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Bunny.slop March 13, 2025 1:19 pm


Bunny.slop February 25, 2024 10:23 am

The Story was super cool in the beginning , gripping my interest until around chapter 50. However, as the story progressed after that, both the female and male lead transformed from lovable characters into ones I absolutely fucking HATE. Their once endearing qualities that made you root for them quickly faded, leading me to drop the story by chapter 97 which i don’t even know how i made it that far after chapter 50. besides The AMAZING subplot involving the father and brothers which was the most engaging aspect in the WHOLE FUCKING THING yet had no relevance in anything and had absolutely no fucking point in the plot, especially since the whole story focuses on the weird relationship between the FL and ML and the annoying"Keira" project that had alot of promise but became increasingly irksome and repetitive, not bringing anything new about the “Keira” project that readers didnt already fucking know instead just repeating everything over and over. The frustration peaked when the female lead's escape that took OVER 70 FUCKING CHAPTERS WHEN ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME was short-lived to say the least (less then 10 chapters), and she was quickly brought back cause the male lead somehow became a whole different fucking character after 3 years!?!? And then he tried to IMPRISON HER?!? And her acceptance of his possessiveness, despite previously despising her imprisonment as Keira, was baffling and infuriating distorting the whole reason why you WANTED her to succeed in the first fucking place. Such potential was squandered, leaving a sense of disappointment and missed opportunities.

    nimonomino February 25, 2024 4:42 pm

    FOR REAL. The story was good in the beginning and it had potential. The characters were twisted but they were likable as the story itself is supposed to be dark. But rn idek what they're doing. I have every single character except for her ex Fiance rn (kihu I suppose, I don't remember his name). The ml has become overly annoying and the fl is now the "tamed" one when it was supposed to be the other way round. She's just silently keeping up with every annoying thing he does. The same plot and story keeps dragging to the point I'm on the verge of dropping it. And as you said, I'm so annoyed with the whole Kiera project concept to be dragged for this long, it's literally 95+ chapters but we still haven't reached any conclusion, even nothing new about this plot is coming up. Also finally, girlie ran away for NOTHING. What was the point of running away if she was supposed to come back this easily ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Bunny.slop February 25, 2024 11:16 pm
    FOR REAL. The story was good in the beginning and it had potential. The characters were twisted but they were likable as the story itself is supposed to be dark. But rn idek what they're doing. I have every sin... nimonomino

    LITERALLY the keira project the whole point of the story has added NOTHING NEW TO IT SINCE THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS and the ml literally became a whole new person throughout the fucking thing UGH it makes me so irritated that something so good was ruined, and i literally dropped it cause of the way the male lead was treating the ONLY GOOD CHARACTER WHO HAS ANY CONSISTENCY KIHU kihu deserved soooo much fucking better.

    nimonomino February 25, 2024 11:39 pm
    LITERALLY the keira project the whole point of the story has added NOTHING NEW TO IT SINCE THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS and the ml literally became a whole new person throughout the fucking thing UGH it makes me so i... Bunny.slop

    Rn the story feels so draggy and I don't even feel the enthusiasm to keep up ALSO idk if it's just me but their I feel no chemistry about their ROMANTIC relationship. Like I feel no depth, no love, no butterflies, nothing absolutely. It just feels like a guy with obsession issues who's unhealthily obsessed with his "master" aka the fl and the fl who's just going with the flow. I feel no chemistry, no affection. Kihu my best boy got dragged into all of this mess trying to find and save Charlize in the past life and gained absolutely nothing, moreover went through so much, didn't even get the girl and now on the verge of getting killed because of the shitty kiera project. Author had absolutely no business making the ONLY good character suffer like this.

    The ml is also unbearably annoying to me idek why. It's not like I've never read any manhwas with yandere leads before. I HAVE read them and liked a few of them actually (yandere behaviours are obv not acceptable irl and I would never want that but I love everything in manhwas as long as they're good and have chemistry). But Dylan is just idk how to explain.

    Also the fact that he was groomed-

    levipleasecallmeback March 5, 2024 11:19 am

    i was gonna ask if this was worth finishing after dropping it, so THANK YOU for giving a detailed explanation!! it got messy for me during the insurgent arc and i haven’t looked back since

    their relationship and personality complexities tanked so much omfg? from old spoilers, i thought he was going to be a yandere and that she’d be on the run… it made the most sense since she got what she wanted by dismantling the kingdom, using/manipulating the prince, and taking back her freedom so wydm the author made her stay behind and was okay with being imprisoned- does her trauma not matter anymore lmao??

