I am bi. I love perverted Mangas without disturbing rape mindbreak. Yaoi and Yuri forever

OMG! A fellow bi and a fellow ace! Nice! I'm bi demisexual, and I don't like rape or noncon either, but I do read some stories that have it in the plot, but only if it's only like, a mention, cuz that's a major trigger for me. BDSM is supposed to ALWYAS be a consensual activity tho, so it's all good.

this was so cute and heartbreaking, I'm not yet sure if I cried more out of fluffiness or of heartache. I don't think this will be an harem, tho it can be. I think the pairs will form themselves in no time. I'm thinking Jae Won/KaRam and JunSeo/Jae Hee, tho Jae Hee needs to apologize for all the shit he put Jun Seo through.

I fucking hate the writer dude! He's basically conditioning the other guys reations him, there's no consent in that stuff! He consented to the acts ONLY, not the abuse!

I agree. That guy is taking advantage and even filming him. He has several files on him in his computer, he's clearly obsessed and I'm doubting it's in a good way..

THAT MOTHERFUCKER KNEW ALL ALONG, I LOVE HIM AND HATE HIM AT THE SAME TIME. I've always loved the omniscient best friend thing. On the other hand, this is about to go into absolutely insane levels of misunderstanding, it's a good thing that I already have a marked date for my session with a psychiatrist on may. lol
At least for me. I came to hate this Webtoon so much, I just wanted to see the fucking king die in agony, and now that I have, I feel no need to continue this to see the agony of the main character wondering if he's like his father. Fuck this tbh. I'm tired of angst.