heal each other's scars, they're cute and wholesome together

Even when his body is in pain or injured he grits his teeth through it. Someone like that had to ignore how they were feeling to get to the position they're in.
Expressing and identify his emotions are difficult for his type, it's easier to swing at something and physically vent that frustration.
Communication is the main thing lacking and with the ML personality I can't blame Kim Dan for leaving(the ML name would be acknowledge if character development ever happens)
Truthfully I'm glad he left. He wanted to warn him but as usual ML isn't easy to talk to, easily irritable.
The ML paying his debt, visiting his grandma, passionately fking him, feeding him, humoring him here and there with his limited patience is his way of showing affection as toxic as it may appear.
The reason the ML threw the key chain is because he felt frustrated that was the reason Kim Dan had be exhausted lately. Seeing him exhausted worried him though it wasn't consciously. Like why he's been so tired, for this I rather him resting as usual. Not being able to express that he acted like a total dick.
Even the twisted blindfold earphone/plug scene where the person crushing on Kim Dan sees them conjoined. We may see it as him being a possessive piece of sh*t but for someone like him who isn't usually that petty it's his twisted way of saying he's important to me and I'm willing to go to the extremes to prove it. He's just dense and not aware of it yet.
When the ML lashed out at Kim Dan it was more of I trusted you in spite of that photo sent to me, did you really betray me after all. I already have issues with my shoulder now the pain of my foot too but more than anything it hurts because it came from you.
Our dense ML doesn't recognize his feelings. All he knows is that he feels something and doesn't like it so wants it to end. It'd be nice if the ML stops his grandma bridal wardrobe from being disposed
Hopefully Kim Dan grandma recovers a bit so they can go to the beach and have some happy memories. He deserves happiness. It's not easy to deal with a fickle person, walking on eggshells all the time. I would be sad if her ashes are what goes to the beach with Dan...
I hope Kim Dan self-esteem improves, if he meets someone who cherishes him I'd welcome that.
Though most likely the ML would chase him to the end of the earth... If we have to deal with the dynamic of this couple hopefully there's at least character development.
Some type of true reflection and repentance on ML side and some type of dominance or assertiveness on Kim Dan's side. Don't reconcile to easily. Not using debt as a way to bind him.
The courtship should be grand & overwhelming. We seen Kim working many jobs to get him a gift we should see the ML going above and beyond in spite of his pride. Otherwise what's the point in a oneside relationship.
My grandma has a say if a person hurts you knowingly get away from them. If they hurt you unknowingly still get away from them.
I'll continue to read to see if this storm shows redemption. If not we'll I'm along for the ride.
I've read stories with worse ML's which some I dropped but can't recall at the moment

The nerve she's only ever been with him. I know the medicine gives phantom pregnancy symptoms, his parents are so cruel to her. If she ever really does get pregnant I hope he trust her more.
She just wants to be loved and protected by her dense asshole of a husband. He's not evil or intentionally cruel, his insecurities are vast. He needs to pull his head out of his ass and get over the difference in their status and upbringing to see reality.
His people and family don't treat her like royalty at all. Her own family doesn't care for her, all she has is him but she barely has that. She's been alone in a battlefield different from the one he is familiar with.
I don't think it's true but honestly, if people want to say that I fetishize gay men because I read yaoi then ok... lol. I can't even force myself to care at this point. At the end of the day, I'm going to read/watch what I like rather its yaoi manga or huge oppai Hentai. but no matter what I enjoy in fiction I will always treat REAL people with r......
No, I read different types of manga genre as long as it has a good plot/story. And I was really surprised when I first discovered BL, I didn't expect that a lot of them really has a great story. Many of the BL stories portrays true love better than those stories about heterosexual relationships. It's really strange because It really helped me ......
No, at least not me. Yaoi is not a proper representation of the gay male population, it is simply something created by women for women. I acknowledge the genre itself is fetishizing gay men but you can enjoy something without agreeing with it if you don't want to read gay men having sex read the fluffy shonen ai and don't attack me for reading this......
I'm a lesbian, myself, and I enjoy yaoi because it's written with a lot of emotion and with a lot of thought! And it also provides me with a lot of fluffy gay feels - lol, it's not all just about sex. Although I actually do enjoy reading about gay sex as well because it's not straight-focused? But that's just me. I don't really care who writes it -......
The thing is with your question, it generalizes every person that reads yaoi and that is not correct. While I agree that there are fujoshi/fudanshi who read yaoi objectify gay men, there are also people who read yaoi for the enjoyment of the genre and stick to just fangiringl/boying the manga itself. Being of the latter myself, my feelings when I r......
Taekyung has more scars than a veteran warrior