    Bunny.slop March 5, 2024 11:57 am
    i was gonna ask if this was worth finishing after dropping it, so THANK YOU for giving a detailed explanation!! it got messy for me during the insurgent arc and i haven’t looked back since their relationship... levipleasecallmeback

    LITERALLY, their personalities plummeted faster than the fucking Titanic sinking. The male lead did descend into a sort of yandere persona, but only in an irritating, annoying way that ruined him as a character. What's worse is the female lead accepted his weird yandere self and accepted him WANTING TO IMPRISON HER, WHICH WAS HER WHOLE CHARACTER'S TRAUMA!! Her trauma, which was initially a significant plot point, is shamefully disregarded for the majority of the story, only resurfacing briefly for the sake of a boring subplot that adds nothing new to the Keira project which we've been circling around THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME. AND THEN Her three years of “running away” and “trying to be free
    ” TO GET HER REVENGE WEREN'T EVEN BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO GET REVENGE WHICH WAS THE WHOLE POINT BUT BECAUSE SHE WAS SCARED OF HURTING THE MALE LEAD because she LOVED HIM ALL OF THE SUDDON?!? , and even though we've been WAITING for her to run away, SHE accomplishes NOTHING when she finally DOES like literally nothing , her only purpose of running away is to add reason as to why the male lead turns into a “yandere” or “crazy”

    In short thank fuck you dropped it earlier on like I WISH did and im glad my detailed rant prevented at least one person from experiencing something so annoying and godawful. Cause this still makes me heated even after dropping it weeks ago

    nimonomino March 5, 2024 12:59 pm
    LITERALLY, their personalities plummeted faster than the fucking Titanic sinking. The male lead did descend into a sort of yandere persona, but only in an irritating, annoying way that ruined him as a character... Bunny.slop

    The whole point of the plot, her revenge, her Reincarnation, her trauma was caused because she was imprisoned and TRAPPED inside the sword against her will. That was her villain origin story right. But now the ml is doing the exact same thing, she's literally imprisoned into the castle but now suddenly she's fine with all of it. Also we never actually properly saw the development of their romantic relationship. The fl was raising him as a crucial tool for her revenge and then BOOM one day she's suddenly in love with him. There was absolutely no BUILD UP of their romantic relationship

    Bunny.slop March 5, 2024 8:12 pm
    THISThe whole point of the plot, her revenge, her Reincarnation, her trauma was caused because she was imprisoned and TRAPPED inside the sword against her will. That was her villain origin story right. But now ... nimonomino

    EXACTLY! like everything starts falling apart after the time-skip when she gets the 1st part of her revenge, The relationship between the female lead and the male lead is IMMEDIATELY shoved into the spotlight with no buildup on her side, no excitement, and no genuine reason for her sudden affection towards him. It feels incredibly forced, AND LITERALLY IS FORCED saying “shes compelled to be in love with him just because she's Deva and he's deemed the perfect being for Deva." It's as if her also suddenly being Deva was also suddenly introduced solely to justify her sudden change in feelings towards the male lead, and honestly, it's frustrating beyond belief not to mention SHE, LITERALLY. HAS. MORE ROMANTIC TENSION WITH HER OTHER TWO MALE “FRIENDS” THE LONG HAIRED GUY WHO IS ALSO WANTING REVENGE CAUSE HE WAS ONE OF KERIAS PROJECTS VICTIMS OR KIHLU WHO WAS LITERALLY HER PAST LOVE WHO ALSO REMEMBERS THINGS BEFORE HE DIED. Like just mentioning it they sound like WAYY better choices for an actual male lead then this stupid fucker.

    nimonomino March 6, 2024 4:42 pm
    EXACTLY! like everything starts falling apart after the time-skip when she gets the 1st part of her revenge, The relationship between the female lead and the male lead is IMMEDIATELY shoved into the spotlight w... Bunny.slop

    Literally. I sense no tension between her and the ml it's like she's trying to stay obedient and not piss him off by staying in the castle. And being the respected one in the relationship as his "past teacher"
    I sense nothing romantic between then even when they're intimate. No butterflies whatsoever

    Eva March 30, 2024 7:27 am

    I was thinking of picking it up again after letting it marinate for a few years, thank you for preventing me from wasting my time!

    Bunny.slop March 30, 2024 10:09 am
    I was thinking of picking it up again after letting it marinate for a few years, thank you for preventing me from wasting my time! Eva

    Yes!! Read somthing actually worth wild instead of this flaming hot peice of shit

Bunny.slop's questions ( All 9 )

Bunny.slop April 24, 2024 3:34 am

I love you i love you expect my first born child thank you thank you THANK YOU (also this is a reminder to back up everything you have ever read in a google doc we dont know when it will never come back like this again)

Bunny.slop April 24, 2024 3:28 am

Dear mangago admins im on my hands and knees i will sacrifice my soul and my first born child to you please please fix my reading lists i will be fine if its just my read list i cant do this ive had this account for 6 years mangago as your loyal servant PLEASE

    NinIni April 24, 2024 3:30 am

    me too dude, i literally live here i need it back

    Bunny.slop April 24, 2024 3:32 am
    me too dude, i literally live here i need it back NinIni

    Like this has been my home for YEARS after this im definitely making a google doc of everything i have and will read this shit has me STRESSED the fuck out literally losing it

    Bunny.slop April 24, 2024 3:33 am
    me too dude, i literally live here i need it back NinIni


    NinIni April 24, 2024 2:50 pm
    OH MY GOD ITS FIXED Bunny.slop

    God knows we arent their strongest soldiers and decided to spare us
    Time to work in the foc in the case the worst happens

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hey im a lesbian who reads just romance could be yuri yaoi or reincarnation i dont really get the whole point of a mangago profile but whatever

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