Ido had the gun out and paper on the desk. He’s been acting different… I wonder if he was going to kill himself now that he’s accomplished his goal of “freeing” Sejin and giving him a good life where he doesn’t have to rely on others. I might be super wrong but it was my immediate thought when I saw the scene. Probably writing a tell all confession as a suicide note or something. Ido feels so guilty (rightfully so) it wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was his plan.

I really don’t understand what this arrangement with his sister is. Like is this a sex work thing? Is he getting paid? Am I the only one confused about the arrangement? I feel like it wasn’t really explained.

His sister is pimping him out, she's probably doing the same to herself, for money. He said that his sister helped him opened the tattoo shop. Now with their trouble background, where would they get that kind of money easily ? Sex work. In her unstable mind, she probably thinking she's doing him a great favor by providing him with a source of income to live comfortably. And Mitsuki still continues to listen to her because he thinks he own her for all she's done for him + being his only family + only one who cares about him at the time.

So funny how he was so annoyed his past partners didn’t respect his boundaries then he starts dating someone who respects his boundaries and he’s like “wait… no…” Maybe that’s why he fell for Kaede since he’s the first person that respected them and understood him. Still I love the flip flop Aimi did, too funny.

For creator who wants to make art as a career, you have got to be able to handle constructive criticism. You cannot survive when you’re always taking it personally. I will say Jia shouldn’t have done it as a birthday gift. I think she should have spoken with her friend about how she really loves her writing and was concerned for her. Told her she had some ideas on how to make it more appealing to the publisher. But the slap was crazy and the jealousy is out of control. Especially, since Jia is sharing her experiences with her friend and going out of her way to try a promote her friend’s writing. Jia is an airhead but she cared so deeply for her friend and just wanted to help her snap out of her depression episode.

Ye, but this is not giving feedback? This is her going in to change parts of Yeonjoo's story according to her taste?
She's not leaving comments on what part of the story could be change and what may be unnessecary. She just change it according to what she thinks it will be better instead of letting Yeonjoo changes the weak part of her story herself that fits to her style and the story she wants to tell more.

I mean of course the slap is out of hand but, I can understand why she would do that.
Additionally, jealousy is normal, it's a sucky feeling when you've put years into an artform only to have someone just join to automatically do better than you. But it's not like Jeonyoo is actively being hostile or discouraging towards Han Jia.
She even says that Han Jia writing is good to her.
It a sucky period for Yeonjoo and if Han Jia is too scared to talk about it to Yeonjoo, then she should have just let Yeonjoo to figure things out herself instead of doing what she did.
I think Matoba has a big ass crush on Hazuki’s mom lol He’s all upset her son bickers with her.
I say, welcome to the family, Ma-chan!