No no, let them continue objectifying people and drooling over 2d boys holding hands, and then let them wonder why they’re a social outcast.
Yeah I’d say you qualify as a B tier weirdo if you’re fluffing your muffin to gay sex. I really didn’t need to know you do that.
other people pretty much summed it up already but in short: yes. yes it is. it's invalidating to actual mlm and is absolutely no different from a cis male getting off to lesbian porn. it fetishizes the sexuality. i'm personally mlm and can advocate for the fact that it's weird/creepy. at least for me. i'm not gonna sugarcoat this for you.
It's super fucking invalidating (and creepy) to have a bunch of women getting their rocks off to gay men and/or depictions of gay men when it's quite explicitly stated as a rule that they're not interested. Almost as if you don't fucking believe them or something. It's expected that people would have enough sense to respect other people's sexualiti......
as a gay man, i agree with some aspects of this. i personally think its harmful and unneeded for the hets to write lgbt fiction simply because its not something theyre familiarized with. "write what you know", right? there's no need for straight people to write lgbt+ focused things when its not an issue they struggle with personally. furthermore, a......
Photo from Clowns // Fujoshi struggle posts